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MILTON: Disease prediction with biomarkers and augmented PheWAS analyses


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MILTON: MachIne Learning PhenoType associatONs

An automated framework for learning phenotype contributing factors from UK Biobank (UKB) structured data. The tool can also be used to define case-control cohorts based on continuous or binary traits contained in UKB or by prediction from the fitted machine learning models.


MILTON is not currently available via PyPi but it will install with pip in debug mode. For complete installation procedure that creates a conda env and installs everything with pip, run:


If you already have a conda env that you want to use, activate it and from within the MILTON folder run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Basic Usage

MILTON uses dask for parallel reading of partitioned datasets, hence it needs to start a session beforehand.

from milton import *

sess = Session('local')  # use multiprocessing - most recommended

The session object offers a high-level interface for running MILTON pipelines based on pipeline configurations. The configurations are special objects that have two-level hierarchy of settings and which define all aspects of a MILTON run. The Settings objects pretty-print their full contents in Jupyter notebooks so you can use that to learn the available options:

>> conf = Settings()
>> conf

Milton Settings
  data_location : /home/.../dummy_ukb_data
  default_model : xgb
  disease_prevalence : None
  gene_significance_thresh : 0.05
  collapsing_controls : None
  icd10_codes : None
  training_controls : None
  biomarkers : False
  derived_biomarkers : None
  environmental : False
  lifestyle : False
  medical_history : False
  mental_health : False
  olink : False
  olink_covariates : False
  overall_health : False
  pulse_wave : False
  respiratory : False
  social : False
  correlation_thresh : 0.5
  drop_features : None
  drop_patients_with_missing_frac : 1.0
  feature_scaling : standard
  na_imputation : median
  effect_sizes : True
  embedding : False
  feature_embeddings : None
  feature_importance : True
  location : .
  model_performance : True
  title : Milton Report

To view the full list of settings (lower-level) run:


By default, MILTON will run on the dummy UKB data included in the distribution. The following example sets up a dummy config to make it run on the dummy data:

conf().analysis.min_cases = 10
conf().analysis.min_prediction_thresh = .5     # accept low quality predictions
conf().features.biomarkers = True              # default 67 biomarkers
conf().patients.spec = pd.Series(1, index=range(1, 51))  # dummy subject IDs for cases

# fit models, estimates feature importance
result = sess.evaluate(conf)  

# collapsing analysis and rest of pipeline

Milton Datasets

MILTON features a dedicated data access layer that requires data to be stored in the parquet binary format. It uses pandas and pyarrow for data reading and processing. Check out the contents of the dummy_ukb_data folder to see how MILTON expects its datasets to be stored under a single root. The folder contains also companion files such as ancestry-specific sample ID files, ID lists for subjects that opted out from UKB and should not be included in analyses and collapsed variant matrices (UKB-derived data, see description below). Make sure you check the contents of the file which defines the datasets expected to be found as well as the MILTON data root folder under the UKB_DATA_LOCATION global constant.

UKB data comes by default as a collection of large CSV files which are quite costly to work with directly, especially if you need to read them multiple times. MILTON includes tools to convert the standard UKB data files into parquet. There are two routines, one converts the main UKB dataset which, due to the large number of columns, requires dedicated treatment and a more generic function for conversion of remaining companion datasets.

Conversion of Main UKB dataset

You will need a Dask cluster of several nodes, each with about 64 GB of RAM. The conversion if fully automatic and it sets up a small cluster with slurm:

from pathlib import Path
from milton.ukb_csv_to_parquet import *


Conversion of Remaining Datasets

The following example converts the gp_clinical.txt dataset to parquet and splits it into a number of chunks for quicker reads. No dask cluster is used but the full file is read to memory so make such you have enough of it:

from pathlib import Path
from pyarrow import csv
from milton.ukb_csv_to_parquet import *

            'eid', 'data_provider', 'event_dt', 'read_2', 'read_3',
           'value1': pa.string(),
           'value2': pa.string(),
    use_dictionary=['read_2', 'read_3'],

Collapsed Variant Matrices

MILTON runs collapsing analysis on its extended cohorts and uses sparse matrices (csr_matrix from scipy) to represent genotypes of all UKB subjects. Dummy examples are included in qv_models sub-folder of the dummy data folder and they comprise pickled triplets: subject IDs (matrix rows), gene names (matrix columns), the csr_matrix object containing binary data that indicates presence/absence of a variant in a gene for a subject. The collapsed variant matrices were derived from UKB WES data by AZ Centre for Genomics Research and more information can be found in the following two publications:

Configuration Extras

Please note that when specifying your own case/control ids, MILTON doesn't know which ICD10 to use for time-lag calculation. Therefore, only time-agnostic model is implemented in this case. Please perform the sub-setting yourself while deriving case and control ids.

Cases and controls

To specify multiple ICD10 codes

from milton import *

desired_codes=['N18', 'C50', 'C61', 'F30']
for code in desired_codes:
settings().patients.spec = list(itertools.chain(*all_codes_list))

To specify your own list of cases and controls:

  • using case ids only

settings().patients.spec = pd.Series(1, index=case_ids)

  • using case and control ids

settings().patients.spec = pd.concat([pd.Series(1, index=case_ids), pd.Series(0, index=control_ids)])

To set minimum number of training cases to 0, default 100

settings().analysis.min_cases = 0

To specify control subset for training XGBoost

settings().patients.training_controls = <list of control ids>

To specify control subset for performing collapsing analysis

settings().patients.collapsing_controls = <list of control ids>

To remove certain subjects from analysis.

settings().patients.used_subjects = list(set(settings().patients.used_subjects).difference(<list of subject ids to exclude>)

To perform low power collapsing analysis (only on subjects with Olink or NMR metabolomics data, for example, and not the entire UKB cohort)

settings().analysis.collapsing_on_data_index = True


To run MILTON on a subset of proteins:

settings().features.olink = <list of olink protein names such as ['C2', 'TNF']>

To add extra features from UKB based on their field ids:

settings().features.ukb_custom = [21025, 21027] #UKB field IDs for additional 7 features

Custom feature imputation

settings().preproc.na_imputation_extra = {
            'Testosterone': GenderSpecNAStrategy(males='median', females='median'),
            Col.RHEUMATOID_FACTOR: ('constant', 0.0),
            Col.OESTRADIOL: GenderSpecNAStrategy(males=36.71, females=110.13),
            'Had menopause': CategoricalNAStrategy(),
            'Smoking status': CategoricalNAStrategy(),
            'Age when periods started (menarche)': ('constant', -5), 
            'Age at first live birth': ('constant', -5),

Feature Selection with Boruta

MILTON ships with version 0.4 of boruta_py package since it cannot as of July 2024 be installed with pip. The implementation is included verbatim.


MILTON: Disease prediction with biomarkers and augmented PheWAS analyses







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