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  • npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Configure nginx (Not for production)

Proxy server setup for api in localhost

  • Open /awzy-cms/nginx/conf/nginx.conf to change proxy_pass settings in line
  • Update package.json - Change/Add proxy: http://localhost:5001
  • complete the setup in nginx.conf file
  • Open nginx folder and run nginx.exe
  • To stop / reload server - Open task manager to delete your nginx instance and run nginx.exe to restart
  • Check you have installed nginx (Homebrew)
  • Run "vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" in terminal
  • :wq command to save and exit
  • Copy /awzy-cms/nginx/conf/nginx.conf content with neccessary setup and paste it in "/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" In terminal run,
  • sudo brew services start nginx (Start nginx)
  • sudo brew services restart nginx (Restart nginx)
  • sudo brew services stop nginx (Stop nginx)
If port 5001 is blocked, follow below, else skip this step
Localhost mysql setGlobal (If required):


DEV run

-- npm start


  • Node version: V14.17.2
  • npm version: V6.14.15
  • react-router-dom: V5.1.2
  • Codeigniter - V2
  • PhP - V7.3 (Please dont upgrade as PhP8 does not support mysqli_query)

Build process:

  • run "npm run build" in your root folder
  • Dont forget to commit and push the entire files (including build folder) to repo

Cpanel deployment process:

  • Open Git version control in cPanel
  • Click Manage on "moneyPlanner"
  • Click "Pull or Deploy"
  • Click "Update from Remote" and "Deploy HEAD Commit"
  • You are done.

Good Luck

Author: Bharani Palani | [email protected] |