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Gwan Bin Park edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

How to compile

This project is built on Visual Studio.

TODO: Add instruction how to setup the environment

Code style

Naming convention

Classes, functions: PascalCase

  • e.g., class ObjectManager, Player GetPlayer() { ... }

Variables, constants: snake_case

  • e.g., m_ObjectManager, chance_map

Newline before braces


void Foo()
   // do something


void Foo() {
   // do something

How to track your progress using GitHub

I've assigned each of you to each issues. You can see which one you are assigned to via checking the assignee of each issues.


You can edit your issues and add checkboxes and comments about what you have to do about the issue.

  • e.g., Add collision detection function on Issue #4 Implement GameManager


to add checkboxes, start an entry with - [ ] ... and it will show as a toggleable checkbox.

I've created 2 milestones, which are major goals in this project.


v0.1-beta is the first working version of the game. It might have bugs and things not working, but every piece of code is in one place and its compilable. This is due December 2.

v1.0 is the final version of the game which will be submitted as the complete project. This is due December 7 (project 4 deadline is December 7, 11:59PM).

There is a tab where you can see the whole progress of the project at once. You can drag cards across the columns, and it will be applied to that issue automatically. Please take some time to look around the repository and update your progress here.
