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Get github contribution with a face detection app. Dragon ball fantasy!

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Scouter: A human face detector which displays your Github contribution statistics.

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Check Presentation Stream on COSCUP 2018

Check this live demo

Presentation On COSCUP 2018


  • Fetch data with Github API
    • Github user data
    • Github user avatar
    • Parse Github contribution HTML to get user contribution statistics
  • Convert avatar to identity with Face Recognition API. Encoding avatar identity with userId.
  • Track face and crop face image from camera streaming with OpenCV
  • Send face image to Flask API server
    • Convert unknown face image to identity.
    • Get userId and contribution statistics with identity.
  • Send user contribution to App and display.


  1. Have a local running mongoDB using docker
make db
  1. (Optional) Import dump user data
make migrate

# Check user data in mongodb
docker exec -it mongo mongo scouter --eval "printjson(db.users.findOne())"
docker exec -it mongo mongo scouter --eval "printjson(db.users.count())"

Skip 'Fetching data with Github API' if using dump data

(Optional) Fetching data with Github API

Generate Github access token

  1. Github -> User -> settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens
  2. Keep your token safe.

Run fetchers with token

  1. Install go

  2. Fetch user data with Github Search API

go build ./cmd/user_fetcher && ./user_fetcher -token ${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}
  1. Fetch user detail information like follwers and repos with Github User API
go build ./cmd/user_detail_fetcher && ./user_detail_fetcher -token ${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}
  1. Fetch users' avatar with user.url from data in mongodb
go build ./cmd/avatar_downloader && ./avatar_downloader
  1. Fetch users' contribution statics by parsing html response of user.url from data in mongodb
go build ./cmd/contribution_fetcher && ./contribution_fetcher
  1. Make sure user avatar are good to go
ls data/avatars

Face detection and Face recognition

Face Recognition API

  1. Prepare a python virtual env
python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
  1. Install python dependency
pip3 install dlib flask face_recognition pymongo bson
  1. Try some face recognition API
face_recognition --show-distance true --tolerance 0.54 ./pictures_of_people_i_know/ ./unknown_pictures/
  1. Prepare face identity file with encoding generator
# Filter data/avatars image. Save images with human faces to data/human_face.
# Generate face_recognition/encodings and face_recognition/index with data/human_face
python ./face_recognition/
  1. Run apiserver to serve face recognition API
python ./face_recognition/
  1. Send imageBytes to api server
PostRequest("http://"+apiserverip+":5000/face_detection", imageBytes)


  1. Download latest Unity with iOS Build tools

  2. Create a new project

  3. Download and import a free face tracker example from unity asset store Face Tracker Example

  4. Download and import another priced asset is required: OpenCV for Unity NOTE: This is a priced asset.

  5. Copy unity scenes and scripts

cp -r unity/Assets/Scouter/* <unity-workspace>/<your-project>/Assets/FaceTrackerExample
  1. Open Unity and setup. File -> Build Settings -> Player Settings
Mac App Store Options -> Bundle Identifier: com.chechiachang.scouter
Configuration -> Scriptin Runtime Version: .NET 4.x Equivalent -> restart
  1. Open Scenes/WebCamTextureFaceTrackerExample
Inspector -> Web Cam Texture Face Tracker Example -> Apiserverip: 
- on your localhost mac
- with personal hotspot of Iphone


Project Configuration

  1. Open unity build for iphone project with xcode. Open another project.
  2. Xcode developer account:
  • Xcode - Preferences - Accounts: Add and login your 'apple developer ID'.
  • The team of your developer account will show up.
  • In my case, A personal team show up with my username as team name.
  1. Signing:
  • Click my-project. The project configure page will show up.
  • General - Identity: Change your display name and Bundle Identifier. Any reasonable identifier other than the example identifier will work.
  • General - Signing: Check 'Automatically manage signing'.
  • Choose your team. A signing certificates will show up.
  • If you stuck here, check your bundle identifier.

Build project

  1. Attach your device (your iphone). Unlock your iphone.
  2. Click 'Build and Run Current Schema'.


  • Github API crawler
    • Add an API to search user in Taiwan
      • Order by joined asc
      • Implement a API call with narrowed search condition
    • Add an API to fetch user Data
      • Get user with userUrl
      • order by most follower
      • order by most commit. Might need query by username.
    • Save user data to mongodb
      • username
      • avatar
      • # of follower
      • # of contributions
  • Google Search API Face downloader
  • Face Recognizer
    • Face detector
      • Generate face encoding and save to Python Pickle file
      • Face Recognition Face recognition
  • Front-End
    • Unity ios app
    • API portal
    • AR GUI
  • Readme


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