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This repository contains a pytorch implementation of our sub-project shape completion with partial observations of AI-enabled Exploration and Surveillance. In the exploration and surveillance problems, an unknown environment of 2D/3D that consits of the free space and finite obstacles is given, and the main objective is to design efficint algorithms to find a minimal sequence of locations for sensors to achieve full visibility of such environment. In the process of placing sensors, we obtain sequence of images that contains partially observed obstacles. One interesting problem is, if we can develop mahcine learning models to recover the underlying environment from partially observed sets. If this can be done, we can include these inferences into decision process for placing sensors and design more efficient algorithms from this. Our goal in this project is to train a deep learning model using the pix2pix GAN framework, to inference the underlying environment from images of partially observed obstacles.


Train model:

python --n_epochs 15 --save_name "city_v0" --dataset_folder "data/urban_envs/exploration/train" --batch_size 1 --pixel_loss "L1" --lambda_pixel 100.0 --cuda 1 --in_img_format "level_set_fun" --in_frontier 1 --include_stoppage 1 --out_activation "tanh" --img_height 256 --img_width 256  --sample_interval 1000

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show help message and exit
  • --cuda set it to 1 for running on GPU, 0 for CPU (default=0)
  • --n_epochs number of epochs of training (default=200)
  • --save_name name of saved model (default="facades")
  • --dataset_folder path of the data set folder
  • --batch_size size of the batches (default=1)
  • --include_stoppage Include images that greedy algorithm stopped (default=1)
  • --n_cpu number of cpu threads to use during batch generation (default=8)
  • --img_height size of image height (default=256)
  • --img_width size of image width (default=256)
  • --in_img_format input image format:binary or level_set_fun (default="binary")
  • --in_frontier input shadow boundries if 1 (default=0)
  • --out_activation activation for generator's outputs (default="sigmoid")
  • --pixel_loss pixel loss: L1 or BCE (default="L1")
  • --GAN_loss GAN loss: MSE or BCE (default="BCE")
  • --lambda_pixel weight for pixel loss (default="100.0")
  • --sample_interval a positive integer N to output several images of results every N batches (default=500)
  • --max_files number of max files (default=100000)
  • --lr adam: learning rate (default=0.0002)
  • --b1 adam: decay of first order momentum of gradient (default=0.5)
  • --b2 adam: decay of first order momentum of gradient (default=0.999)
  • --decay_epoch epoch from which to start lr decay (default=100)
  • --epoch epoch to start training from (default=0)
  • --checkpoint_interval interval between model checkpoints (default=-1)

Inference/Shape completion examples:

There are two saved models trained with circles and urban environemnts separately. To test the trained models, please download and put them (from circles and urban) separately in /saved_models/circles and /saved_models/city_v0. Several images in both cases provided in /data/circles/test/ and /data/urban_envs/test/ for testing.

Test for the circles environments:

python --cuda 1 --input_dir "data/circles/test" --model_path "saved_models/circles/generator_49.pth"

Test for the urban environments:

python --cuda 1 --input_dir "data/urban_envs/test" --model_path "saved_models/city_v0/generator_14.pth"

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show help message and exit
  • --cuda set it to 1 for running on GPU, 0 for CPU (default=0)
  • --input_dir path to the testing data (default=None)
  • --model_path path to the trained model (default=None)
  • --batch_size size of the batches (default=4)
  • --n_cpu number of cpu threads to use during batch generation (default=8)

Results for circles environments:

Partial Obs

Results for urban environments:

Partial Obs


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