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Chiara Richiardi

Environmental biologist specialised in GIS/Remote sensing

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💻 Work experience

Researcher - ENEA - 11/2023 – CURRENT
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development - Division Models and Technologies for disaster risks reduction
Activities: Analysis of Earth observation and spatial data for monitoring natural, semi-natural, and anthropogenic ecosystems in terrestrial and marine environments to study natural dynamics and anthropogenic impacts and the interaction between them to inform decision-making and governance processes.

Technician - Piedmont Region - 09/2023 – 11/2023
Environment, Energy and Territory Directorate - Sector A1601C - Sustainable Development, Biodiversity and Natural Areas
Activities: Analysis of multi-source Earth Observation (EO) data for the monitoring of ecosystems, with attention to carbon flows and related indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Development in R environment of algorithms for extracting information layers from satellite image datasets. It is the task of the Department, in compliance with the guidelines of the Regional Directorate and in accordance with the objectives set by the Government Bodies, to carry out activities in the field of implementation of European Directives and national regulations through the construction and management of regional strategies on biodiversity, combating climate change and sustainable development; protection, enhancement and recovery of natural capital and ecosystem services; protection and enhancement of the Natura 2000 network, natural heritage and biodiversity.

Research Externship - University of Saskatchewan - July, August, September 2022
Externship funded bt the Belmont Soils 2020 International Scholars Program
Host institution: University of Saskatchewan - Department of Geography and Planning, Xulin Guo Research Group
Activities: Field activities in the Grassland National Park (Saskatchewan, CA) to collect biophysical and remote sensing data through a spectroradiometer; Data processing and statistical analysis; Training on spectral, textural and phenological features.

Research Grant - National Research Council - Institute on Atmospheric Pollution - 10/2020 – 09/2023
Activities: Analysis of multi-source Earth Observation (EO) data for the monitoring of ecosystems, including polar ones, with attention to carbon flows and related indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Contribution to 1) HORIZON 2020 – ERA-PLANET the European network for observing our changing planet, strend: GEOEssential Variables workflows for resource efficiency and environmental management; 2) e-shape (EuroGEOSS Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe), a project coordinated by ARMINES and funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020; 3) Belmont Forum project ABRESO - Abandonment and rebound: Societal views on landscape- and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils. Development in R environment of algorithms for extracting information layers from satellite image datasets. Porting in the Virtual Laboratory platform through containerization in Docker environment of the algorithm. Oral presentations of the research activities.

External collaborator - Gran Paradiso National Park - 07/2020 – 11/2021
Cumulative temporal and spatial analysis of the anthropogenic impacts present within the Park. Drafting of thematic maps, useful for the territorial management of the Park.

GIS analyst - Timesis s.r.l. - 01/2020 – 12/2021
Occasional self-employment contract of professional type. Activities: Territorial analysis consultancy in GIS environment and return of thematic maps.

GIS / Remote sensing specialist - ITHACA - Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action - 02/2019 – 09/2020
Activities: Rapid mapping activity by means of remote sensing techniques, under EU Copernicus Emergency Management Service, in support of environmental emergencies for disaster preparedness and response.

External collaboration - SEAcoop STP - 11/2018 – 02/2019
Occasional self-employment contract of professional type. Activities: Consultancy activities in the environment and ecosystem services field. Environmental analysis trough GIS environment. Technical proposals activity for the tender Horizon 2020.

External collaboration - University of Turin - 11/2018 – 12/2018
Activities: Bibliographic Reference Tutorial for Masters students in Cellular and molecular biology, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology.

External collaboration - SEAcoop STP - 10/2017 – 01/2018
Activities: Monetary and biophysical assessment of ecosystem services provided by a peri-urban area in Piedmont, also in GIS environment.

🎓 Education

Ph.D. candidate - EQF 8 - 11/2021 - CURRENT
University of Turin
Major: Biological sciences and applied biotechnologies
Research project: “Remote sensing based approach for monitoring vegetation dynamics under climate and land use changes”
Scientific referents: Prof. Consolata Siniscalco (UniTo), Dr. Maria Patrizia Adamo (CNR IIA)

II level Master's Degree in GIScience and Remote Piloting Systems for the integrated management of land and natural resources - EQF level 8 - 11/2017 – 09/2018
University of Padua
Curriculum: Production and management of geo-information.
Final project: "Use of open-source data for the mapping of Habitats in the Po River - Vercellese Alessandrino SPA".
Curricular internship (450 hours) at ENEA, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory, Saluggia (VC), Italy. Activities: Mapping of Habitat through open-source data, analysis and comparison of LU/LC legends. Analysis in a GIS environment.

Master's Degree in Environmental Biology – (LM 6) - EQF level 7 - 10/2014 – 07/2017
University of Turin
Degree mark: 110/110 Curriculum: Environmental and land management.
Thesis: "Analysis and evaluation of ecological reticularity and ecosystem services in the Stura di Lanzo, Malone and Orco basins (Piedmont)".
Curricular internship (225 hours) at ENEA, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory, Saluggia (VC), Italy. Activities: Ecological network analysis and ecosystem services assessment in three contiguous watersheds, located in Piedmont, conducted in GIS environment.

Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences – (L-13) - EQF level 6 - 10/2010 – 09/2013
University of Turin. Curriculum: Molecular and cellular biology. Degree mark: 97/110. Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Occhipinti

🏆 Accomplishments

2021. Contest ‘Envisioning Torino’, Nexto Masterplan Project, AgriTurin - The productive city. Team work first place. The competition aims to think about the possibility of setting up a research center on the implementation and application of IoT technologies in agriculture, with particular reference to the possibilities of precision farming and the protection of local agricultural biodiversity. Associazione Nexto. Masterplan: una visione per Torino. 2021, Torino, ISBN 9791220093880.

2018. Award for the Master Degree Thesis in memory of Antonio and Luigi Goi XIII edition - University of Brescia. Thesis title: "Analysis and evaluation of ecological reticularity and ecosystem services in the Stura di Lanzo, Orco and Malone (Piedmont) basins", A.Y. 2016/2017.

💬 Languages

Italian: First language
English: Intermediate, First Certificate in English (FCE) – EXOL Cambridge University

📄 Publications

Richiardi, C.; Minciardi, M.R.; Siniscalco, C.; Adamo, M. Cumulative Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Anthropogenic Impacts in the Protected Area of the Gran Paradiso National Park in the NW Alps, Italy. Land. 2023, 12, 1124.

Richiardi, C.; Siniscalco, C.; Adamo, M. Comparison of Three Different Random Forest Approaches to Retrieve Daily High-Resolution Snow Cover Maps from MODIS and Sentinel-2 in a Mountain Area, Gran Paradiso National Park (NW Alps). Remote Sensing. 2023, 15, 343.

Richiardi C., Blonda P., Rana F.M., Santoro M., Tarantino C., Vicario S., Adamo M. (2021). A Revised Snow Cover Algorithm to Improve Discrimination between Snow and Clouds: A Case Study in Gran Paradiso National Park. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(10):1957.

Balbo S., Di Ciollo C., Elia A., Richiardi C., Labartino M., Pasquali P., Cotrufo S., Arco E., Morreale S., Monaco C. and Grita S. (2020). Transizione da Software Proprietario a FOSS per un Servizio di Cartografia. Atti del convegno FOSS4G Italia 2020, 18-22 Febbraio, Torino.

Minciardi M.R., Richiardi C., Poma S., Alberico S., Ciadamidaro S., Rossi G.L., Grasso S., Vayr P. (in press). Ecological networking assessment to evaluate ecosystem services and improve green infrastructure. Atti del X Congresso IALE, Nature and Society facing the Anthropocene Challenges and Perspectives for Landscape Ecology, 1-5 Luglio 2019, Milano.

Richiardi C. e Minciardi M.R. (2018). Applicazione di metodi biofisici e monetari di valutazione dei servizi ecosisistemici nei bacini di Stura di Lanzo, Malone e Orco (TO). Atti del IV Convegno italiano sulla riqualificazione fluviale, 22-26 Ottobre 2018, Bologna, pp. 155-158.

🧭🐝🏕️🏔️👨‍🍳 Hobbies and interests

Travelling, beekeeping, trekking, ski, camping, cooking, naturalistic photography.


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Chiara Richiardi's CV






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