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Bépo Layout Generator

How to use it

Using the generate command (requires Docker)

It is the simplest way to generate the layouts as a single command is required to do everything.

Note: If Docker is not installed, the command will ask if you want to install it.

Example: generate the layouts in the exported_layouts directory.

./generate exported_layouts

Command parameters:

Usage: ./generate [-hcd] [-i DOCKER_IMAGE] <EXPORT_DIRECTORY>

    -h              Display this help screen and exit.
    -c              Remove the containers and images created by the script.
    -d              Verbose output for debugging purposes.
    -i DOCKER_IMAGE Change the default Docker image to another one (useful for debugging).

Using the Docker image directly (advanced users)

You need to run this container with a mounted volume to export the generated keyboard layouts:

mkdir bepo_layouts
docker run -v `pwd`/bepo_layouts:/export bpierre/bepo

You can also run your own version of the project by mounting the /pilotes directory:

git clone bepo_pilotes
cd bepo_pilotes
mkdir bepo_layouts
docker run -v `pwd`:/pilotes -v `pwd`/bepo_layouts:/export bpierre/bepo


You can find the official documentation on the wiki:


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