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Releases: chrisrichmond/Vector-Racer


29 Mar 13:08
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Release Notes

  • Full system Javadoc and commentary
  • Resources filesystem consolidation
  • Jars


22 Mar 14:23
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v1.0.0-rc.2 Pre-release

Release Notes


  • BFS AI Solver gameplay now functional and stable
  • Patched incorrect crash count issue
  • Changed gameplay on Player vs Computer games where winner is determined by first to the finish, without relation to score


21 Mar 23:40
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v1.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release

Release Notes


  • Linear equation function support in Vect
  • Terrain ray tracing algorithm between two points
  • Checkpoint support up to 10 zones
  • Support for equals() and hashCode() method overrides in every class that requires it
  • Fixed minor bug on racetrack coordinate inputs from Controller being slightly off
  • Checkpoint zone colouring
  • Mechanism for evaluating individual players finishing
  • Mechanism for evaluating all players finishing
  • Mechanism for evaluating winning player
  • States now have parents unless they are the initial State
  • States now have possible children
  • Refactored Player and Racer attributes and functionality to have less duplicate code
  • Copy constructors added for deep cloning in all relevant classes
  • Refactored mechanisms in State for returning the current Player and producing a new State with makeMove()
  • Full geometry package Javadoc commentary


  • Brand new main menu interface using splash background image and JFoenix assets
  • Removed play menu and integrated into new main menu
  • Menu navigation all handled in View now
  • Checkpoint tile checkered colour overlay
  • Checkpoint tile numeric zone number overlay
  • CSS root styling
  • Added info label under racetrack display on GamePane
    • Turn info
    • Colouring based on current player
    • Winner/draw info


  • RacetrackPane event handling by new GameHandler class

Program Structure

  • Full MVC refactor
    • Removed View as direct Observer of Model - responsibility for updating UI now falls solely on refactored Controller and GameHandler classes which update View only when necessary


  • Added Abstract Solver
  • Added Breadth-First Search solver (unstable, solves every time but returns inconsistent path and normally results in system crash)
  • (WIP/unstable) Added Breadth-First Search solver with zoning
  • (WIP/unstable) Added Depth-First Search solver
  • (WIP/unstable) Added Breadth-First Search solver with zoning


  • Automatic copying of resource tracks to users Vector Racer Files home directory
  • Extension filtering for .vrff files


  • 6 full-sized racetrack circuit layouts supplied in resources
  • Now utilising assets from JFoenix 8.0.8 (Java 8)
  • Menu splash image


17 Feb 16:59
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Patch Notes


  • Patched issue where Racers were allowed to move through walls (will be updated in next patch to reflect the traversable attribute of Terrain Tiles in general rather than hard-coded to just wall tiles)
  • Added Racer position reset after entering wall and velocity kill upon reset


16 Feb 18:17
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Release Notes


  • Tile selection
  • Mouse handling
  • Other legacy assets


  • Vector Racer File Format .vrff
  • Loading assets from file
  • Tiles
    • Air
    • Sand
    • Ice
    • Wall
  • Racetrack
  • Player/Racer system
  • Geometry package
  • State system for governing player/racer movement
  • Racer movement
  • Next possible move evaluation
  • State history


  • Barebones main menu
  • Barebones play menu
  • Barebones game screen
    • Racetrack drawing
    • Sprite drawing
      • All tiles
      • Racers
      • Trails
      • Next move circle selectors


  • Mouseclick handling
  • Coordinate conversion system for feeding back to model

Program Structure

  • Full JavaFX MVC decoupling possible once additional interfaces are implemented
  • Observer Pattern used for change propagation, may adopt JavaFX properties further down the line