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An Optimistic Approach to the Q-Network Error in Actor-Critic Methods


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An Optimistic Approach to the Q-Network Error in Actor-Critic Methods

This is the repository for the paper An Optimistic Approach to the Q-Network Error in Actor-Critic Methods. Source code for the algorithm is found under Algorithms. Learning curves as (1001,) NumPy arrays and their respective figures can be found under Results and Figures.


The following requirements are all publicly available and accessible.


  • Download or copy the source files (cloning is not available due to the anonymization).

  • Install the dependencies using requirements.txt:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


DDPG and TD3

  1. Run:

    usage: [-h] [--policy POLICY] [--env ENV] [--seed SEED] [--gpu GPU]
               [--start_time_steps N] [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE]
               [--eval_freq N] [--max_time_steps N]
               [--exp_regularization EXP_REGULARIZATION]
               [--exploration_noise G] [--batch_size N] [--discount G]
               [--tau G] [--policy_noise G] [--noise_clip G] [--policy_freq N]
               [--save_model] [--load_model LOAD_MODEL]
  2. Optional Arguments:

    DDPG, TD3 and their QEX Implementation
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --policy POLICY       Algorithm (default: QEX_TD3)
      --env ENV             OpenAI Gym environment name
      --seed SEED           Seed number for PyTorch, NumPy and OpenAI Gym
                            (default: 0)
      --gpu GPU             GPU ordinal for multi-GPU computers (default: 0)
      --start_time_steps N  Number of exploration time steps sampling random
                            actions (default: 1000)
      --buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE
                            Size of the experience replay buffer (default:
      --eval_freq N         Evaluation period in number of time steps (default:
      --max_time_steps N    Maximum number of steps (default: 1000000)
      --exp_regularization EXP_REGULARIZATION
      --exploration_noise G
                            Std of Gaussian exploration noise
      --batch_size N        Batch size (default: 256)
      --discount G          Discount factor for reward (default: 0.99)
      --tau G               Learning rate in soft/hard updates of the target
                            networks (default: 0.005)
      --policy_noise G      Noise added to target policy during critic update
      --noise_clip G        Range to clip target policy noise
      --policy_freq N       Frequency of delayed policy updates
      --save_model          Save model and optimizer parameters
      --load_model LOAD_MODEL Model load file name; if empty, does not load


  1. Run:

    usage: [-h] [--policy POLICY] [--policy_type POLICY_TYPE] [--env ENV]
                   [--seed SEED] [--gpu GPU] [--start_steps N]
                   [--exp_regularization EXP_REGULARIZATION]
                   [--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE] [--eval_freq N] [--num_steps N]
                   [--batch_size N] [--hard_update G] [--train_freq N]
                   [--updates_per_step N] [--target_update_interval N] [--alpha G]
                   [--automatic_entropy_tuning G] [--reward_scale N] [--gamma G]
                   [--tau G] [--lr G] [--hidden_size N]
  2. Optional Arguments:

    SAC and its QEX Implementation
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --policy POLICY       Algorithm (default: QEX_SAC)
      --policy_type POLICY_TYPE
                            Policy Type: Gaussian | Deterministic (default:
      --env ENV             OpenAI Gym environment name
      --seed SEED           Seed number for PyTorch, NumPy and OpenAI Gym
                            (default: 0)
      --gpu GPU             GPU ordinal for multi-GPU computers (default: 0)
      --start_steps N       Number of exploration time steps sampling random
                            actions (default: 1000)
      --exp_regularization EXP_REGULARIZATION
      --buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE
                            Size of the experience replay buffer (default:
      --eval_freq N         evaluation period in number of time steps (default:
      --num_steps N         Maximum number of steps (default: 1000000)
      --batch_size N        Batch size (default: 256)
      --hard_update G       Hard update the target networks (default: True)
      --train_freq N        Frequency of the training (default: 1)
      --updates_per_step N  Model updates per training time step (default: 1)
      --target_update_interval N
                            Number of critic function updates per training time
                            step (default: 1)
      --alpha G             Temperature parameter α determines the relative
                            importance of the entropy term against the reward
                            (default: 0.2)
      --automatic_entropy_tuning G
                            Automatically adjust α (default: False)
      --reward_scale N      Scale of the environment rewards (default: 5)
      --gamma G             Discount factor for reward (default: 0.99)
      --tau G               Learning rate in soft/hard updates of the target
                            networks (default: 0.005)
      --lr G                Learning rate (default: 0.0003)
      --hidden_size N       Hidden unit size in neural networks (default: 256)


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