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Bus Seat Selection Functionality


This component allows users to select seats on a bus, providing a visual representation of the bus layout and interactive seat selection. It handles different seat statuses and gender-based seat reservations.

Seat Statuses

Seats have various statuses indicated by a Durum property:

  • 0: Seat is empty
  • 1: Seat sold to a female
  • 2: Seat reserved for a female
  • 3: Seat sold to a male
  • 4: Seat reserved for a male
  • 5: Seat is being sold
  • 6: Seat is unavailable

Adjacent seats (DurumYan) also have statuses:

  • 0: Adjacent seat is empty (can be sold to any gender)
  • 1: Adjacent seat sold to a female (can only be sold to females)
  • 2: Adjacent seat sold to a male (can only be sold to males)
  • 3, 4, 5, 6: Adjacent seat is undefined (cannot be sold)

Seats with seat numbers -1 represent corridors, doors, or tables:

  • "KO": Corridor
  • "KA", "PI": Door

Example Seat Data

The example seat data is included in your Bus.tsx file:

export const placeHolderBusSeats = [
    KoltukStr: "01",
    KoltukNo: "1",
    Durum: "3",
    DurumYan: "0",
    KoltukFiyatiInternet: "350",
    KoltukStr: "KO",
    KoltukNo: "-1",
    Durum: "0",
    DurumYan: "0",
    KoltukFiyatiInternet: "0",
    KoltukStr: "KO",
    KoltukNo: "-1",
    Durum: "0",
    DurumYan: "0",
    KoltukFiyatiInternet: "0",
    KoltukStr: "02",
    KoltukNo: "2",
    Durum: "1",
    DurumYan: "1",
    KoltukFiyatiInternet: "350",
  // Add more seats as needed

Seat Selection Logic

The handleSelectSeat function manages the seat selection process:

const handleSelectSeat = (seatNumber: string, gender: string) => {
  const selectedSeat = Array.isArray(seats)
    ? seats.flat().find((seat) => seat.KoltukStr === seatNumber)
    : null;

  if (!selectedSeat) {
    alert("The selected seat is not available.");
  if (userSelectedSeats?.length === 4) {
    alert("You can select up to 4 seats.");

  if (
    selectedSeat.Durum !== "0" ||
    selectedSeat.DurumYan === "3" ||
    selectedSeat.DurumYan === "4" ||
    selectedSeat.DurumYan === "5" ||
    selectedSeat.DurumYan === "6"
  ) {
    alert("The selected seat is not available.");

  if (selectedSeat.DurumYan === "1" && gender !== "female") {
    alert("This seat is only available for females.");

  if (selectedSeat.DurumYan === "2" && gender !== "male") {
    alert("This seat is only available for males.");

  if (!userSelectedSeats?.some((seat) => seat.seatNumber === seatNumber)) {
    setUserSelectedSeats((prevSeats) => {
      const updatedSeats = { ...prevSeats };
      const currentSeats = updatedSeats[busData.ID] || [];
      if (currentSeats.some((seat) => seat.seatNumber === seatNumber)) {
        updatedSeats[busData.ID] = currentSeats.filter(
          (seat) => seat.seatNumber !== seatNumber
      } else {
        updatedSeats[busData.ID] = [
            busId: busData.ID,
            price: selectedSeat?.KoltukFiyatiInternet,
      return updatedSeats;

Default Seat Selection Functionality

This component describes the seating arrangement, including the status (occupied or available) and the price of each seat.

Data Format

The data is presented in the following format:

  • ': Start of row
  • ;: End of row
  • a: Available seat
  • x: Occupied seat
  • _: Space
  • [A1, 1, 45]: Seat information, [seat name, seat number, seat price]

Example Data

"'a[A1, 1, 45]a[A2, 2, 25]a[A3, 3, 25]a[A4, 4, 251]a[A5, 5, 25]a[A6, 6, 25]x[A7, 7, 25]; a[B1, 1, 25]a[B2, 2, 25]x[B3, 3, 25]a[B4, 4, 25]_a[B5, 5, 25]'"


  "react": "^18.2.0",
  "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
  "react-icons": "^5.2.1",
  "rsuite": "^5.64.0"