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Preprocessing: Temporal downsampling

Biafra Ahanonu edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

Please use the online documentation website going forward:

Preprocessing: Temporal downsampling

Example code to run the downsample test function with the following commands:

testMovie = loadMovieList('pathToMovieFile');

Below is an example pixel from a cell in a BLA animal. Note...

  • ImageJ Scale...+bilinear+averaging (blue) and Matlab imresize+bilinear (red) both produce pretty much identical results.
  • imresize using bilinear and bicubic produce similar results with bicubic having slower runtimes (e.g. on my machine 3.46 vs. 4.31 sec if set cropSize to 100).
  • The number next to each name is the vector's variance. image