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Ilkka Törmä edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 5 revisions

This page documents the semantics of some non-obvious functions, as well as general conventions.

Argument order

The argument order of Husk functions is chosen in a way that (hopefully) makes partial application as convenient as possible, which is sometimes in conflict with the "natural" order. For example, the function minus (-) takes two numbers, k and n in this order, and returns n - k. This is because the function that subtracts k from its argument is more useful than the function that subtracts its argument from n. In the source code, the partial application -3 also visually hints that 3 is subtracted from something. Other functions that take their arguments in a non-obvious order include /÷%‰ (division and modulus), &| (short-circuiting Boolean operators) and ≥≤>< (comparison).

Some functions can take their arguments in either order, since the correct semantics can be inferred from their types. These include ! (indexing into lists), €£ (finding indices in lists), ↑↓ (prefixes and suffixes of lists) and RṘ (repeating values).

If a function takes another function as an argument, it is generally the first argument.


In Husk, a value whose type belongs to the Concrete typeclass (numbers and characters, and pairs and lists thereof) has a property called truthiness: it can be either truthy or falsy. Some functions, like if and filter, can inspect the truthiness of a value. The truthiness of a concrete value is determined as follows:

  • A number is falsy if it is equal to 0 (which includes the floating point value 0.0 and the special value Any), and truthy otherwise.
  • Whitespace characters are falsy, others are truthy. This is determined by the Haskell function Data.Char.isSpace.
  • An empty list is falsy, other lists are truthy.
  • A pair is falsy if either component is falsy.

Boolean functions

Some functions are designed to determine whether a condition holds, like eq and all, so they return a concrete value whose truthiness encodes the condition. By convention, such functions return nonnegative integers. Some only return 0 for falsy and 1 for truthy, but others pack additional information about the condition into the return value. Here are the semantics of some predicates.

  • eq, congr, simil, small and variants (=≡≈ε) always return 0 or 1.
  • divids (¦) returns b/a if a divides b, and 0 otherwise.
  • neq () returns 0 for equal values, and a "measure of inequality" for distinct values. This is ceiling of absolute difference for numbers, absolute difference of codepoints for characters, and index of first differing element for lists. On a pair, neq recurses to the first coordinates and then the second ones, returning the first nonzero result, if any.
  • ge, le, gt and lt (≥≤><) behave similarly to neq, except they return 0 for one ordering, and ge and le have their values incremented by one in the truthy cases.
  • all, same and sameon (ΛEË) return 0 or 1 + length(xs).
  • any, elem, oelem and variants (V€£) return the index of the first element that satisfies the predicate, or 0 is one doesn't exist.
  • Character predicates, like isuppr, return either 0 or the codepoint of the argument.

Numeric functions

Numeric values can be of three kinds: arbitrary precision rational numbers (which includes integers), double precision floats, or special values. The last kind consists of positive and negative infinities and the special value Any, which corresponds to NaN in more conventional languages, and is the result of 0/0. Any is considered to be equal to all other numbers. Numeric functions generally conserve the types of their arguments, casting rational numbers to floats if necessary. For example, div (/) returns a rational number or special value if its arguments are rational, and idiv (÷) always returns an integer or a special value. The rounding functions floor and ceil (⌊⌈) also return an integer or a special value. Most numeric functions support infinite arguments, although their behavior may not make sense from a mathematical point of view.

Default values

Every Husk type has a pre-defined default value that's used as a placeholder in some cases, like indexing into an empty list, and in the function prep0 (Θ), which prepends a default value to a list. The default numeric value is 0, the default character is a space, the default list is an empty list, and the default tuple is a pair of default values of the respective types. This means that the default value of a concrete type is always falsy. For function types, the default value is a function that ignores its argument and returns the default value of the return type.

Concrete types also have pre-defined minimum and maximum values, which are used when applying maxl or minl (▲▼) to empty lists. For numbers, these are negative and positive infinity, and for characters, the null byte and the maximum Unicode character. The minimum list is the empty list, while the maximum list is an infinite list of maximum values. For tuples, these values are again defined componentwise.

Higher order functions

Some functions, like countf and groupBy (), take functions as arguments and return new functions as results; we call them higher order functions. For example, groupBy takes an equality predicate and a list, and splits the list into chunks of equal elements. Sometimes it's worthwhile to apply groupBy on a function that's not semantically an equality predicate, and for that, it's good to know how groupBy is implemented. Here are some detailed descriptions of higher order functions.

  • groupBy (ġ) takes a predicate p and a list xs, and splits xs into chunks between each pair of adjacent elements x and y for which p x y is falsy.
  • nubby (ü) takes a predicate p and a list xs, and iterates through xs from left to right, removing some elements. An element y is removed if p x y holds for some earlier element x that was not removed.
  • sortby (Ö) takes a predicate p and a list xs, and sorts xs using p x y as a stand-in for "x is greater than y". More formally, xs is sorted in a stable way, comparing for each x the number of elements y for which p x y is truthy.
  • minlby () take a predicate p and a list xs, and returns an element x that minimizes the number of elements y for which p x y is truthy. maxlby () is similar, but maximizes the number.
  • sameby (Ë) takes a predicate p and a list xs. It returns 1 + length(xs) if p x y holds for all pairs x, y occurring in xs in this order (not necessarily adjacent), and 0 otherwise.
  • keyby (k) takes a predicate p and a list xs, and separates it into (possibly non-contiguous) subsequences for which Ë p holds. The algorithm is greedy: the first subsequence in the result contains the head x of xs, then the first element y after x for which p x y holds, then the first element z after y for which p x z and p y z hold, and so on. The skipped elements are used in the next subsequences.
  • onixes (η) takes a higher-order function f and a list xs, and applies f to the function that indexes into xs, and the list of indices of xs. Some common use cases include ηġ, which groups the indices of a list by its values, and ηf, which computes the indices of truthy elements.


Some higher order functions are called combinators, since their main purpose is to combine two or more functions together in a generic way, or in general to provide the "plumbing" of flow control. Here is a (possibly incomplete) list of combinators and their semantics. The letters f g h k stand for functions and x y z u their arguments.

  • com (o) is function composition: (o f g) x means f (g x). com2, com3 and com4, which share the same symbol, are defined mimilarly but with more arguments to g: (o f g) x y means f (g x y), (o f g) x y z means f (g x y z) and (o f g) x y z u means f (g x y z u). The correct implementation is inferred from context.
  • ȯ f g h is equivalent to o f (o g h) and composes three functions.
  • ö f g h k is equivalent to o f (o g (o h k)) and composes four functions.
  • comf (·) is function composition for the second argument: · f g x y means f x (g y). The variants comf2, comf3 and comf4 assume that g has higher arity: for example, · f g x y z u means f x (g y z u).
  • id (I) is the identity function.
  • const (K) takes two arguments and returns the second one. When applied partially, K x is a function that takes one argument, ignores it and returns x.
  • hook (S) is the S-combinator: S f g x means f x (g x).
  • bhook (S) is the S-combinator with an extra argument: S f g x y means f x (g x y).
  • hookf () is a flipped S-combinators: Ṡ f g x means f (g x) x.
  • bhookf () is hookf with an extra argument: Ṡ f g x y means f (g x y) y.
  • flip (`) changes the argument order of a binary function: ` f x y means f y x.
  • argdup (´) duplicates an argument: ´ f x means f x x.
  • fork (§) applies two functions to one value and combines the results: § f g h x means f (g x) (h x).
  • fork2 (§) is fork with an extra argument: § f g h x y means f (g x y) (h x y).
  • combin (¤) applies one function to two values and combines the results: ¤ f g x y means f (g x) (g y).
  • branch (~) applies two functions to two values and combines the results: ~ f g h x y means f (g x) (h y).
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