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🤖 🐼 🐍 a simple python interface for basic control of a real panda robot with moveit!


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  • Control with MoveIt of Panda robot in Python

  • 🗣️ CoMPaPy = [kɔm papi] 👴 (🇫🇷)

  • 🚧 work in progress 👷


👓 description

"a simple python interface for basic control of a real panda robot with moveit"

  • using only official and maintained repos: franka_ros and MoveIt
  • two modes: simulated and real panda
  • no cpp, just python

⚠️ limitations

  • rely on ROS 😕
  • only tested on the following combination
    • (ubuntu 20, noetic, libfranka 0.10.0, franka_ros 0.10.1)
    • todo: docker
  • require switching to a real-time kernel to control the real panda
  • require lots of installations
    • todo: docker
  • only basic actions
    • move_j
    • move_l
    • open_gripper
    • close_gripper
    • rotate_joint
  • may require some parameter tuning
    • e.g. compute_cartesian_path() params in move_l
  • control panda_link8 instead of the gripper 😩

🔧 installation

note: installing libfranka and franka_ros with sudo apt install ros-noetic- ... is not an option at the time of writing: it gives incompatible versions

create a directory for all packages

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src

🎯 final structure

click to expand
tree ~/catkin_ws/src -d -L 2

├── compapy
│     ├── config
│     ├── launch
│     ├── media
│     ├── logs
│     └── scripts
├── franka_ros
│     ├── cmake
│     ├── franka_control
│     ├── franka_description
│     ├── franka_example_controllers
│     ├── franka_gazebo
│     ├── franka_gripper
│     ├── franka_hw
│     ├── franka_msgs
│     ├── franka_ros
│     └── franka_visualization
├── geometric_shapes
│     ├── cmake
│     ├── include
│     ├── src
│     └── test
├── moveit
│     ├── moveit
│     ├── moveit_commander
│     ├── moveit_core
│     ├── moveit_experimental
│     ├── moveit_kinematics
│     ├── moveit_planners
│     ├── moveit_plugins
│     ├── moveit_ros
│     ├── moveit_runtime
│     └── moveit_setup_assistant
├── moveit_msgs
│     ├── action
│     ├── dox
│     ├── msg
│     └── srv
├── moveit_resources
│     ├── dual_panda_moveit_config
│     ├── fanuc_description
│     ├── fanuc_moveit_config
│     ├── moveit_resources
│     ├── panda_description
│     ├── panda_moveit_config
│     ├── pr2_description
│     ├── prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin
│     ├── prbt_moveit_config
│     ├── prbt_pg70_support
│     └── prbt_support
├── moveit_tutorials
│     ├── doc
│     ├── _scripts
│     ├── _static
│     └── _themes
├── moveit_visual_tools
│     ├── include
│     ├── launch
│     ├── resources
│     └── src
├── panda_moveit_config
│     ├── config
│     └── launch
├── rviz_visual_tools
│     ├── icons
│     ├── include
│     ├── launch
│     ├── resources
│     ├── src
│     └── tests
├── srdfdom
│     ├── include
│     ├── scripts
│     ├── src
│     └── test
└── ven
    ├── bin
    ├── include
    ├── lib
    ├── lib64 -> lib
    └── share

⛏️ building from source

only tested with these versions (source):

Robot system version libfranka version franka_ros version Ubuntu / ROS
> = 5.2.0 (FR3) > = 0.10.0 > = 0.10.0 20.04 / noetic

🔍 libfranka

follow these instructions

📦 ROS meta-packages

🐼 franka_ros

follow these instructions

  • prefer catkin build to catkin_make
⏳ real-time kernel

follow these instructions

  • check with uname -r
  • note: the real-time kernel seems to be required to use the real robot, but not for gazebo / rviz simulations
🤸 moveit_panda_config

follow these instructions

  • prefer ~/catkin_ws/src to ~/ws_moveit/src
🤸 compapy
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin build

🎭 venv

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
python3 -m venv ven --system-site-packages
source ven/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

✏️ source_catkin alias in ~/.bashrc

this may be useful

alias source_catkin="source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash; source ~/catkin_ws/src/ven/bin/activate; cd ~/catkin_ws/src"

🐛 troubleshooting

"Unable to find either executable 'empy' or Python module 'em'... try installing the package 'python-empy'"

  • (ven) ~/catkin_ws$ catkin build -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.8

✍️ pycharm

follow this great video (Peter Mitrano)

source ~/catkin_ws/src/ven/bin/activate
python -c "import ros; print(ros.__file__)"

# if not using the alias
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/

find the path to either with JetBrains ToolBox or with

sudo apt install locate
sudo updatedb

I prefer to run python scripts from pycharm 😊

  • Working directory is configured to be ~/catkin_ws/src/compapy
  • if you prefer using the terminal, you may need to export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${PWD} against ModuleNotFoundError and ModuleNotFoundError

▶️ starting real robot

⚠️ keep the emergency button close to you ⛑️

the first time: follow the fci instructions to configure fci

switch on the robot


  • release joints
  • activate fci
  • Re-initialize Hand

in a terminal

  • source_catkin (the alias defined in a previous section)

🩺 verifications

👋 manual control

  • move the arm

  • open/close the gripper

    • in programming mode or execution mode
    • see this 15-sec demo
    • FCI can stay activated but make sure to close RViz and stop all ROS nodes (otherwise End Effector: Not Connected)
✔️ expected result

source: Franka Emika

source: Franka Emika

☎️ robot connection


🎮 move group python Interface

no real robot needed: follow this tutorial

roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch rviz_tutorial:=true
rosrun moveit_tutorials
✔️ expected result


📖 libfranka

in execution mode

✔️ expected result


🍿 franka_example_controllers

in execution mode

roslaunch franka_visualization franka_visualization.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true

# move a bit the gripper from its start pose before running this
roslaunch franka_example_controllers move_to_start.launch robot_ip:=
  • the pose defined in start_pose.yaml is reached

  • franka_visualization.launch raises the following, but the command can still be executed

    • Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?

📺 rviz visualization

in programming mode

roslaunch franka_visualization franka_visualization.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true
  • move the arm manually (gently press the two buttons on the gripper)
  • see the corresponding motion in rviz

franka_visualization.launch raises the following, but motion in rviz can still be seen

Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?

🖱️ rviz control

in execution mode

roslaunch panda_moveit_config franka_control.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true

in rviz:

  • add the MotionPlanning plugin
  • in Planning Request, enable Query Goal State
  • drag the interactive marker to some the goal state
  • click Plan and the Execute
  • try different planning settings (cartesian path, speed, planning pipeline ...)
  • try to display and hide the different visualisation tools
  • I personally like the Joints tab in MotionPlanning plugin

🗜️ gripper

in execution mode

run one of

roslaunch franka_gripper franka_gripper.launch robot_ip:=
roslaunch franka_control franka_control.launch robot_ip:=
roslaunch panda_moveit_config franka_control.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true
roslaunch compapy real.launch robot_ip:=

alternatively to the real robot, gazebo can be used

roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch
# close the gripper
rostopic pub --once /franka_gripper/grasp/goal franka_gripper/GraspActionGoal "goal: { width: 0.022, epsilon:{ inner: 0.005, outer: 0.005 }, speed: 0.1, force: 5.0}"

# open the gripper
rostopic pub --once /franka_gripper/move/goal franka_gripper/MoveActionGoal "goal: { width: 0.08, speed: 0.1 }"
✔️ expected result


🦿 joints

in execution mode

roslaunch compapy real.launch robot_ip:=

install and run rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

sudo apt install ros-noetic-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

in the two drop down options select /controller_manager and effort_joint_trajectory_contoller and then press the red button to "enable sending commands to the controller"

use this rqt tool:

  • in execution mode to move each joint individually (done with gazebo in the next section)

  • in programming mode or in a simulation to monitor the value of each joint and the distance to joint limits

✔️ expected result


🎭 gazebo

🍽️ ground_plane

about ground_plane

  • the default world contains a ground_plane
  • it acts as an obstacle and prevents the robot from reaching negative z
  • it is located in /usr/share/gazebo-11/worlds/


two solutions

  • either ... delete the ground_plane in Models
  • or ... create a with just a sun, and add the args world:=[] to the demo_gazebo.launch
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
    <world name="default">
        <!-- A global light source -->
roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch [world:=/home/simonchauvin/catkin_ws/src/compapy/config/]
rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
✔️ expected result


📏 read cartesian coordinates

run one of

roslaunch panda_moveit_config franka_control.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true
roslaunch compapy real.launch robot_ip:=

alternatively to the real robot, gazebo can be used

roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch


  • in rviz add tf under Panels
  • under Frames, panda_EE gives the current transform from the base (world) to the end effector
  • move the robot
    • either manually in programming mode
    • or by commands in execution mode
  • read the updated transform

alternatively, without rviz:

rosrun tf tf_echo /panda_link0 /panda_EE
✔️ expected result


🚟 CoMPaPy control

in execution mode

roslaunch compapy real.launch robot_ip:=

alternatively to the real robot, gazebo can be used

roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch

in pycharm, with Working directory set to ~/catkin_ws/src/compapy

python scripts/tests/
✔️ expected result
unit-test with 5-dof
unit-test with 7-dof

🏁 usage

🥢 gripper

adjust the parameters for close_gripper(), depending on the width of the object to grasp, in compapy.yaml

🌲 scene

define obstacles in obstacles.json

then visualize them with

roslaunch compapy sim.launch

in pycharm, with Working directory set to ~/catkin_ws/src/compapy

python scripts/
✔️ expected result


🕹️ example

in execution mode

roslaunch compapy real.launch robot_ip:=

adapt and run

in pycharm, with Working directory set to ~/catkin_ws/src/compapy

python scripts/

🐛 troubleshooting

calling a compapy function that moves the arm, while in programming mode

[ INFO] [1674462487.629393072]: ABORTED: CONTROL_FAILED
[ WARN] [1674462487.628997406]: Controller 'position_joint_trajectory_controller' failed with error GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED: panda_joint1 goal error -0.560709
[ WARN] [1674462487.629082297]: Controller handle position_joint_trajectory_controller reports status ABORTED
ERROR - 2023-01-23 09:28:07,629 - CoMPaPy: failed to execute plan
ERROR - 2023-01-23 09:28:07,629 - CoMPaPy: execution of plan failed
ERROR - 2023-01-23 09:28:08,654 - move_to_start_and_set_limits: move failed: execution of plan failed

starting a script to control the amr (e.g., while no ROS is running

[ERROR] [1673445824.345144228]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. Retrying...
# note: `roslaunch` starts `roscore` (and therefore the term "`ROS` master")

running a .launch file, while ROS is already running

[ WARN] [1674459968.109411334]: Shutdown request received.
[ WARN] [1674459968.110716175]: Reason given for shutdown: [[/robot_state_publisher] Reason: new node registered with same name]

🤔 known issues

💯 [move_l] cannot compute an entire [plan]

what can help:

  • check this answer
    • "A Cartesian path fraction less than 100% usually means either a collision was detected (which seems not to be the case here) or IK failed."

  • change the eef_step and jump_threshold params of compute_cartesian_path(), e.g. several trials with random offsets
    • I observe fraction improvements of max. 1%, i.e. so not very helpful
  • add intermediate waypoints to waypoints to make sub-paths easier
  • change the orientation of the target_pose
    • I noticed that simple combinations of [straight lines] and [rotation around z of the gripper of rz deg] fail for certain rz values
  • try move_j if this is an option 🤷‍♂️
🥴 the computed [plan] includes strange joint moves
left: joint_1 rotates first cw and then ccw, causing warnings or errors during the execution of the trajectory. right: joint_1 keeps rotating in only one direction

what can help:

  • check this answer
  • use a different planner in MoveIt (usually done with the pipeline argument)
  • play with the jump_threshold param of compute_cartesian_path()
  • reduce the degrees of freedom (dof) of the panda arm
    • ideally, create a new move_group using the MoveIt setup assistant where not all joints are used
      • e.g. freeze joint_3 and joint_5
      • todo: I could not find how to do it
    • alternatively, but not optimal, drastically reduce the bounds of joint_3 and joint_5 in joint_limits.yaml (note that fr3 is more constrained than panda)
      • moveit uses the limits defined in ~/catkin_ws/src/franka_ros/franka_description/robots/panda/joint_limits.yaml
      • ⚠️ after adjusting joint_limits.yaml, make sure all joints are in their intervals before starting moveit in the execution mode! Otherwise, the arm can strongly vibrate
      • in execution mode, run python scripts/ --dof=5, which does the following:
        • clear changes in joint_limits.yaml, i.e. reset to 7-dof
        • move the amr to a pose suitable for 5-dof: joint_5 = joint_3 = 0.0
          • note: this can also be achieved using move_to_start.launch, or even manually:
            • in programming mode, with roslaunch compapy real.launch robot_ip:=, manually move the amr so that joint_3 and joint_5 are at 0 (align the arrows printed on the joints)
            • make sure these two joints are at 0 with rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
            • manually move the other joints roughly to the middle of their ranges
            • quit rviz and kill real.launch
        • overwrite joint_limits.yaml for 5-dof: reduce the bounds of joint_3 and joint_5 to ~0
🎲 [compute_cartesian_path] is not deterministic

using the same configurations and parameters, compute_cartesian_path() can return plan that differ in size

  • despite setting python and numpy random.seed()
  • probably a cpp seed setting is required instead
🦾 the [compapy.move] functions move the [panda_link8] frame to the passed [target_pose], not [panda_EE]
compapy.move functions move the panda_link8 frame to the passed target_pose, not panda_EE
  • an example of frame conversion can be found in
  • I could not find how to directly control panda_EE instead

here the measurements used to derive some of the parameters for the conversion:

measurements when the fingers are in contact with the ground plane: panda_EE.z = 8.5mm and panda_link8.z = 111.6mm

conclusions from the above measurements:

  • the z offset between panda_EE and panda_link8 is ~103mm
  • the origin of the panda_EE frame is located between the finger pads, at ~8mm from the tip
origin of panda_EE, at ~8.5mm from the tip

👍 acknowledgements

the following resources helped me understand how to control the robot


🤖 🐼 🐍 a simple python interface for basic control of a real panda robot with moveit!








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