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C++ Go Fast

Based on What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory

What Programmers Can Do

Bypassing the Cache (p. 47)

  • non-temporal access(NTA) operations -> data will not be reused soon
  • less cache pollution

Cache Access

L1d (p. 49)

  • better locality:
    • spatial:
      • use full cache line more effectively -> for loops
      • when binary generic -> biggest cache line size expected
      • put often used elements together + keep not together used data apart -> less cache pollution
      • variables used together -> store together -> fewer conflict misses
    • temporal:
      • keep often used data together
      • pull common expressions out of inner loops as far down as possible
    • restrict pointer -> promises that this pointer doesn't have any aliases
  • align code and data:
    • struct layout:
      • pahole program -> make structs align to cache lines
      • move struct elements most likely to be the critical word to beginning
      • access elements of struct in order of definition -> arrange elements in most likely accessed order
      • for bigger structs -> apply rules for each cache line-sized block
    • struct alignment:
      • each data type has own alignment requirement
      • structs use largest alignment of elements -> allocated object might not be aligned to cache line
      • can be changed with variable attribute for object allocated by compiler struct strtyype varialbe __attribute((aligned(64));
      • or struct strtype {...} __attribute(aligned(64));
      • posix_memalign and alignof for dynamic allocation
      • might lead to fragmentation
    • alignment requirements:
      • variable length arrays (VLAs) -> active alignment control -> slower
      • relaxed alignment requirement for tail functions (call no other functions) and no multimedia operations + functions only calling functions without alignment requirement
      • -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -> stack will be aligned to 2^N bytes; default is N=4
      • can reduce code size; improve execution speed
  • SIMD

L1i (p. 55)

  • reduce code footprint:
    • -Os good when loop unrolling and inlining not effective
    • -finlinelimit -> when function too large for inlining
    • noinline function attribute -> when function called often from different locations -> branch prediction may better -> branch prediction unit already saw code
  • linear without bubbles:
    • loop unrolling, inlining -> -02/-O3
    • always inline function only called once -> always_inline function attribute
  • branch prediction:
    • jumps bad; instructions cached in decoded form
    • jump target might not be static; even if static, memory fetch might miss all caches
    • lopsided conditional execution -> false static branch prediction -> bubbles in pipeline
    • profile-guided optimization
    • #define unlikely(expr) __builtin_expect(!!expr), 0) #define likely(expr) __builtin_expect(!!expr), 1) + -freorder-blocks (used by -O2 + -O3 but not by -Os) doesn't work with exception handling
    • compact loops have advantages
  • align code when sensible:
    • instruction at beginning of cache line good
    • alignment good when:
      • at beginning of functions
      • blocks only reachable by jumps
      • sometimes at beginning of loops -> requires gap -> filled with no-op instructions or unconditional jump
      • -falign-functions=N, -falign-jumps=N, -falign-loops=N -> align all functions, jumps, loops to next power-of-two greater than N -> gap of N bytes
      • N=1 -> disable alignment or -fno-align-functions


  • working set size for more than one use matched to cache size -> work on bigger problems in smaller pieces
  • hardcode cache line size
  • higher level cache size can vary widely -> cod must adjust dynamically
  • instructions and libraries use higher level cache too
  • /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cache for safe lower limit (p. 59)


  • page optimization for both page faulst and TLB misses
  • widely varying locations in address space -> more directories
  • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) slow


Hardware Prefetching (p. 60)

  • at least two cache misses start prefetching
  • can't cross page boundaries
  • keep unrelated data out -> less cache pollution
  • sequential access -> hardware prefetching

Software Prefetching (p. 61)

  • _mm_prefetch intrinsic on pointer -> prefetch
  • -fprefetch-loop-arrays -> prefetch if sensible -> bad for small arrays

Speculation (p. 62)

Helper Threads (p. 63)

Direct Cache Access (p. 64)


Concurrency (p. 65)

  • goal: fewer RFO messages
  • grouping:
    • group "constant" variables (change very rarely) -> always mark with const if possible
    • group variables used together by same thread -> int bar __attribute__((section(""))) = 2; -> ".data." prefix guarantees place together with other data sections; rest arbitrary
    • separate read-only, read-write (and read-mostly)
    • group read-write in struct -> only way of ensuring close memory locations
    • read-write often written by different threads own cache line -> padding
  • TLS:
    • thread-local storage (TLS) __thread int bar = 2; -> stored separately for each thread -> costs time when thread created
    • thread-local variables are addressable by other threads but unless pointer passed, no way to find
    • shift over more expensive -> copy required
    • when only one thread uses variable -> wasted resources
    • good when multiple threads independent use

Atomicity (p. 68)

  • Bit Test
  • Load Lock / Store Conditional (LL/SC)
  • Compare-and-Swap (CAS) -> expensive
  • Atomic Arithmetic -> still expensive (~200 cycles)

Bandwidth (p. 70)

  • place thread better -> thread affinity: assign thread to one or more cores

NUMA (p. 72)

Memory Performance Tools

Oprofil (p. 78)

  • stochastic, system-wide profiling -> not all events recorded accurately
  • relate multiple counter to each other
  • divisor is measure of processing time, number of clock cycles or number of instructions
  • CPI (cycle per instruction):
    • not limited by memory bandwidth significantly below 1.0
    • L1d not large enough -> 3.0
    • L2 not sufficient -> 20.0
    • average over all instructions
  • number of retired instructions used -> for cache miss rate load and store instructions have to be subtracted
  • inclusive caches -> L1d miss implies L2 miss as well
  • check if prefetch instructions issued too late (late NTA prefetches) or not used (1 - useful NTA prefetches + late NTA prefetches) -> wasted decoding of prefetch instruction

Opannotate (p. 80)

  • every event recorded with instruction pointer -> pinpoint hot spots

\time (p. 80)

  • list minor and major page faults
  • #include <sys/resource.h> int getrusage(__rusage_who_t who, struct rusage* usage) who can be RUSAGE_SELF or RUSAGE_CHILDREN -> can be used multiple times -> determine where page faults
  • can also be found in /proc/<PID/stat


Cachegrind (p. 81)

  • simulates different caches
  • valgrind --tool=cachegrind command arg -> use sizes and associativity of real processor running on
  • valgrind --tool=cachegrind --L2=8388608,8,64 command arg -> simulate 8MB L2 ache with 8-way set associativity and 64 byte cache line size
  • cachegrind.out.XXXXX with PID can be viewed with cg_annotate:
    • cache line use in each function
    • debug information required
    • when source file given -> annotates each line
  • number of cache misses lower than in reality

Massif (p. 82)

  • valgrind --tool=massif command arg
  • creates massif.XXXXX.txt and
  • --stacks=no -> disabling stack monitoring -> might be useful when not possible
  • aloc-fn=xmallox -> use custom allocator

Memusage (p. 83)

  • memusage command arg
  • total memory use for heap and optionally stack
  • -p IMGFILE -> create graph
  • faster than valgrind
  • -n NAME for selecting specific child program
  • dynamic memory allocation -> linear allocation and compactness
  • obstacks can be used when many allocations from same location -> large number of relatively small allocations
  • graph over number of calls gentle slope -> lot of small allocations

Profile Guided Optimization (p. 85)

  • test static assumptions
  • with gcc:
    1. build with -fprofile-generate
    2. run representative set of workloads output can be read with gcov
    3. build again with -fprofile-use

Pagein (p. 86)

  • reduce total number of used pages

  • valgrind --tool=pagein command arg

  • valgrind produces some artifacts

  • add MAP_POPULATE to fourth parameter of mmap -> pre-fault all pages in mapped area

  • might clog up the system when only used much later

  • hugetlbfs for huge pages (like 2MB instead of 64KB)

  • Perf

  • Pahole

  • pfmon


  • systemwide

Chapter 6.5 NUMA Programming is missing.


  • python
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • matplotlib
  • c/c++
    • gcc/g++
  • OS
    • linux


make plot_all