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Atul Kushwaha edited this page Feb 17, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to CPU Scheduling Algorithms ⌛

Welcome to the documentation for the CPU Scheduling Algorithms project! This project aims to provide Python implementations of various CPU scheduling algorithms, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.

this project has implemetation of the following CPU sheduling algorithms

  • First Come First Serve (FCFS)
  • Shortest Job Firts (SJF)
    • Non-preemptive
    • Preemptive
  • Round Robbin (RR)

My learnings while making this project

  • before this project i used print() statements for debugging, now i use debugger
  • while making logic rather than using any random example, one should make their own example which contains wrost case scenarios covered, so that you build your logic once rather than revising it multipletimes
  • [list comprehensions] are awesome !!!

CPU Scheduling