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Exploration of Joint Calling Exomes with Cromwell on Azure using WARP Joint Calling Pipeline

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JointGenotyping on Azure

Pipeline Date Updated Documentation Authors Questions or Feedback
AzureJointGenotyping February, 2024 Kaylee Mathews & Megan Shand Please file issues in GitHub

Introduction to the AzureJointGenotyping workflow

The AzureJointGenotyping workflow is an open-source, cloud-optimized pipeline that implements joint variant calling and filtering using using GATK and Microsoft Azure. The pipeline calls the Variant Extract-Train-Score (VETS) subworkflow to score variant annotations.

The AzureJointGenotyping pipeline can be configured to run using one of the following GATK joint genotyping methods:

  • GenotypeGVCFs (default method) performs joint genotyping on GVCF files stored in GenomicsDB and pre-called with HaplotypeCaller.
  • GnarlyGenotyper performs scalable, “quick and dirty” joint genotyping on a set of GVCF files stored in GenomicsDB and pre-called with HaplotypeCaller.

The pipeline takes in a sample map file listing GVCF files produced by HaplotypeCaller or DRAGEN version 3.7.8 in GVCF mode and creates a filtered VCF file (with index) containing genotypes for all samples present in the input VCF files. All sites that are present in the input VCF file are retained. Filtered sites are annotated as such in the FILTER field. If you are new to VCF files, see the file type specification.

Note The pipeline is adapted from the WARP JointGenotyping workflow, but is not subject to the same testing requirements as WARP pipelines.


The AzureJointGenotyping pipeline can be deployed using Cromwell, a GA4GH-compliant, flexible workflow management system that supports multiple computing platforms. The workflow can also be run in Terra, a cloud-based analysis platform.


The AzureJointGenotyping workflow is adapted from the WARP JointGenotyping workflow and requires all the same inputs with the following exceptions:

Parameter name Description Type
targets_interval_list Required input. File
snp_recalibration_tranche_values Removed from pipeline. Array[String]
indel_recalibration_tranche_values Removed from pipeline. Array[String]
indel_recalibration_annotation_values Removed from pipeline. Array[String]
vqsr_snp_filter_level Removed from pipeline. Float
vqsr_indel_filter_level Removed from pipeline. Float
snp_vqsr_downsampleFactor Removed from pipeline. Int
use_allele_specific_annotations Removed from pipeline. Boolean
run_vets Removed from pipeline. Boolean
scatter_cross_check_fingerprints Removed from pipeline; scattering during fingerprinting is determined by cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition. Boolean
cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition Optional integer specifying the number of samples to include in each partition for scattering during fingerprinting; recommended value is “1000”; fingerprinting will be performed without scattering if no value is passed to the pipeline. Int
sample_name_map Path to file containing the sample names (first column; example: “NA12878”) and the Azure cloud path of the individual GVCF files (second column; example: “az://”). String

Azure JointGenotyping tasks and tools

Overall, the AzureJointGenotyping workflow:

  1. Splits the input interval list and imports GVCF files.
  2. Performs joint genotyping using GATK GenotypeGVCFs (default) or GnarlyGenotyper.
  3. Creates single site-specific VCF and index files.
  4. Creates and applies a variant filtering model using VETS.
  5. Collects variant calling metrics.
  6. Checks fingerprints.

The AzureJointGenotyping workflow imports individual “tasks,” also written in WDL script.

The AzureJointGenotyping workflow is adapted from the WARP JointGenotyping workflow and calls all the same tasks with the following exceptions:

Task Tool Software Description
CheckSamplesUniqueAndMakeFofn as CheckSamplesUniqueAndMakeFofn bash bash Renamed from CheckSamplesUnique; checks that there are more than 50 unique samples in sample_name_map and generates necessary sample map files for Azure.
JointVcfFiltering as TrainAndApplyVETS ExtractVariantAnnotations, TrainVariantAnnotationsModel, ScoreVariantAnnotations GATK Default method for variant filtering; calls the JointVcfFiltering.wdl subworkflow to extract variant-level annotations, trains a model for variant scoring, and scores variants.
IndelsVariantRecalibrator VariantRecalibrator GATK Removed from the pipeline.
SNPsVariantRecalibratorCreateModel VariantRecalibrator GATK Removed from the pipeline.
SNPsVariantRecalibrator as SNPsVariantRecalibratorScattered VariantRecalibrator GATK Removed from the pipeline.
GatherTranches as SNPGatherTranches GatherTranches GATK Removed from the pipeline.
SNPsVariantRecalibrator as SNPsVariantRecalibratorClassic VariantRecalibrator GATK Removed from the pipeline.
ApplyRecalibration ApplyVQSR GATK Removed from the pipeline.
GetFingerprintingIntervalIndices IntervalListTools GATK If cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition is defined, gets and sorts indices for fingerprint intervals; otherwise the task is skipped.
GatherVcfs as GatherFingerprintingVcfs GatherVcfsCloud GATK If cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition is defined, compiles the fingerprint VCF files; otherwise the task is skipped.
SelectFingerprintSiteVariants SelectVariants GATK If cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition is defined, selects variants from the fingerprint VCF file; otherwise the task is skipped.
PartitionSampleNameMap bash bash Removed from the pipeline.
CrossCheckFingerprint as CrossCheckFingerprintsScattered CrosscheckFingerprints GATK If cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition is defined, checks fingerprints for the VCFs in the scattered partitions and produces a metrics file; otherwise the task is skipped.
GatherPicardMetrics as GatherFingerprintingMetrics bash bash If cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition is defined, combines the fingerprint metrics files into a single metrics file; otherwise the task is skipped.
CrossCheckFingerprint as CrossCheckFingerprintSolo CrosscheckFingerprints GATK If cross_check_fingerprint_scatter_partition is not defined, checks fingerprints for the single VCF file and produces a metrics file; otherwise the task is skipped.


The AzureJointGenotyping workflow is adapted from the WARP JointGenotyping workflow and outputs all the same files.


Exploration of Joint Calling Exomes with Cromwell on Azure using WARP Joint Calling Pipeline


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