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A working example of minecraft server management through AWS Lambda functions.


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This project is an example of:

  1. Developing applications in a docker container
  2. Repeatably deploying lambda infrastructure using terraform, jinja, and serverless
  3. Interacting with SSM parameters using Lambda for secrets
  4. Applying least priviledge IAM policies per lambda function
  5. Backing up files on remote servers and docker containers using Lambda functions (doesn't have to be minecraft servers, I just use it for my own)

Developing locally

docker-compose run --rm dev

Deploying the Infrastructure

The exported environment variables below will be configured to the terraform AWS provider when you apply. There is no need to specify it in the provider.

On terraform apply, the resources required to deploy a lambda function (s3, iam, lambda) are created and the zip file is uploaded to s3 and deployed to lambda.

# Step 1: Run the development container locally. This container has all the dependencies needed
#         to build, package, and deploy the infrastructure.
# Note: If you rather deveop on your own machine, ensure python, virtualenv, terraform, and serverless
# are installed
docker-compose run --rm dev

# Step 2: Export the AWS keys required to deploy to AWS

# Step 3: Export the private key that will be used to ssh into the server by the lambda function
#         The public key must have been added to the server prior

# Step 4: Run these make commands individually, or simply run `make all`:

# Builds the terraform code to deploy from the jinja templates and serverless.yml
make build

# Individually packages each function defined in the serverless.yml
make package

# Deploys the terraform code
make deploy

Usage Documentation



  1. The server host has ssh enabled
  2. The server or docker container you are backing up files on has zip installed
  3. Permissions to create directories on root if backing up a container


  /* required parameters */
  "host": "x", // minecraft server url
  "source": ["/x/x.txt", "/x/x_dir"], // absolute path of files and folders to backup
  "dest": "/x/dir", // absolute path to store the zip on the host server

  /* optional parameters */
  "port": 22,// (default: 22) ssh port to use when connecting
  "user": "x", // (default: root) ssh user to use when connecting
  "upload": false, // (default: false) uploads to the bucket under /backups
  "container": "x" // specify the container name if you are backing up files from a docker container running on the server

Example request if you deployed the minecraft server from the minecraft-server-docker repository here:

  "host": "",
  "source": ["/server/tos_world", "/server/whitelist.txt"],
  "dest": "/tmp",
  "upload": true,
  "container": "minecraft"


  • Specify directories without the trailing forward slash, e.g. /tmp and not /tmp/
  • Destination directory must not be a directory you are backing up
  • When backing up a container, the backup zip will exist in the root directory of the container, and the destination directory of the host


To be created

RCON Execution

To be created


  • For Backup lambda, upload to bucket
  • For Backup lambda, include logging and error handling if container does not exist
  • For Backup lambda, include info logging for files attempting to be zipped that do not exist or are not found


A working example of minecraft server management through AWS Lambda functions.







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