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Bytebase API Example

Corresponding tutorial 🔗.

This is a sample app demonstrating how to use Bytebase API to create and rollout a database change.

Say your organization already has a DevOps platform and you want to integrate the database change into the development workflow. This app is for you.

The app is built with Next.js and TailwindCSS.

Bytebase API Experiment with Next.js


  • Node >= 18

Getting Started

Step 1 - Start Bytebase

  1. Check out Self-host Bytebase via docker for more information.
  2. Create a service account. Choose the DBA role which is sufficient for this sample.

Service Account Create

  1. Record the service account key.

Service Account Create

Step 2 - Configure and run this app

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Copy env-template.local to .env.local.

    cp env-template.local .env.local
  3. Update the env file with the created service account.

    • NEXT_PUBLIC_BB_HOST. The host where Bytebase is running. This usually is the external url.
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_BB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT. The service account created in step 1.
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_BB_SERVICE_KEY. The service key created in step 1.
  4. Run the following commands:

    pnpm i && pnpm dev

Open the host with your browser to see the running app.

API Usage

API Doc:

Fetch data

In src/app/page.tsx:

  • List all projects /v1/projects

  • List all databases /v1/instances/-/databases

Create an issue

In src/app/components/add-issue-form.tsx and src/app/api/xxxx/route.ts:

In order to create an issue, you need to create resources in the following order:

  1. Create a sheet
  2. Create a plan
  3. Create an issue
  4. Create a rollout

Fetch issue status

In src/app/components/add-issue-form.tsx:

  • Get issue by id /v1/projects/{project}/issues/{issue}