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DI - Dependency Injection Container

DI is a simple dependency injection container for Swift. It allows you to register services and retrieve them later, helping to decouple the different components of your codebase.


You can install DI using the Swift Package Manager. Just add the following line to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "1.2.0")


Registering services

To register a service, create a DIServiceItem object containing a closure that initializes the service. The closure should return an instance of the service as AnyObject.

        isSingleton: true,
        serviceName: "ILogger",
        serviceInitFunc: {
            return Logger()

If the service should be a singleton (i.e. there should only be one instance of it), set the isSingleton parameter to true. Otherwise, set it to false.

Retrieving services

To retrieve a service, call the get function with the type of the service you want to retrieve. If there are multiple services of that type registered, the first one that was registered will be returned.

let logger: ILogger = try DI.get()

If you want to retrieve a specific service by name, call the get function with both the type and the name of the service.

let logger: ILogger = try DI.get("ILogger")

If no service of the given type or name is registered, a DIError will be thrown.

Error handling

The following errors can be thrown when using DI:

  • DIError.serviceNotRegistered: The requested service is not registered.
  • DIError.serviceHasIncorrectType: The requested service cannot be cast to the requested type.
  • DIError.serviceAlreadyRegistered: A service with the same name is already registered.


import DI

// Define a protocol for your service
protocol MyServiceProtocol {
    func doSomething()

// Implement the protocol
class MyService: MyServiceProtocol {
    func doSomething() {
        print("Did something")

        isSingleton: true,
        serviceName: "MyService",
        serviceInitFunc: { MyService() }

// Use the service
let myServiceInstance: MyServiceProtocol = try DI.get()

#StandForUkraine 🇺🇦

This project aims to show support for Ukraine and its people amidst a war that has been ongoing since 2014. This war has a genocidal nature and has led to the deaths of thousands, injuries to millions, and significant property damage. We believe that the international community should focus on supporting Ukraine and ensuring security and freedom for its people.

Join us and show your support using the hashtag #StandForUkraine. Together, we can help bring attention to the issues faced by Ukraine and provide aid.