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Releases: bcedu/VGrive

VGrive Release

13 Jun 18:46
Choose a tag to compare

Fix error when checking files with the char '#'.
Update metadata from appdata.

VGrive Release

15 Apr 16:45
Choose a tag to compare

Adapt to changes of Google Drive API.
Avoid error "may be sending authomated queries".

VGrive Release

10 Apr 18:49
Choose a tag to compare


VGrive Release

09 Apr 16:40
Choose a tag to compare

Detect google IP banned

VGrive Release

09 Apr 16:27
Choose a tag to compare

Detect google IP banned

VGrive Release

14 Mar 11:53
Choose a tag to compare

Bug fixed that caused deleting some files that had special characters.

Change delete method: intead of deleting from Google Drive, files are moved to trash.

VGrive Release

22 Nov 15:13
Choose a tag to compare

New option to start VGrive minimized.

Tray icon: Show vgrive icon in the notification area with options to close and show the app.

Added comand line options. Type "com.github.bcedu.vgrive --help" to see more information.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix api search with specials chars like "\", "@", ...
  • Use single Soup Session to avoid crash caused by to many opened sessions.
  • New way to update messages shown in the advanced view to avoid crash caused by the text buffer.

Translations updates:

  • Updated Dutch translation.

VGrive Release

08 Nov 15:27
Choose a tag to compare

Add 'cancel' button in the conf menu to exit configuration without saving.

Save state of "Advanced View".

VGrive Release

06 Nov 19:47
Choose a tag to compare

Bug Fix: Ignore Google Docs (and other Google files).


  • Polish and French translations (by @roypen and @NathanBnm )
  • Catalan translations updated
  • Some typo fixes

VGrive Release

02 Nov 10:13
Choose a tag to compare

Change icons used in the app to use icons aviable in other linux distros (fedora, debian, ...).