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Ellipse-Ellipse overlap area:

This program calculates the overlapping area of two arbitrary ellipses. It implements the algorithm published in this paper. See also the available preprint.


  • compile the code:

This should produce an executable (overlap)

  • run the executable with an input-file and an id:
./overlap inputfile id

(id is 1 or 2 to choose between two different quartic solvers)

  • This should produce two output-files:

  • result-File: results.txt

  • root-File: roots.txt

Contents and Formats of files:

  • the input-File should be in the following format
id A1 B1 H1 K1 PHI_1 A2 B2 H2 K2 PHI_2

(11 columns)

  • id is a running number

  • Ax and

  • Bx are semi-axes of the one ellipse with the center coordinates

  • (Hx, Kx)

  • and the inclination with respect to the x-axis Phi_x (x in {1, 2})

  • results-File is in the following format:

id area-Ellipse1 (=pi.A1.B1) areaEllipse2 (=pi.A2.B2) OverlapAreaAnalytical OverlapAreaPolynomial rel_err
  • roots-File contains the coordinates of the intersection points (if any):
id x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 ...

this file is used by the plot-script

How to visualize the results:

python inputFile rootsFile resultsFile

That would produce in the directory ./cases/ a couple of png's


  • GSL: to solve the quartic equations

  • (optional) > Boost.polygon: to compare the results of this code, the overlap-area of polygonized ellipses is calculated with Boost.polygon. In case you don't have boost installed (and don't want to) then you need to set USING_BOOST in call_ee.cpp to 0
#define USING_BOOST 0


The solver of the quartic function is the central part of the code. Actually, two different solvers are used separately:

The second one is faster, however fails to calculate accurately the roots of test_5.

To do:

  • Implement the algorithm from the paper The fast quartic solver by Peter Strobach.
  • Try MPSolve. This library adds some dependencies though.
  • Add more tests to cover all the cases.