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Azure AD Guest User (B2B) Maintenance and Automation Task

Chad Cox edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 25 revisions

Azure AD Guest User (B2B) Maintenance and Automation Task


In my guest script area i have examples of how to do this with the microsoft.graph cmdlets

Click here to open - Guest

How to create a guest user report

Using PowerShell

  • Link to the PowerShell script that will create a report: (Click Here)

Remove Guest Users not logged in after XX days

Using PowerShell

  • Copy the script locally (click here for script)
  • Run the script and provide the parameters notsignedonindays and removalthreshold
PS C:\> remove-aadstaleguest.ps1 -notsignedonindays 120 -removalthreshold 1000

Create a reoccuring job using a Azure Automation Account

  • If you haven't already created a Azure Automation Account follow these instructions to set up (can use previous created account): Click Here
  • Create a runbook following these instructions: Click Here
  • Use this runbook (runbook-removeAADStaleGuest.ps1)
  • Update the following values in the script:
    • notsignedonindays is the number of days since a guest has logged in, anything older than that value will be removed
#this is the number of days a guest account has to sign in before, they are considered to be deleted.
$notsignedonindays = 120
  • removalthreshold is used to limit the number of guest deleted on a particular day
#this is a standard theshold, only the number provided below will be returned and deleted.
$removalthreshold = 250
  • Have this runbook run at minimum weekly

Remove Guest Users that have not accepted invite and is currently pending after XX days

Using PowerShell

Create a reoccuring job using a Azure Automation Account

  • If you haven't already created a Azure Automation Account follow these instructions to set up (can use previous created account): Click Here
  • Create a runbook following these instructions: Click Here
  • Use this runbook (runbook-removeAADUnacceptedGuest.ps1)
  • Update the following values in the script:
    • notacceptedindays is the number of days since a was invited and not accepted, anything older than that value will be removed
#this is the number of days a guest account has to accept before, they are considered to be deleted.
$notacceptedindays = 30
  • removalthreshold is used to limit the number of guest deleted on a particular day
#this is a standard theshold, only the number provided below will be returned and deleted.
$removalthreshold = 100
  • Have this runbook run at minimum weekly

Identify and resolve viral guest accounts

  • Viral guest account is an account that was created prior to October 2021, where a viral tenant was created and a domain was added but not verified. Then a user with that domain name in their email address was invited as a guest to your tenant or another tenant.
  • The issue with a viral tenant is a process has been created to take over or hijack these viral tenants to reclaim the non verifired domain.
  • In doing so the user who takes over a viral tenant is able to grant themselves privileges that allow control over the b2b guest user account that can be used to log into any resources that account has access to.

How to resolve


Taking over a viral tenant

Single Azure AD tenant for large enterprises, part 4: Azure AD Viral tenants

Take over an unmanaged directory as administrator in Azure Active Directory

Identify and remove guest users using personal email addresses

Using PowerShell

Create a reoccuring job using a Azure Automation Account

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