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An event management demo app made in React and .NET.


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Repository files navigation


A demo project for a React with a .NET API. Uses MobX for state management, and Semantic UI for components. In the project, a user can manage their activities or join other users' activities.

UI is bundled together with the API for convenience, but it should be served via a proper web server, e.g. nginx, and behind a reverse proxy in "production".

PS: Some corners were cut to save time and effort, e.g. having business logic in a controller or missing validation or not using Mediator pipelines... When writing a real-world application such things must be avoided.



# Inside the project directory

docker compose up -d # To start the database
dotnet watch --project ./API # To run the API and apply EF Core migrations
cd ./Web # Go to the Web UI directory
pnpm install # Install dependencies
pnpm dev # Run the Web UI



To run the app in production, the following steps are required:

  1. Build docker image from Dockerfile (frontend and backend will be together in the image)
  2. Push the image to a registry (e.g. Docker Hub)
  3. Deploy the image to a server (e.g.


Docker is used to have easy access to a database in development, and to deploy the app to production on ([].

# To build for production (might not work on arm64)
docker build -t azdanov/reactxnet .

# To run the production image
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 --env-file .\API\.env --name reactxnet azdanov/reactxnet
# NB: To test locally when docker-compose is running, change the DefaultConnection.Host to "host.docker.internal".
# And run build:api in the Web UI directory.

# Push the image to Docker Hub
docker login
docker push azdanov/reactxnet:latest is used to deploy the app to production.

  • Install the flyctl CLI:
  • Sign up for an account: fly auth signup
  • Login to the CLI: fly auth login
  • Launch the app (only DB, don't deploy yet): fly launch --image azdanov/reactxnet:latest
  • Modify the fly.toml file to have the following content:
        ASPNETCORE_URLS = "http://+:8080"
  • Set App secrets: fly secrets set KEY=VALUE
  • Deploy the app: fly deploy

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are used to build and push the docker image to Docker Hub and deploy the app to on every push to repository.

Before using the GitHub Actions, the following secrets should be set in the repository settings:


Security Headers

The app uses NWebSec to set security headers. Make sure that all the CSPs are set correctly, and there are no errors in the console.

Noteworthy NPM Packages

  • date-fns - Modern JavaScript date utility library.
  • MobX - Simple, scalable state management.
  • Formik - Build forms in React, without tears.
  • React Router - Declarative routing for React.
  • Semantic UI React - The official Semantic-UI-React integration.

Noteworthy NuGet Packages

  • Mediator - A high performance implementation of Mediator pattern in .NET using source generators. The API and usage are mostly based on the great MediatR library, with some deviations to allow for better performance.
  • Mapperly - A .NET source generator for generating object mappings. No runtime reflection. Inspired by MapStruct.
  • FluentValidation - A validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building strongly-typed validation rules.

EF Core

Project uses EF Core and the migrations are created in the Persistence project.

Migrations are automatically applied in development when the API is started.

  1. Install the EF Core tools: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Creating EF Core migrations

  1. Create a migration: dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -s API -p Persistence
  2. Update the database: dotnet ef database update -s API -p Persistence

Revert EF Core migrations

  1. Revert the migration: dotnet ef database update 0 -s API -p Persistence
  2. Delete the migration: dotnet ef migrations remove -s API -p Persistence
  3. Update the database: dotnet ef database update -s API -p Persistence

EF Core drop database

  1. Drop the database: dotnet ef database drop -s API -p Persistence


An event management demo app made in React and .NET.






