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Temporarily providing a limited set of LSP features to neorg


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Neorg's missing language server.

  • Rename files and headers in your norg files without breaking links in the rest of the workspace
  • Get neorg completions without needing an auto completion plugin

This module is labeled "interim" because it is meant to be temporary. Ideally, this module will be superseded in a month or two by a "real" language server. But for the time being, the real LS is blocked, so I've written this.

This module provides a way to move files and rename headings without breaking existing links to or from the file/heading. Works on all files in the workspace, if a file is open, it will use the buffer contents instead of the file contents so unsaved changes are accounted for.

Relative file links like {/ ./path/to/file.txt} are also changed when a file is moved.

Moving a file to a location that already exists will fail with an error. Moving a file to a folder that doesn't exist will create the folder.

Additionally, this plugin provides a completion engine for Neorg that allows anyone to get Neorg completions (not just those using nvim-cmp or coq-nvim).


  • Links that include a file path to their own file (ie. {:path/to/blah:} while in blah.norg) are not supported in refactoring operations. But like, just don't do that.


Install this plugin the way you would any other, and load it by adding this to your neorg config:

["external.interim-ls"] = {
    config = {
        completion_provider = {
            -- enable/disable the completion provider. On by default.
            enable = true,

            -- Try to complete categories. Requires benlubas/neorg-se
            categories = false,


In addition to the Neorg module config above (which can be excluded as usual if you use the defaults), this module is affected by LSP configuration. Keybinds should be setup by you in an autocommand on the LspAttach event. Please note the only action you will need for this LS is the rename action, but this autocommand is used for all of your configured language servers.

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", {
    callback = function(args)
        local bufnr = args.buf
        local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
        if not client then return end

        if client.server_capabilities.completionProvider then
  [bufnr].omnifunc = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc"

        local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = bufnr }
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rn", vim.lsp.buf.rename, opts)

        -- ... your other lsp mappings


First ensure that you're able to get LSP completions in some way. This will vary by completion plugin. For nvim-cmp you will need the nvim-cmp-lsp source. For mini-completion things should work out of the box. If you're using nvim's builtin omnifunc, I trust you know what you're doing.

Then, configure Neorg's completion module like this:

["core.completion"] = {
    config = { engine = { module_name = "external.lsp-completion" } },


Refactoring works just like a normal LSP:

  • rename a heading: done with :h vim.lsp.buf.rename()
  • rename/move a file: handled by willRename which is supported by some file manager plugins such as Oil.nvim

Additionally, there are Neorg commands that that can accomplish the same things (though they are less convienient):

  • :Neorg lsp rename file
  • :Neorg lsp rename heading


Temporarily providing a limited set of LSP features to neorg







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