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Veramo SDK plugin for cheqd DID method

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ℹ️ Overview

The purpose of this @cheqd/did-provider-cheqd NPM package is to enable developers to interact with the cheqd ledger using Veramo SDK, a modular and pluggable client app SDK for decentralised identity and SSI applications.

This package includes Veramo SDK Agent methods for use with the Veramo CLI NPM package. It can also be consumed as an NPM package outside Veramo CLI for building your own applications with NPM.

The package's core functionality is borrowed from Veramo Core NPM package. and extends this to include cheqd ledger functionality, such as creating and managing DIDs.

🆔 did:cheqd-specific functionality

did-provider-cheqd is the first Veramo SDK plug-in that utilises the DID Manager Update method to offer a full-body DIDDoc update for a DID on cheqd ledger, rather than individual field update transactions used more commonly in other DID methods such as did:ethr.

New DID creation can also be done by passing a full-body DIDoc payload in JSON, rather than having to assemble the document field-by-field.

🧑‍💻🛠 Quick Start

These quick start steps provide the minimal configuration that you need to set Veramo CLI for use with cheqd.

Check out our advanced CLI setup guide for further customisations and troubleshooting Veramo CLI setup in case you run into any issues.

1. Install Veramo CLI and clone this repo

This step is exactly as described in Veramo CLI docs:

npm install -g @veramo/cli@latest
git clone
npm install

2. Generate a new local database encryption key

By default, the did-provider-cheqd package has a default SQLite database password, but it's a good idea to modify and change this to a new key unique to your install.

$ veramo config gen-key

X25519 raw private key (hex encoded):


You can use this key with @veramo/kms-local#SecretBox
or replace the default agent.yml 'dbEncryptionKey' constant

Take the key generated and replace the value under dbEncryptionKey in the agent.yml file.

3. Configure your cheqd/Cosmos account keys and RPC endpoints

Configure the following properties under the didManager section:

  1. cosmosPayerMnemonic: Mnemonic associated with your cheqd/Comsos SDK account. This is only stored locally, and the mnemonic is used to reconstitute the account address and keys used to pay for the transaction.
  2. rpcUrl: For both did:cheqd:mainnet: as well as did:cheqd:testnet: sections, you can specify a Cosmos SDK RPC endpoint. This endpoint is where transactions are sent to. By default, this is populated with (for mainnet) and (for testnet), but you can can modify this to a different hosted RPC endpoint for cheqd or even your own local/private RPC endpoint.
  3. defaultProvider (optional): The default cheqd network is set to did:cheqd:testnet to allow developers to test out network functionality. However, if you prefer, you can switch this out to did:cheqd:mainnet instead.

4. Verify your configuration file is correct

Once you've completed the steps above, verify that your Veramo configuration is accurate using the following command. If your configuration is correct, you should get a success message like the one below.

$ veramo config check -f <path/to/>agent.yml

Your Veramo configuration seems fine. An agent can be created and the 'agent.execute()' method can be called on it.

5. Environment setup

  1. LIT_PROTOCOL_DEBUG - Set this to true to enable debug logging for the LIT protocol. By default it is set to false.

📖 Documentation

Tutorials, advanced configuration, and architecture for cheqd's Veramo plugin can be found on our Identity Docs site.

💬 Community

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Please reach out to us there for discussions, help, and feedback on the project.

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