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0x00. Shell, basics

man or help

  • cd: change directory
  • ls: list directory contents
  • pwd: print name of current working directory
  • less: view file contents
  • file: determine file types
  • ln: create hard and symbolic links
  • cp: copy file and directories
  • mv: move/rename files and directories
  • rm: remove files and directories
  • mkdir: create directories
  • type: indicate how a command line name is interpreted
  • which: display which executable program will be executed
  • help: get help for shell builtins
  • man: display a command's manual page

0x01. Shell, permissions

man or help

  • chmod: change a file's mode
  • sudo: execute a command as another user
  • su: return a shell as another user
  • chown: change a file's owner
  • chgrp: change a file's group owner
  • id: display the user identity
  • groups: print the groups a user is in
  • whoami: print effective userid
  • adduser: creates a new user in the system
  • useradd: creates a new user
  • addgroup: creates a new group in the system

0x02. Shell, I/O redirections and filters

man or help

  • echo: display a line of text
  • cat: concatenate files
  • head: output the first part of a file
  • tail: output the last part of a file
  • find: search for files in a directory hierarchy
  • wc: print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
  • sort: sort lines of text
  • uniq: report or omit repeated lines
  • grep: print lines matching a pattern
  • tr: translate or delete characters
  • rev: reverse lines characterwise
  • cut: remove sections from each line of files
  • passwd (5) (i.e. man 5 passwd): passwd - password file

0x03. Shell, init files, variables, and expansions

man or help

  • printenv: print all or part of environment
  • set: set or unset options and positional parameters
  • unset: unset values and attributes of variables and functions
  • export: set the export attribute for variables
  • alias: define or display aliases
  • unalias: remove alias definitions
  • .: execute commands in the current environment
  • source: contains sample profile files for general or individual use
  • printf: format and print data

0x04. Shell, loops, conditions, and parsing

man or help

  • env: run a program in a modified environment
  • cut: remove sections from each line of files
  • for: repeatedly execute a set of commands for every element present
  • while: repeatedly execute a set of commands as long as the COMMAND returns true
  • until: executes a set of commands as long as the final command has an exit status which is not zero
  • if: executes commands based on conditions

0x05. Shell, processes and signals

man or help

  • ps: report a snapshot of the current processes
  • pgrep: looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDS which match the selection criteria to stdout
  • pkill: will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each process instead of listing them on stdout
  • kill: terminate a process
  • exit: cause normal process termination
  • trap: trap signals