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PyStyle is a python library to make very beautiful TUI designs.
Inspired by pyfade and pycenter,
Developped by Billy, loTus01, and BlueRed


pip3 install pystyle



  • Colorate text ✔️
  • Colorate text with fade effect ✔️
  • Animations ❌
  • Writing effects ✔️
  • Centered Text ✔️
  • Adding banners ✔️
  • Make boxes ✔️
  • Hide and Show Cursor ✔️
  • System Functions ✔️

Colorate text

Colorate some text easily.

from pystyle import Colors, Colorate
text = "Hello world!"
print( + text)
# or
print(Colorate.Color(, text, True)) = color
text = text to be colored
True = end the coloring after (otherwise it will continue printing characters in the specified color)

Available functions are:

  • Color (simply colorate a text)
  • Error (make an error effect easily)

Colorate text with fade effect

Make a fade effect.

from pystyle import Colors, Colorate
print(Colorate.Horizontal(Colors.yellow_to_red, "Hello, Welcome to Pystyle.", 1))

Colors.yellow_to_red = color
Colorate.Vertical = mode
1 = intensity (default=1)

Available effects are:

  • Vertical
  • Horizontal
  • Diagonal
  • DiagonalBackwards

Writing text with fade effect

To print a text with a writing and fade effect you can use the pystyle.Write function.

from pystyle import Write, Colors

name = Write.Input("Enter your name -> ", Colors.red_to_purple, interval=0.0025)
Write.Print(f"Nice to meet you, {name}!", Colors.blue_to_green, interval=0.05)

There are 2 functions:

Write.Print: prints the text to the terminal with chosen effects
Write.Input: same than Write.Print but adds an input at the end

There are 6 arguments:

text: the text to be written to the terminal
color: the color you want for the text
interval: the interval of the writing effect
hide_cursor: whether you want the cursor to be hidden or not
end: the end color, the default is white
input_color (only for Write.Input): the color of the input

Center text

Center a text in the terminal.

from pystyle import Center
print(Center.XCenter("Hello, Welcome to Pystyle."))


                                            Hello, Welcome to Pystyle.                                

Available modes are:

  • Center (Center the banner/text on both axis)
  • XCenter (Center the banner/text on X axis)
  • YCenter (Center the banner/text on Y axis)

Adding banners

Add a banner to another easily.

from pystyle import Add
banner1 = '''
  '. /\ .'
     || /\
  /\ ||//\)

text = "This is a beautiful banner\nmade with pystyle"

print(Add.Add(banner1, text, 4))


  '. /\ .'
    "||"    This is a beautiful banner
     || /\  made with pystyle
  /\ ||//\)

banner1 = first banner
text = second banner
4 = blank lines before adding the smallest banner to the biggest banner (default=0). Set to True to center it

Make boxes

Make beautiful boxes easily!

from pystyle import Box
print(Box.Lines("Hello, Welcome to Pystyle."))
print(Box.DoubleCube("Hello, Welcome to Pystyle."))


               Hello, Welcome to Pystyle.
║ Hello, Welcome to Pystyle. ║

Available modes are:

  • Lines
  • SimpleCube
  • DoubleCube


Show cursor!

from pystyle import Cursor


Hide cursor!

from pystyle import Cursor


System functions

Check the terminal support colors

from pystyle import System


Clear the terminal screen

from pystyle import System


Change the terminal title

from pystyle import System

System.Title("The title")

Notice: this feature only work on windows

Change terminal size

Notice This feature is only working on windows

from pystyle import System


Run a shell command

from pystyle import System

System.Command("echo hello")

👤 Authors

👤 GitHub: @billythegoat356
👤 GitHub: @loTus01
👤 GitHub: @BlueRed

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

❤ Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!