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An unopinionated boilerplate for Akka microservices

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Useful commands

# start the project
sbt run

# hot reload
sbt ~re-start

# check style
sbt scalastyle

# format code
sbt scalafmt

# show project dependencies
sbt dependencyTree

# show outdated dependencies
sbt dependencyUpdates

# run tests
sbt test

# run coverage and generate report
sbt clean coverage test coverageReport

# view report in browser (mac|linux)
open ./target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html
xdg-open ./target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html


# generate Dockerfile in target/docker/
sbt docker:stage

# build image
sbt docker:publishLocal

# start temporary container
docker run \
  --rm \
  -e HTTP_PORT="8080" \
  -p 80:8080 \
  --name scala-akka-boilerplate \

# start container
docker-compose up -d

# grant permissions to folder
chmod 777 /vol/log/scala-akka-boilerplate
# logs
tail -f /vol/log/scala-akka-boilerplate/scala-akka-boilerplate.log

# request status (with HTTPie)
http :80/status

# access container
docker exec -it scala-akka-boilerplate bash

# access container as root
docker exec -it --user root scala-akka-boilerplate bash

CI/CD and management tools

Requirements for deployment

  • EC2 instance available e.g.
  • EC2 Container Registry configured e.g.
  • Credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) of a unique IAM user with permission AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser to push on the registry
  • Logentries Java Log Set for Logback

CircleCI build setup

  • add the repository to CircleCI
  • AWS CodeDeploy: set the AWS keypair (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)
  • SSH Permissions: add a private key (PEM) to deploy to the EC2 machine
  • Chat Notifications: set a Webhook URL for Slack to get a notification on each build

Configure the following CircleCI Environment Variables:

  • AWS_REGION e.g. eu-west-1 (without a/b/c)
  • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID (registry)
  • EC2_USERNAME e.g. ubuntu
  • EC2_HOST e.g.
  • HTTP_PORT e.g. 8080

View coverage report on CircleCI UI in the Artifacts tab of any build

Logs available in log (local) or /vol/log/scala-akka-boilerplate (aws)