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Django Translations

build python django

Django model translation for perfectionists with deadlines.


There are two types of content, each of which has its own challenges for translation:

  • Static content: This is the content which is defined in the code. e.g. "Please enter a valid email address."

    Django already provides a solution for translating static content.

  • Dynamic content: This is the content which is stored in the database. (We can't know it beforehand!)

    Django Translations provides a solution for translating dynamic content.


Currently, this project is incompatible with PostgreSQL.


  • Python (>=3.6, <4)
  • Django (>=2.2, <4)


  1. Install Django Translations using pip:

    $ pip install django-translations
  2. Add translations to the INSTALLED_APPS in the settings of your project:

  3. Run migrate:

    $ python migrate
  4. Configure Django internationalization and localization settings:

    USE_I18N = True          # use internationalization
    USE_L10N = True          # use localization
    MIDDLEWARE += [          # locale middleware
    LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'  # default (fallback) language
    LANGUAGES = (            # supported languages
        ('en', 'English'),
        ('en-gb', 'English (Great Britain)'),
        ('de', 'German'),
        ('tr', 'Turkish'),

    Please note that these settings are for Django itself.

Basic Usage


Inherit Translatable in any model you want translated:

from translations.models import Translatable

class Continent(Translatable):
    code = models.Charfield(...)
    name = models.Charfield(...)
    denonym = models.Charfield(...)

    class TranslatableMeta:
        fields = ['name', 'denonym']

No migrations needed afterwards.


Use the admin extensions:

from translations.admin import TranslatableAdmin, TranslationInline

class ContinentAdmin(TranslatableAdmin):
    inlines = [TranslationInline,]

This provides specialized translation inlines for the model.



Use the queryset extensions:

>>> from sample.models import Continent
>>> continents = Continent.objects.all(
... ).distinct(           # familiar distinct
... ).probe(['en', 'de']  # probe (filter, exclude, etc.) in English and German
... ).filter(             # familiar filtering
...     countries__cities__name__startswith='Köln'
... ).translate('de'      # translate the results in German
... ).translate_related(  # translate these relations as well
...     'countries', 'countries__cities',
... )
>>> print(continents)
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <Continent: Europa>,
>>> print(continents[0].countries.all())
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <Country: Deutschland>,
>>> print(continents[0].countries.all()[0].cities.all())
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <City: Köln>,

This provides a powerful yet familiar interface to work with the querysets.


Use the translation context:

>>> from translations.context import Context
>>> from sample.models import Continent
>>> continents = Continent.objects.all()
>>> relations = ('countries', 'countries__cities',)
>>> with Context(continents, *relations) as context:
...'de')    # read the translations onto the context
...     print(':')            # use the objects like before
...     print(continents)
...     print(continents[0].countries.all())
...     print(continents[0].countries.all()[0].cities.all())
...     continents[0].countries.all()[0].name = 'Change the name'
...     context.update('de')  # update the translations from the context
...     context.delete('de')  # delete the translations of the context
...     context.reset()       # reset the translations of the context
...     print(':')            # use the objects like before
...     print(continents)
...     print(continents[0].countries.all())
...     print(continents[0].countries.all()[0].cities.all())
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <Continent: Asien>,
    <Continent: Europa>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <Country: Deutschland>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <City: Köln>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <Continent: Asia>,
    <Continent: Europe>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <Country: Germany>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
    <City: Cologne>,

This can CRUD the translations of any objects (instance, queryset, list) and their relations.


For more interesting capabilities browse through the documentation.

Support the project

To support the project you can:

  • ⭐️: Star it on GitHub.
  • 💻: Contribute to the code base.
  • ☕️: Buy the maintainers coffee.