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A simulation environment for Handshaking Expansions (HSE) that describe Quasi-Delay Insensitive (QDI) circuits.

To compile from source, see the Haystack project.

Usage: hsesim [options] file...

Supported file formats:

  • *.hse Load an HSE
  • *.dot Load any place-transition graph
  • *.sim Load a sequence of transitions to operate on

General Options:

  • -h,--help Display this information
  • --version Display version information
  • -v,--verbose Display verbose messages
  • -d,--debug Display internal debugging messages

Conversion Options:

  • -g <file> Convert this HSE to an hse-graph and save it to a file
  • -eg <file> Convert this HSE to an elaborated hse-graph and save it to a file
  • -pn <file> Convert this HSE to a petri-net and save it to a file
  • -sg <file> Convert this HSE to a state-graph and save it to a file

Simulation Environment

In order to get to the simulation environment run the following command:

hsesim file.hse

It will bring you to a prompt that looks like this:


From there you can execute any of the following commands:

<arg> specifies a required argument

(arg=value) specifies an optional argument with a default value


  • help, h print this message
  • seed <n> set the random seed for the simulation
  • source <file> source and execute a list of commands from a file
  • save <file> save the sequence of fired transitions to a '.sim' file
  • load <file> load a sequence of transitions from a '.sim' file
  • clear, c clear any stored sequence and return to random stepping
  • quit, q exit the interactive simulation environment

Running Simulation:

  • tokens, t list the location and state information of every token
  • enabled, e return the list of enabled transitions
  • fire <i>, f<i> fire the i'th enabled transition
  • step (N=1), s(N=1) step through N transitions (random unless a sequence is loaded)
  • reset (i), r(i) reset the simulator to the initial marking and re-seed (does not clear)

Setting/Viewing State:

  • set <i> <expr> execute a transition as if it were local to the i'th token
  • set <expr> execute a transition as if it were remote to all tokens
  • force <expr> execute a transition as if it were local to all tokens

The following example will be using this hse:

R.f-,R.t-,L.e+; [R.e&~L.f&~L.t];
*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; [~R.e&~L.f&~L.t]; R.f-,R.t-; L.e+

(L.f-,L.t-; [L.e];  *[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
R.e+; [~R.f&~R.t]; *[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+])'1

To begin, view set of possible reset states and then pick one.

(0) {0 9 15} ~R.f&~R.t&L.e&R.e&~L.f&~L.t&~L.f'1&~L.t'1&L.e'1&R.e'1&~R.f'1&~R.t'1

You'll notice the ID's P0, P9, and P15. These refer to specific semicolons or "places" in the hse. To see what these labels refer to, you may run the following commands outside of the interactive simulation environment:

hsesim file.hse -g -l
dot -Tpng > file.png

The -l option adds labels to all of the places, transitions, and arcs. Now that you have set the current state to a reset state, you may take a look at the current state.

R.f-,R.t-,L.e+,R.e+,L.f-,L.t- {
        (0) P0  L.e+ ; [R.e&L.f->...[]R.e&L.t->...]
L.f'1-,L.t'1-,L.e'1+ {
        (1) P9  [L.e'1 -> [1->L.f'1+...[]1->L.t'1+...]
R.e'1+,R.f'1-,R.t'1- {
        (2) P15 R.e'1+ ; [R.f'1|R.t'1]

You can view the list of enabled transitions and fire one.

(0) T10.0:L.t'1+     (1) T9.0:L.f'1+
0       T9.0    1 -> L.f'1+
(0) T1.0:R.f+
1       T1.0    R.e&L.f -> R.f+
(0) T4.0:L.e-     (1) T16.0:R.e'1-
2       T4.0    R.f -> L.e-

You may also step through the simulation. This has two functions. As you progress through te simulation, the simulator will remember all of the transitions that have fired and in what order. If you decide to reset the simulation after simulating and then step, this will re-execute the remembered list of transitions. If you step through all of the remembered transitions, it will continue to step randomly. This will execute the transitions in a random order. Unlike prsim, this simulator has no sense of time other than transition order.

(0) T10.0:L.t'1+     (1) T9.0:L.f'1+
0       T9.0    1 -> L.f'1+
(0) T1.0:R.f+
1       T1.0    R.e&L.f -> R.f+
(0) T4.0:L.e-     (1) T16.0:R.e'1-
2       T4.0    R.f -> L.e-
3       T16.0   R.f'1 -> R.e'1-
4       T12.0   L.f'1&~L.e'1 -> L.f'1-
5       T6.0    ~L.e&~R.e&~L.f&~L.t -> R.f-
6       T8.0    ~R.f&~R.t -> L.e+
7       T9.0    ~L.f'1&~L.t'1&L.e'1 -> L.f'1+
8       T18.0   ~R.e'1&~R.f'1&~R.t'1 -> R.e'1+
0       T9.0    1 -> L.f'1+
1       T1.0    R.e&L.f -> R.f+
2       T4.0    R.f -> L.e-
3       T16.0   R.f'1 -> R.e'1-
4       T12.0   L.f'1&~L.e'1 -> L.f'1-
5       T6.0    ~L.e&~R.e&~L.f&~L.t -> R.f-
6       T8.0    ~R.f&~R.t -> L.e+
7       T9.0    ~L.f'1&~L.t'1&L.e'1 -> L.f'1+
8       T18.0   ~R.e'1&~R.f'1&~R.t'1 -> R.e'1+

You can save this list of transitions to a file and load it up in a later simulation.

(hsesim)save test
(hsesim)load test
0       T9.0    1 -> L.f'1+
1       T1.0    R.e&L.f -> R.f+
2       T4.0    R.f -> L.e-
3       T16.0   R.f'1 -> R.e'1-
4       T12.0   L.f'1&~L.e'1 -> L.f'1-
5       T6.0    ~L.e&~R.e&~L.f&~L.t -> R.f-
6       T8.0    ~R.f&~R.t -> L.e+
7       T9.0    ~L.f'1&~L.t'1&L.e'1 -> L.f'1+
8       T18.0   ~R.e'1&~R.f'1&~R.t'1 -> R.e'1+

If you no longer want to simulate the future steps, you may clear them. This will remove any transitions in the list ahead of your current step. However, transitions before your current step will still be remembered.

(hsesim)load test
0       T9.0    1 -> L.f'1+
1       T1.0    R.e&L.f -> R.f+
2       T4.0    R.f -> L.e-
3       T16.0   R.f'1 -> R.e'1-
4       T12.0   L.f'1&~L.e'1 -> L.f'1-
5       T6.0    ~L.e&~R.e&~L.f&~L.t -> R.f-
6       T8.0    ~R.f&~R.t -> L.e+
7       T9.0    ~L.f'1&~L.t'1&L.e'1 -> L.f'1+
8       T18.0   ~R.e'1&~R.f'1&~R.t'1 -> R.e'1+
0       T9.0    1 -> L.f'1+
1       T1.0    R.e&L.f -> R.f+
2       T4.0    R.f -> L.e-
3       T12.0   L.f'1&~L.e'1 -> L.f'1-
4       T16.0   R.f'1 -> R.e'1-
5       T6.0    ~L.e&~R.e&~L.f&~L.t -> R.f-
6       T8.0    ~R.f&~R.t -> L.e+
7       T9.0    ~L.f'1&~L.t'1&L.e'1 -> L.f'1+
8       T18.0   ~R.e'1&~R.f'1&~R.t'1 -> R.e'1+


What is HSE? HSE stands for Handshaking Expansions. It is a step in between Communicating Hardware Processes (CHP) and Production Rules (PRs). Its a control flow language where all actions are limited to 1 bit boolean. There are only a few basic syntax structures most of which are composition operators. Spacing is ignored during parsing. The following list explains what each syntax does. Composition operators are listed by precedence from weakest to strongest.


This is just a no-op.


Every variable in HSE represents a node in the circuit. x- sets the voltage on that node to GND and x+ sets the voltage on that node to VDD.

P0 || P1 || ... || Pn

Parallel composition: do P0, P1, ..., and Pn in any interleaving.


Sequential composition: do P0, then P1, then ..., then Pn.


Internal parallel composition is the same as parallel composition.

[ G0 -> P0
[] G1 -> P1
[] Gn -> Pn

[ G0 -> P0
: G1 -> P1
: Gn -> Pn


The selection composition represents choice. G0, G1, ..., Gn are called guards. They are boolean expressions that represent the condition of the selection and P0, P1, ..., Pn are the processes that are executed for each condition.

A selection statement can either be deterministic as represented by the thick bar operator [] or non-deterministic as represented by the thin bar operator :. If it is a deterministic selection, then the guards are guaranteed by the user to be mutually exclusive so only one can ever evaluate to true at any given time. Meanwhile if it is non-deterministic, then an arbiter or in some extreme cases, a synchronizer, must be used to guarantee the mutual exclusion of the selection. Ultimately the selection operator implements the following:

If G0 do P0, if G1 do P1, ... If Gn do Pn, else wait.

If there is no process specified as in the third example, then the process is just a skip. This is shorthand for a wait until operation, also known simply as a 'guard'.

*[ G0 -> P0
[] G1 -> P1
[] Gn -> Pn

*[ G0 -> P0
: G1 -> P1
: Gn -> Pn


Repetitive selection behaves almost the same as the non-repetitive selection statement. Think of it like a while loop.

While one of the guards (G0,G1,...,Gn) is true, execute the associated process (P0,P1,...,Pn). Else, exit the loop.

If the guard is not specified, then the guard is assumed to be '1'. This is shorthand for a loop that will never exit.

Internal Representation of State

The state of a node is represented by four basic values (-,0,1,X). - means that the node is stable at either GND or VDD but the process doesn't know which. 0 means the node is stable at GND. 1 means the node is stable at VDD. And X means the node is unstable or metastable (some unknown value between GND and VDD).

a+ drives the node a to 1 and a- drives the node a to 0. If two assignments interfere as in a+,a-, then the value of the node a will be driven to X. If an assignment is unstable as in [a];b+||a-, then the node b will be drive to X.

If there is a selection like [1->a+:1->a-];b-, then at the semicolon before b-, the value of the node a will be -. (Yes I know this example does not represent a real circuit because you don't know when the selection has completed).

If a node has a value of X, then it will propagate as expected. For example in b-; [a]; b+ if the node a is unstable, then after b+, the node b will also be unstable.

Isochronic Regions

It has been shown that circuits that are entirely delay insensitive (make no timing assumptions) aren't that useful. One of the weakest timing assumptions you can make in order for the circuit class to be turing complete is called the isochronic fork assumption. In order to implement this assumption, you can identify isochronic regions. By default every reference to a node is assumed to be in the same isochronic region (region 0). However you may change the isochronic region with the following syntax:


Where P is a process or node reference and 'region' is an integer representing the name of the region. For example:




[  G0 -> P0
[] G1 -> P1

[x'1 & y'2]; z-

If there are two processes in two isochronic regions like (a-;b+;P)'0 || ([b]; a+)'1, then during the process P, the value of the node a will be - because the process on the left knows that a was 0 but that it will change to 1. It just doesn't know when. Meanwhile in the process on the right, the value of a will start at - and transition to 1 after the assignment a+.

Non-Properly Nested HSE

Note: Asynchronous circuits are ultimately sets of intertwined, highly parallel sequences of events. The most basic way to visualize this is called a petri net. Handshaking expansions are a way to represent that structure in a way that is linearized in a human readable linguistic format. However, there are also valid handshaking expansions that are not representable in a linguistic format. These are called 'non-properly nested'. The tools have some support for these types of HSE, however it is not entirely tested. They support an input format for these HSE through the graphviz dot specification. To get an example of this format, execute the following command on an hse:

hsesim file.hse -g

If you want to see what this graph looks like then execute this:

dot -Tpng > file.png

Reset Behavior

Because reset behavior can be a complex thing that has a multitude of timing assumptions and different possible implementations, hsesim has a very basic reset implementation. It goes as follows: as long as there isn't any choice to be made, and we don't enter a loop, execute transitions and accumulate their affect on the state into a reset state. Here is an example:

R.f-,R.t-,L.e+; [R.e&~L.f&~L.t];
*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; [~R.e&~L.f&~L.t]; R.f-,R.t-; L.e+

(L.f-,L.t-; [L.e];  *[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
R.e+; [~R.f&~R.t]; *[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+])'1

In this WCHB buffer, the reset state for each process is as follows:

  • Process 0: ~R.f&~R.t&L.e&R.e&~L.f&~L.t
  • Process 1: ~L.f&~L.t&L.e
  • Process 2: R.e&~R.f&~R.t

and the final hse after the reset behavior has been processed looks like this:

*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; [~R.e&~L.f&~L.t]; R.f-,R.t-; L.e+

(*[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
*[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+])'1

Limited Non-Proper Nesting

In order to support things like initial token buffers where you reset the circuit in the middle of the HSE, a limited reset-tagging system has been added.

R.f+,R.t-,L.e+,en+; [R.e&~L.f&~L.t];  
*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; en-;
     @ [~R.e]; R.f-,R.t- ||
     [~L.f & ~L.t]; L.e+ @
  ); en+
 ] ||

L.f-,L.t-; [L.e];  *[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
R.e+; [R.f&~R.t]; *[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+]

In this system, the @ symbol represents a reset token at the nearest semicolon for current loop. So if there are multiple loops and you put a reset token on the inner most loop, that loop will reset there on every iteration of the outer loop.


The following is a set of simple examples to get you started.

WCHB Buffer

R.f-,R.t-,L.e+; [R.e&~L.f&~L.t];
*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; [~R.e&~L.f&~L.t]; R.f-,R.t-; L.e+

(L.f-,L.t-; [L.e];  *[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
R.e+; [~R.f&~R.t]; *[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+])'1

PCHB Split

A.f-,A.t-,B.f-,B.t-,SL.e+; [~S.f & ~S.t & ~L.f & ~L.t & A.e & B.e];
  ([  A.e & S.f & L.f -> A.f+
  [] A.e & S.f & L.t -> A.t+
  [] S.t -> skip
  ] ||
  [ B.e & S.t & L.f -> B.f+
  [] B.e & S.t & L.t -> B.t+
  [] S.f -> skip
  ]); SL.e-;
    [~A.e | ~A.f & ~A.t -> A.f-, A.t-] ||
    [~B.e | ~B.f & ~B.t -> B.f-, B.t-]
  ); [~S.f & ~S.t & ~L.f & ~L.t -> SL.e+]

(A.e+; [~A.f & ~A.t];
*[[A.t | A.f]; A.e-; [~A.t & ~A.f]; A.e+] ||

B.e+; [~B.f & ~B.t];
*[[B.t | B.f]; B.e-; [~B.t & ~B.f]; B.e+] ||

L.f-,L.t-; [SL.e];
*[[1 -> L.t+ : 1 -> L.f+]; [~SL.e]; (L.t-||L.f-); [SL.e]] ||

S.f-,S.t-; [SL.e];
*[[1 -> S.t+ : 1 -> S.f+]; [~SL.e]; (S.t-||S.f-); [SL.e]])'1

PCHB Adder

S.f-,S.t-,Co.f-,Co.t-,ABCi.e+; [S.e&Co.e&~A.f&~A.t&~B.f&~B.t&~Ci.f&~Ci.t];
        [   S.e & (A.t & B.f & Ci.f | A.f & B.t & Ci.f | A.f & B.f & Ci.t | A.t & B.t & Ci.t) -> S.t+
        []  S.e & (A.t & B.t & Ci.f | A.t & B.f & Ci.t | A.f & B.t & Ci.t | A.f & B.f & Ci.f) -> S.f+
        ] ||
        [   Co.e & (A.t & B.t & Ci.f | A.t & B.f & Ci.t | A.f & B.t & Ci.t | A.t & B.t & Ci.t) -> Co.t+
        []  Co.e & (A.t & B.f & Ci.f | A.f & B.t & Ci.f | A.f & B.f & Ci.t | A.f & B.f & Ci.f) -> Co.f+
    ); ABCi.e-;
        [~S.e -> S.t-,S.f-] ||
        [~Co.e -> Co.t-,Co.f-]
    ); [~A.t & ~A.f & ~B.t & ~B.f & ~Ci.t & ~Ci.f];
] ||

(S.e+; [~S.f&~S.t]; *[[S.t | S.f]; S.e-; [~S.t & ~S.f]; S.e+] ||

Co.e+; [~Co.f&~Co.t]; *[[Co.t | Co.f]; Co.e-; [~Co.t & ~Co.f]; Co.e+] ||

A.f-,A.t-; [ABCi.e];
*[[ 1 -> A.t+
  : 1 -> A.f+
  ]; [~ABCi.e]; A.t-,A.f-; [ABCi.e]
 ] ||

B.f-,B.t-; [ABCi.e];
*[[ 1 -> B.t+
  : 1 -> B.f+
  ]; [~ABCi.e]; B.t-,B.f-; [ABCi.e]
 ] ||

Ci.f-,Ci.t-; [ABCi.e];
*[[ 1 -> Ci.t+
  : 1 -> Ci.f+
  ]; [~ABCi.e]; Ci.t-,Ci.f-; [ABCi.e]


Licensed by Cornell University under GNU GPL v3.

Written by Ned Bingham. Copyright © 2020 Cornell University.

Haystack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Haystack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License may be found in COPYRIGHT. Otherwise, see