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Python Cookiecutter Project Template Generation using GitHub CLI and GitHub Actions CI/CD.

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Python Cookiecutter Project Template


This project provides a tool to generate Python project templates using Cookiecutter, GitHub CLI, and GitHub Actions CI/CD. It automates the setup of a new Python package/project using modern, industry-standard tools and practices. It includes a comprehensive setup for linting, testing, continuous integration, and more. The template is fully customizable and can be adapted to fit your specific needs.


  • Automated Repository Creation: Generates a new GitHub repository with the necessary boilerplate code.

    ├── Makefile
    ├── pyproject.toml
    ├── src
    │   └── package_import_name/
    ├── tests/
    └── version.txt
  • Customizable Configuration: Allows specifying repository name, visibility (public/private), package import name, upserting PyPI Secrets.

  • Pre-configured Setup: Includes configuration files like pyproject.toml, .gitignore, Makefile, .vscode settings, etc.

  • CI/CD Integration: Incorporates a GitHub Actions workflow for linting, testing, and building the package.

  • Secrets Management: Automatically sets up PyPI tokens for publishing packages.

  • VS Code Integration:: Includes settings for VS Code to ensure a consistent development experience.

    • Auto-completion | Syntax highlighting | Auto-formatting on save | Linting error detection | Test discovery and execution


  • Saves Time: Automates repetitive setup tasks for new Python projects.
  • Ensures Best Practices: Pre-configured with industry-standard tools and practices.
  • Customizable: Easily adapt the template to fit your specific needs.

Quick Local Start Guide for Development

# Install cookiecutter into an isolated virtual environment
python -m venv ./venv/
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install cookiecutter

# cookie cut the template, answering the prompts, e.g.
#  - repo_name: my-awesome-package
#  - package_import_name: my_awesome_package


  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.

  2. Setup a Personal Access Token: Create a PERSONAL_GITHUB_TOKEN Token with following Permissions and add it as a secret to the repository.

    Permission Access
    Administration Read and write
    Actions Read and write
    Contents Read and write
    Environments Read and write
    Metadata Read-only
    Pull requests Read and write
    Secret scanning alerts Read and write
    Secrets Read and write
    Variables Read and write
    Workflows Read and write
  3. Optional: If you intent to publish the package to PyPI, create a PyPI token and add it as a secret to the repository. The secret should be named as TEST_PYPI_TOKEN and PROD_PYPI_TOKEN for production and test PyPI tokens respectively.

  4. Run the Workflow: Trigger the GitHub Actions workflow(Create or Update Repo) via the GitHub UI.

  5. Fill the Form: Provide the necessary inputs such as repository name and package import name.

  6. Review and Merge: A pull request will be created with the generated boilerplate code. Review and merge it to start using your new project setup.

  7. Clone the repository and start developing your Python package/project. Customize the template as needed.

  8. By default, publish to PyPI has been disabled in the github actions workflow.

    • To enable it, uncomment the Publish job in the workflow file newly_generated_repo/.github/workflows/build-test-publish.yaml and provide the necessary PyPI token secret.

Project Setup Walkthrough

Project Architecture

Project Architecture

This project consists of a tool designed to generate GitHub repositories pre-configured with all necessary files and settings to streamline Python development. The architecture involves two main repositories and uses several key tools.


  1. Python Cookiecutter Template: This repository contains template files for generating new Python project repositories.

    • Template Files: Include Makefile, .pre-commit-config.yaml, pyproject.toml, source(src/) and tests/ folders, and more.
    • Placeholders: Uses placeholders (e.g., {{ cookiecutter.repo_name }}) for project-specific values that will be populated during repository generation.
  2. Generated Repositories: Created using the template from the Cookiecutter repository, these repositories are pre-configured with all necessary files and settings.


  1. Repository Creation: A GitHub Actions workflow triggers the creation of an empty repository on GitHub.
  2. File Generation: The workflow populates the template files with project-specific values provided through a form.
  3. Commit and PR:
    • The populated files are committed to a new branch in the generated repository.
    • A pull request (PR) is automatically opened from this branch to the main branch.
  4. CI/CD: The presence of a GitHub Actions workflow file in the PR triggers a build, running linting and tests to ensure the configuration works correctly.
  5. Repository Configuration: Additional configurations, such as setting PyPI secrets and user access, are automated using GitHub's API.

Tools Used

  1. Cookiecutter: A framework for creating project templates. It uses placeholders to generate files with project-specific values.
  2. Jinja: A templating engine used by Cookiecutter for string substitution in files and filenames.
  3. GitHub CLI: A command-line tool for interacting with GitHub, allowing automation of repository creation, secret setting, and other tasks.
  4. Pytest: A testing framework for Python. The project uses an advanced pytest plugin for running tests in parallel, enhancing test efficiency.
  5. SetupTools: A package development tool that simplifies the process of packaging and distributing Python projects.
  6. Linting Tools: Includes flake8, autoflake, black, isort, black, mypy, radon, ruff, pytest, pytest-cov, and pre-commit for ensuring code quality and consistency.

Workflow Summary

  • Form Submission: Users fill out a form to provide details for the new repository.
  • Workflow Execution: The GitHub Actions workflow handles repository creation, file generation, and initial PR creation.
  • Automated Testing: The generated repository undergoes automated testing to ensure all configurations are correct.
graph TD;
    A[Create Repo if Not Exists] ---> B[Configure Repo, i.e. PyPI Secrects, Branch Protection, etc.]
    A ---> C[Open a PR with Boilerplate Code]

Folder Structure

├── Makefile
├── assets/
├── cookiecutter.json
├── pyproject.toml
├── requirements.txt
├── .github/workflows/
│   └── code-quality-checks-and-tests.yaml
│   └── create_or_update_repo.yml
├── tests/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── fixtures/
│   ├── functional_tests/
│   └── utils/
├── version.txt
└── {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/
    ├── all the boilerplate code is here

✍🏼Amit Vikram Raj