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A Professional Web Developer Portfolio, by Alex Muñoz.


AstroboyReloaded | Portfolio

📗 Table of Contents

📖 Alex Muñoz's Web Developer Portfolio

This project aims to create a fully implemented professional portfolio to host my best work as a web developer. The portfolio itself is now in a mobile version develpment stage.

For future implementations, please go to the Future Features section. Click here to see the Live Demo.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack


Key Features

  • Ensure meeting industry standards and best practices with linters
  • Mobile First.
  • Header Section
  • Headline Section
  • Projects Section
  • About Section
  • Contact form + basic validation
  • Footer Section / Social Networks
  • Style for different states to all buttons
  • Desktop version
  • Transitions to all clickable elements
  • Deployed to GitHub Pages
  • Accessibility and Screen Reader adapted
  • Mobile menu display implementation with JavaScript
  • Render .works's content dinamically with JavaScript
  • PopUp window created dinamically with JavaScript for each project
  • Form validation with JavaScript
  • Local storage for form imputs content when not submited

🚀 Live Demo



  • If you wish to work from this project by editing it's code:
git clone


You may add linters to ensure adhering to best practices.

1.- Create a package.json:

npm init -y


npm init

to fill up fields manually.

2.- Install all dependencies (linters):

npm install


  • May use as a base or reference to develop your own portfolio.
  • Run
npx hint .

to get an HTML review.

  • Run
npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"

to get a CSS review.

  • Run
npx lighthouse <URL>

to get a performance review.

  • Run
npx eslint .

to get a JavaScript review.

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👤 astroboyReloaded

🔭 Future Features

  • Real Projects.
  • My CV.

🤝 Contributing

Please let me know if you find any issues in this repo's code! Feel free to check the issues page.

⭐️ Show your support

If you like my work on this project, please give me a star on this repo. I would also love to read your comment letting me know what you think!

🙏 Acknowledgments

Thanks to Microverse for giving me a path to follow in this learning journey! Thanks to my mates, who walk by and share they experiences and knowledge with me during this journey: you make this experience even more valuable! Thanks to GitHub for being so awesome!

📝 License


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