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daniel brake edited this page Jun 13, 2015 · 1 revision

The point of this page is to record nuggets of desired functionality (at any level) to be incorporated into b2 at some point.

Loops in definitions of functions

Want to allow for for loops when defining functions, e.g.,

for i from 1 to 3 f[i]=x[i]+x[i+1]

This syntax for this kind of thing which appears in the released version of b2 will probably be limited by either Python or C++ syntax, which ever is easier for the user to use.

Tracker death

Want to be able to tell Bertini to kill a run after event X. X could be any of the following:

  • finding a finite solution
  • finding a real solution
  • tracking N paths (user-specified N)
  • sign(s) of some side function(s) change

Rerunning paths

If a path fails during a run, we want to be able to rerun just THAT path, with different configurations.

Recording paths

Want to be able to record points along a path.