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Framework for running symmetric play experiments.

Framework code taken from here


This repo has been tested with Ubuntu 19 and python 3.7.5. Other linux based systems and python versions >3.5 should function fine. Windows users should use the linux subsystem.

First, clone this repository to where you want to store the project by running git clone Then, navigate to the directory.

I highly recommend using a virutal environment for installation as there are very specific verisons of packages that need to be used for our algorithms. This can be done through virtualenv or conda, though I prefer the former. Here are the steps for doing so.

  1. Make sure you have python > 3.5 installed on your computer.
  2. Make sure you have pip installed for python3. As I have both python and python3 installed on my computer, for me this is pip3.
  3. Then, install the virtualenv package with pip3 install virtualenv. Ideally, this is the only package you should have in your system level python.
  4. While in the project directory, create a virtual environment called venv by running python3 -m virtualenv venv. If you want to name your environment something other than venv, please add the name to the .gitignore. DO NOT PUSH YOUR ENVIRONMENT TO THE REPO.
  5. To activate the environment anytime you want to work on the project, run source venv/bin/activate.

After you have a virtual environment, you need to setup all of the packages for our environment. Run the following command from the base directory of the project repo. If using CPU:

pip install -e .[cpu]

If using GPU:

pip install -e .[gpu]

Training with Stable Baselines

The script scripts/ can be used to train Stable Baseline algorithms in both gym and custom environments.

usage: [-h] [--env ENV] [--alg ALG] [--timesteps TIMESTEPS]
                [--policy POLICY] [--early-reset EARLY_RESET]
                [--normalize NORMALIZE] [--time-limit TIME_LIMIT]
                [--seed SEED] [--log-interval LOG_INTERVAL]
                [--tensorboard TENSORBOARD] [--name NAME]
                [--num-proc NUM_PROC] [--eval-freq EVAL_FREQ]
                [--checkpoint-freq CHECKPOINT_FREQ]
                [--layers LAYERS [LAYERS ...]]

Example: train PPO2 algorithm in CartPole-v1 environment for 25000 timesteps saving a checkpoint model every 100 training iterations.

python scripts/ --env CartPole-v1 --alg PPO2 --timesteps 25000 --checkpoint-freq 100

To view training progress in TensorBoard we can run...

python scripts/ --env CartPole-v1 --alg PPO2 --timesteps 25000 --checkpoint-freq 100 --tensorboard TENSORBOARD

In a separate terminal run... (REST_OF_PATH can be found in pre-logs before training starts)

tensorboard --logdir ./tb_logs/REST_OF_PATH


  • Joey Hejna
  • Sean Kim
  • Reina Wang
  • Nareg Megan
  • Sumer Kohli


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