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Carsten Arnholm edited this page Aug 18, 2019 · 2 revisions


The boolean operator <projection2d> specifies the projection of a 3d shape into the XY-plane. The result is a new 2d shape.

Example with a rotated cylinder projected into the xy-plane to create a 2d shape. Result extruded slightly for easy visualisation in 3d.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xcsg version="1.0">
      <software name="angelcad" version="v1.3-02"/>
      <model name="projection2d" created="2019-08-18T09:12:39"/>
   <linear_extrude dz="0.01">
         <cylinder h="100" r="30" center="false">
               <trow c0="0.86602540378443871" c1="0" c2="0.49999999999999994" c3="0"/>
               <trow c0="0" c1="1" c2="0" c3="0"/>
               <trow c0="-0.49999999999999994" c1="0" c2="0.86602540378443871" c3="0"/>
               <trow c0="0" c1="0" c2="0" c3="1"/>

Original cylinder before projection:

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