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Simple application used for learning purposes. Developed from scratch. Uses React with Hooks.


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Repository files navigation

Shopping list web application

Live version

It may be sleeping on heroku and as a result take several seconds to load:


This project was created for learning purposes where I can explore new tecnologies/libraries and try new ideas. The idea of the application is to allow the user to manage its shopping lists providing the following features:

  • have different lists for different categories (technology, food, etc.);
  • manage shopping lists: create, edit, remove, duplicate;
  • add/remove products to/from a list;
  • view products from different stores;

The API used for this project can be found in this repository.

Tecnologies used

  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • ESLint
  • Axios
  • React
  • React-router
  • Redux
  • Redux-saga
  • Reselect
  • SASS modules
  • Ant Design
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library

Project configurations


The project was built from scratch usign Webpack and the corresponding configurations are defined in the following files:

  • webpack.common.js - common configuration for development and production.
  • - specific configuration for development (no code minification, hot module replacement, easy code inspection in browser DevTools).
  • - specific configuration for production (code minification).


Babel configs are defined in .babelrc file.


ESLint configs are defined in .eslintrc file. The project follows the airbnb ESLint rules.


VSCode configs are defined in jsconfig.json.

Project structure

Root folder (/)

  • dist folder - created when project is built
  • nginx folder - contains nginx configuration for production build
  • src folder - all the source code Also includes all configuration files for Webpack, Babel, ESLint and VSCode.

Source folder (/src)

  • index.js file - entry point that binds the react app with main react html element.
  • index.html file - template with main react html element.
  • file - global SASS styles (webpack recognizes all files that ends with .global.scss as global styles).
  • ant-design-theming.js file - file used by webpack to overide the default ant-design theme variables.
  • api folder - contains all api requests.
  • assets folder - logos, images, etc.
  • components folder - contains react components.
  • hooks folder - contains global react hooks.
  • routes folder - defines and handles the routing logic. Is organized by pages/views in the application.
  • state folder - defines state related logic (actions, reducers, sagas, etc.). Is organized by resource type (ex: products, shopping lists, etc.).
  • utils folder - contains shared helpers.

Components folder (/src/components)

Each component is defined in a separate folder which is named as the corresponding component (capitalized).

For a component named SimpleComponent a typical structure is:

SimpleComponent/                    -> folder which is named as the corresponding component (capitalized);
  index.jsx                         -> exports the SimpleComponent;
  SimpleComponent.jsx               -> SimpleComponent should be defined here;
  simpleComponent.scss              -> scss module for SimpleComponent;
  simpleComponent.test.js           -> tests for SimpleComponent;
  components/                       -> subcomponents used by SimpleComponent (cannot have subcomponents to avoid deep nesting);
    index.jsx                       -> exports all subcomponents;
    AuxComponent/                   -> example of auxiliar component used by SimpleComponent. Follows the same structure as main component, but without subcomponents to avoid deep nestings;
  hooks/                            -> folder with hooks used by SimpleComponent;
    index.jsx                       -> exports useSimpleComponentHook;
    useSimpleComponentHook.jsx      -> main hook used by SimpleComponent. Typically will import and use other hooks, so the component only needs to import the main hook;
    useSimpleComponentHook.test.js  -> tests for useSimpleComponentHook


Simple application used for learning purposes. Developed from scratch. Uses React with Hooks.








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