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HTR ground-truth of the CHI-KNOW-PO project.

The CHI-KNOW-PO project aims to digitize a corpus of poetic anthologies, commentaries, dictionaries and encyclopedias from the Chinese medieval period (ca. 200-1000) and process them using HTR.

Official page of the project

Dataset composition

To date, dataset contains 306 images, for a total of:

  • 1.175 TextRegions
  • 12.198 TextLines
  • 97.523 Glyphs



Ground-truth specifications


Informations levels

We provide for each image a pageXML file containing three level of information:

  • TextRegion localisation, with a semantic tag (e.g. MainText), following the SegmOnto ontology;
  • Baseline localisation and surrounding polygon of the line. Each baseline contains a semantic tag;
  • Text.
    <TextRegion id="79718" custom="structure {type:MainText;}">
      <Coords points="2575,4313 2575,2861 2563,1405 219,1413 216,4307 2575,4313"/>
      <TextLine id="870481" custom="structure {type:Text;}">
        <Coords points="2491,1414 2414,1414 2414,1515 2392,1534 2411,1584 2392,1627 2411,1679 2397,1732 2414,1751 2397,2082 2417,2102 2400,2178 2419,2206 2400,2258 2425,2338 2571,2352 2559,1411 2491,1414"/>
        <Baseline points="2492,1415 2504,2327"/>
      <TextLine id="870482" custom="structure {type:Commentary;}">
        <Coords points="2535,2356 2488,2356 2477,2395 2493,2507 2474,2545 2493,2595 2474,2732 2491,2822 2477,2852 2493,2998 2480,3025 2493,3132 2482,3250 2502,3266 2641,3258 2630,2354 2535,2356"/>
        <Baseline points="2536,2359 2552,3267"/>

Annotations have been made on the Calfa Vision platform, a free web-based annotation tool for documents and images designed for Oriental scripts.

Some results


Further readings

