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Tar all source files required — but no more! — to compile your LaTeX project


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TarTeX is a command-line utility to generate a tarball including all required — but no more! — (non-system) source files to (re)compile your LaTeX project elsewhere.

Table of Contents


  • Defaults to including the least number of files needed to recompile your LaTeX project in the output tar file.
  • Creates tarballs compatible with arXiv (and most journal) requirements.
  • Automatically determines pdf or ps processing based on source dir contents.
  • Supports different compression methods for output tarball.
  • Does not modify or create files inside source directory itself.
  • Preserves directory structure in generated tarball, i.e. no flattening.
  • Handy options to allow edge cases.
  • Native TAB-completion for common interactive shells: bash, fish, and zsh (help welcome for others).


Note: Unless you provide a prepared ".fls" file as FILENAME input, you must have latexmk and pdflatex, as well as a full LaTeX env installed to allow compilation of your LaTeX project. tartex does not include any system-wide files, such as standard TeX style files, classes, etc. in the tar file.

Using pipx

This is the easy way to install tagged releases.

pipx install tartex

From GitHub sources:

Compile using hatch to generate a wheel, which may be then installed using pipx as follows:

git clone
cd tartex
hatch build
pipx install ./dist/*.whl


Supported OS: Potentially any POSIX-like, tested only on Linux.

usage: tartex [OPTIONS] FILENAME

Build a tarball including all source files needed to compile your LaTeX project
(version 0.5.0).

positional arguments:
  FILENAME                 input file name (with .tex or .fls suffix)

  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  -V, --version            print tartex version and exit
  -a, --add=PATTERNS       include additional files matching glob-style
                           PATTERN; separate multiple PATTERNS using commas
  -b, --bib                find and add bib file to tarball
  -l, --list               print list of files to include and quit
  -o, --output=NAME[.SUF]  output tar file name; tar compression mode will be
                           inferred from .SUF, if possible (default 'gz')
  -p, --packages           add names of used (La)TeX packages as a json file
  -s, --summary            print a summary at the end
  -v, --verbose            increase verbosity (-v, -vv, etc.)
  -x, --excl=PATTERNS      exclude file names matching PATTERNS
  -j, --bzip2              recompress with bzip2 (.bz2) (overrides .SUF in
  -J, --xz                 recompress with lzma (.xz) (overrides .SUF in '-o')
  -z, --gzip               recompress with gzip (.gz) (overrides .SUF in '-o')

Options for latexmk processing:
  --latexmk-tex=TEXMODE    force TeX processing mode used by latexmk; TEXMODE
                           must be one of: dvi, lualatex, luatex, pdf, pdflua,
                           ps, xdv, xelatex
  -F, --force-recompile    force recompilation even if .fls exists

Shell completion options:
  --completion             print shell completion guides for tartex
  --bash-completions       install bash completions for tartex
  --fish-completions       install fish completions for tartex
  --zsh-completions        install zsh completions for tartex

Note: If the source dir of your LaTeX project already contains the .fls file previously generated by, say latex -record or latexmk, then tartex will directly use that file to determine which input files to include in the tarball. Otherwise, tartex will recompile your project using latexmk in a temp dir and use the .fls file generated there. To be precise, recompilation will invoke:

latexmk -f -<texmode> -cd -outdir=<tmpdir> -interaction=nonstopmode filename

texmode is one of pdf or ps by default, as detemined from the contents of the source dir. It may be overridden by the --latexmk-tex option.


tartex is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Similar utilities

  • bundledoc is a post-processor for the snapshot package that bundles together all the classes, packages and files needed to build a given LaTeX document.