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BlueprintUI CLI

npm version

Opinionated CLI for creating Web Component Libraries

Blueprint CLI provides an out-of-the-box tool kit for compiling and creating Web Component libraries. This project is still an experimental work in progress.



Command Description
build Build library for production
Options Description
--config Path for blueprint.config.js file
--watch Runs build in watch mode for development


Command Description
generate Generate Library Project


Command Description
api API lockfile management
Options Description
--test Compare custom-elements.json in build output to custom-elements.lock.json in source control
--update Update custom-elements.lock.json to latest build output of custom-elements.json


The blueprint.config.js can be used to customize certain aspects of the build. Below are the default values unless otherwise specified.

export default { 
  library: {
    externals: [],
    assets: ['./', './', './package.json'],
    customElementsManifestLockFile: './custom-elements.lock.json',
    baseDir: './src',
    outDir: './dist/lib',
    entryPoints: ['./src/**/index.ts'],
    tsconfig: './tsconfig.lib.json',
    sourcemap: false,