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silver-memory is a bot that allows you to talk through webhooks that you set on it


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Silver memory

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A Discord bot written in eris for proxying user messages through webhooks to emulate users having multiple user accounts.


  • pika!avatar - View or change a member's avatar
  • pika!birthday - View or change a member's birthday, or see upcoming birthdays
  • pika!brackets - View or change a member's brackets
  • pika!cfg - Configure server-specific settings
    • pika!cfg prefix <newPrefix> - Change the bot's prefix
    • pika!cfg rename <newname> - Change all instances of the default name 'member' in bot replies in this server to the specified term
    • pika!cfg log <channel> - Enable the bot to send a log of all member messages and some basic info like who registered them. Useful for having a searchable channel and for distinguishing between similar names.
    • pika!cfg blacklist <add|remove> <channel(s)> - Add or remove channels to the bot's proxy blacklist - users will be unable to proxy in blacklisted channels.
    • pika!cfg cmdblacklist <add|remove> <channel(s)> - Add or remove channels to the bot's command blacklist - users will be unable to issue commands in blacklisted channels.
  • pika!describe - View or change a member's description
  • pika!export - Export your data to a file
  • pika!feedback - Get a link to the support server
  • pika!find - Find and display info about members by name
  • pika!group - View or change your groups
  • pika!help - Print this message, or get help for a specific command
  • pika!invite - Get the bot's invite URL
  • pika!list - Get a detailed list of yours or another user's registered members
  • pika!listng - Like list, but without showing group info
  • pika!register - Register a new member
  • pika!remove - Unregister a member
  • pika!rename - Change a member's name
  • pika!showuser - Show the user that registered the member that last spoke
  • pika!tag - Remove or change a member's or your user tag (displayed next to name when proxying)
  • pika!togglebrackets - Toggle whether the brackets used to proxy also show up in the resulting message for the given member.