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281 lines (209 loc) · 7.44 KB

Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool

Master Branch Status


Bali is a minimal Golang build and packaging tool developed using Golang.


Bali has some functions that I think are useful:

  • Build parameters support derivation of environment variables
  • Package, create compressed package, support rpm, tar, zip, sh.
  • The Windows platform supports embedded version information, icons, and application manifest.

rpm supported compression:

  • gzip
  • zstd
  • lzma
  • xz

tar supported compression:

  • none --> pure tar
  • gzip --> tar.gz
  • zstd --> tar.zst
  • xz --> tar.xz
  • bzip2 --> tar.bz2
  • brotli -->

sh supported compression:

  • none --> pure tar
  • gzip --> tar.gz
  • zstd --> tar.zst
  • xz --> tar.xz
  • bzip2 --> tar.bz2

zip supported compression:

  • deflate
  • zstd
  • bzip2
  • xz

Bali's command line help information is as follows:

Usage: bali <command> [flags]

Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool

  -h, --help             Show context-sensitive help.
  -M, --module="."       Explicitly specify a module directory
  -B, --build="build"    Explicitly specify a build directory
  -V, --verbose          Make the operation more talkative
  -v, --version          Print version information and quit

  build     Compile the current module (default)
  update    Update dependencies as recorded in the go.mod
  clean     Remove generated artifacts

Run "bali <command> --help" for more information on a command.

bali build command:

Usage: bali build [flags]

Compile the current module (default)

  -h, --help                  Show context-sensitive help.
  -M, --module="."            Explicitly specify a module directory
  -B, --build="build"         Explicitly specify a build directory
  -V, --verbose               Make the operation more talkative
  -v, --version               Print version information and quit

  -T, --target="windows"      Target OS for which the code is compiled
  -A, --arch="amd64"          Target architecture for which the code is compiled
      --release=STRING        Specifies the rpm package tag version
  -D, --destination="dest"    Specify the package save destination
      --pack=PACK,...         Packaged in a specific format. supported: zip,
                              tar, sh, rpm
      --compression=STRING    Specifies the compression method


Common build:

cd /path/to/project

Create Tar.gz compressed package:

bali --pack=tar

Create STGZ installation package, mainly used on Linux/macOS platform:

bali --pack=sh --target=linux --arch=amd64

Output the installation package to the specified directory:

bali --pack=rpm --target=linux --arch=amd64 --dest=/tmp/output

Create multiple packages at once:

bali --target=linux --arch=arm64 '--pack=sh,rpm,tar' 

Bali build file format

Project file bali.toml:

name = "bali"
summary = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
description = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
package-name = "bali-dev"
version = "3.1.0"
license = "MIT"
prefix = "/usr/local"
crates = [
    "cmd/bali",     # crates

path = "LICENSE"
destination = "share"
rename = "BALI-COPYRIGHT.txt"
permissions = "0664"

Built-in environment variables:

  • BUILD_VERSION is filled by the version field of balisrc.json
  • BUILD_TIME is filled by the build time formatted according to RFC3339
  • BUILD_COMMIT is filled by the commit id of the repository (when it is a git repository)
  • BUILD_GOVERSION is filled by go version output (removed go version prefix)
  • BUILD_BRANCH is filled with the branch name of the repository (when it is a git repository)

Other environment variables can be used in goflags.

Program build file crate.toml:

name = "bali"
description = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
destination = "bin"
version = "3.1.0"
goflags = [

Windows-related manifest files (crate.toml sibling):winres.toml:

icon = "res/bali.ico" # data:base64-content
manifest = """data:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
        <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />
  <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
      <!-- Windows 10 -->
      <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/>
    <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">
      <longPathAware xmlns="">true</longPathAware>

FileFlagsMask = "3f"
FileFlags = "00"
FileOS = "40004"
FileType = "01"
FileSubType = "00"

Major = 0
Minor = 0
Patch = 0
Build = 0

Major = 0
Minor = 0
Patch = 0
Build = 0

Comments = ""
CompanyName = "Bali Team"
FileDescription = "Bali - Minimalist Golang build and packaging tool"
FileVersion = ""
InternalName = "bali.exe"
LegalCopyright = "Copyright © 2024. Bali contributors"
LegalTrademarks = ""
OriginalFilename = "bali.exe"
PrivateBuild = ""
ProductName = "Bali"
ProductVersion = ""
SpecialBuild = ""

LangID = "0409"
CharsetID = "04B0"

Bali integrates goversioninfo. When the target is Windows, it can embed version information (winres.toml) into the executable program.

The benefits of adding a reference program manifest are self-evident. For example, Windows UAC privilege escalation, Windows 10 long path support (ie path support> 260 characters), Windows Vista style controls, TaskDialog, DPI settings, etc. all need to modify the application manifest.


Usually after installing and configuring the Golang environment, you can follow the following command to complete Bali's bootstrapping:




# powershell
pwsh ./script/bootstrap.ps1
# cmd

Github Actions Use bali

go install


Bali's ability to automatically add version information to PE files is inseparable from the contribution of open source projects. Thank you very much akavel/rsrc and josephspurrier/goversioninfo Developer and maintainer of two projects.

The Bali Github organization and Bali's own icons come from The creator is Smashicons .