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Stand-alone data analysis for the publication "Machine learning classification for field distributions of photonic modes".


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phc_mode_clustering DOI

This is the Python code publication supplement to the manuscript entitled

“Machine learning classification for field distributions of photonic modes”


C. Barth¹ and C. Becker¹

affiliated with

¹Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany.

The manuscript is published as a preprint on ArXiv:

ArXiv e-prints (2018), arXiv:1803.08290 [physics.optics].

This code is accompanied by (and partly depends on) the data publication

Barth, Carlo; Becker, Christiane (2018): Supplement to: Machine learning classification for field distributions of photonic modes. HZB Data Service.


  • A script for automatic download and verification of the data is included in this module. See the usage notes below.
  • The data publication DOI will only be resolvable after the manuscript has been officially published. Until then a fallback URL will be used internally.


This code can only be cloned as is, either directly from Github or via the version archived by Zenodo (you can find the DOI for the archived version in the final publication).

See requirements.txt for a list of Python modules on which it depends. This is basically the PyData stack, so e.g. users of anaconda may need minimal installations to get started.


Getting the data

Caution, the size of the data is >100GB. Make that you have enough disk space and bandwidth/time.

The src module comes with a command-line script to download and verify the complete data. You can see the syntax like this:

>> python src/data/ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  Downloads and verifies the raw data needed for the processing scripts and
  saves it to ../raw.

  --full_checksum    Use full SHA256 checksums instead of reduced ones.
  --print_checksums  Print-out the actual checksums instead of checking.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

That is, simply calling the script like

>> python src/data/

will download the data and verify it using reduced checksums. Use the full_checksum flag if you prefer a complete verification, but note that it will take a while due t the large file sizes. If you have the tqdm module installed, the download will also display a progress bar and the estimated remaining time.

The data will be downloaded to data/raw. This location is hard-coded, so that the data must not be moved in any way.


A dummy data set is included into the repository under data/raw_dummy, so that the proper environment and the code itself can be tested without having downloaded the full data. Usage of the dummy data set can be invoked by calling


before any data loading executed. You can run a small test suite that will verify the basic functionality of the code by calling

>> python src/tests/

Using the module

Once you are set up, you can add the parent folder to your Python path and import the module in the usual way, for example

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "path/to/phc_mode_clustering")
from src import tools, in_out, visualize as vis

The How to Perform the Clustering notebook will introduce you to the module, demonstrate a complete clustering procedure and show some basic plotting. It also demonstrates persistent storage of the clustering results, including the models itself.

The Loading and Plotting of Stored Data demonstrates loading of stored clustering data, using a small example data set distributed with this package. It moreover shows some advanced plotting to achieve results similar to those shown in the main publication.

Database details

The abstract in the data publication gives a general description of the database structure. In addition, the following table gives descriptions for the columns in the parameters_and_results.h5/data table.

Key Description
AccumulatedCPUTime Accumulated CPU time, including post processes
AccumulatedTotalTime Accumulated total (wall) time, including post processes
CpuPerUnknown CPU time per unknown fraction
CpuTime... Various CPU time metrics of the solver
E_1/2 Integrated field energy enhancement in the superspace volume V_sup of the computational domain (including the hole) for TE/TM polarization
E_norm Energy of the incident plane wave in the superspace volume V_sup, used as a normalization constant in the calculation of E_+
FEDegree{N}_Percentage Percentage of patches with a finite element degree (i.e. polynomial degree of the ansatz functions) of N, for N in [0...10]
Level Refinement level
SystemMemory_GB Consumed memory during the simulation in GB
TotalMemory_GB Total memory of the solve
TotalTime... Various wall time metrics of the solver
Unknowns Number of unknowns (degrees of freedom) in the FEM simulation
a_1/2_by_p_in Absorption in the superspace volume V_sup for TE/TM polarization, normalized to the incident power
conservation1/2 Conservation metric Reflectance + Transmittance + Absorption in the superspace volume V_sup for TE/TM polarization, used as a convergence/validity estimator
d Center diameter of the holes
e_11...e_24 Field energy for a specific polarization and domain (format: e_{polarization}{domain}.
fem_degree_max The maximum FEM degree used in the adaptive approach
h Height, i.e. extent in z-direction, of the slab
h_sub Height, i.e. extent in z-direction of the substrate material
h_sup Height, i.e. extent in z-direction of the superstrate material
mat_phc_k...mat_sup_n Refractive index (n = real part, k = imaginary part) for the three domain (subspace, PhC, superspace)
max_sl_circle Maximum side length of the circle in the non-extruded (2D) layout
max_sl_polygon Maximum side length of the polygon in the non-extruded (2D) layout
max_sl_z_slab Maximum side length in z-direction for the slab
max_sl_z_sub Maximum side length in z-direction for the subspace
max_sl_z_sup Maximum side length in z-direction for the superspace
p Pitch, i.e. lattice constant of the hexagonal lattice
phi Polar angle of the direction of incident light
precision_field_energy Precision parameter in the Scattering->Accuracy section, controlling the numerical accuracy of the near field
r_1/2 Reflectance for TE/TM polarization
t_1/2 Transmittance for TE/TM polarization
theta Azimuthal angle of the direction of incident light
vacuum_wavelength Vacuum wavelength of the incident light in meter


The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is acknowledged for funding research activities within the program NanoMatFutur (No. 03X5520) which made this software project possible.

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience


Stand-alone data analysis for the publication "Machine learning classification for field distributions of photonic modes".







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