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Front-end starter kit for automated web development using Grunt.


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Frontend Starter Kit

Front-end starter kit for automated web development.

What's included?

  • Unit Testing (QUnit): Support for unit testing using QUnit in a headless browser instance of PhantomJS using a static web server.
  • ESLint: Checks your js files for errors.
  • Babel: Transpile ES6 based JS files for current browsers.
  • Browserify: Bundles node.js-style modules for current browsers and combine them into one file.
  • Uglify: Generate minified JS file with sourcemap.
  • SASSLint: To lint the SCSS files.
  • SASS: Compiles SCSS to minified CSS file with sourcemap.
  • Autoprefixer: Parse CSS and automatically add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use.
  • postcss-import: Can consume local files, node modules or web_modules using inline @import rules.
  • cssnano: Modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem. For more please check

Getting Started

Install Node.js.

Remember: You do not need to install Grunt globally. The Grunt commands are run as npm scripts from a local install.

Get this front-end starter kit by git clone or downloading the latest zip file.

For example:

git clone

Once downloaded, navigate to the folder. You could also rename the folder as per your project name.

Install all required packages as specified in package.json.

npm install

Now that the required packages are installed, you are ready to go.

To check your js and scss files for errors and unit testing using qunit, eslint and sasslint, run the following grunt command using npm scripts.

npm run test

To build your JavaScript files after unit testing and eslint has passed. It then transpiles your ES6 code using babel, if required and combines the modules into one and then uglify them.

npm run build-js

To build your CSS files after sasslint has passed. It then compiles SASS to CSS and applies postcss steps, like autoprefixer, inline import files from node_module and minify them.

npm run build-css

Ready to go live? Run the following grunt command using npm scripts.

npm run build


  • ESLint: Check the .eslintrc.json file. For options, check eslintrc Check the .eslintignore file. For options, check eslintignore
  • SASSLint: Check the .sass-lint.yml file. For options, check sass-lint options
  • Babel: Check the .babelrc file. For options, check babelrc
  • Autoprefixer: Check the browserslist file. For options, check browserslist options


  • EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. For more, please visit: EditorConfig. A .editorconfig file is included with this project. Please use these configurations for linting to work correctly.