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  • toml configuration file

    • allows you to configure all flags for all commands but you still need to pass the command/subcommand to run

    • see example/config.toml for example

  • prefix to environment values

        c := mycli.NewCli(nil, nil)
        c.EnvPrefix = "T"
  • Commands

        const (
          title = "Example Title"
          description = "Example Description"
          author = "John Doe ([email protected])"
          copyRight = "(c) YYYY Example Inc.,"
        func setupFlags(ctx context.Context) {
          var overrideLogDir string
          var port int64 = 8081
          cli := mycli.NewCli(nil, nil)
          cli.Title = title
          cli.Description = description
          cli.Version = version.VERSION
          cli.BuildDate = version.BUILDDATE
          cli.GitCommit = version.GITCOMMIT
          cli.GoVersion = version.GOVERSION
          cli.Author = author
          cli.Copyright = copyRight
          cli.PostGlblAction = func() error { return setLogger(overrideLogDir) }
          cli.Flgs = []mycli.CLIFlag{
             &mycli.StringFlg{Variable: &overrideLogDir, Name: "log_dir", ShortName: "ld", Usage: "override logging directory"},
          cli.Cmds = []*mycli.CLICommand{
                  Name:   "update",
                  Usage:  "check for updates",
                  Action: func() error { return update() },
                  Flags: []mycli.CLIFlag{},
    	       Name:   "serve",
    	       Usage:  "start server",
                   Action: func() error { return startServer(ctx, port) },
    	       Flags: []mycli.CLIFlag{
    		   &mycli.Int64Flg{Variable: &port, Name: "port", ShortName: "p", Value: 8081},
          err := cli.Parse()
          if err != nil {
              log.Logf(log.FATAL, "%v", err)
  • Sub Commands

        cli := mycli.NewCli(nil, nil)
        cli.Cmds = []*mycli.CLICommand{
    	Name:  "client",
    	Usage: "use as a client",
    	SubCommands: []*mycli.CLICommand{
    			Name:      "config",
    			ShortName: "c",
    			Usage:     "use config file",
    			Action: func() { log.Println("ran clients config") },
    			Flags: []mycli.CLIFlag{
    				&mycli.Int64Flg{Variable: &t4, Name: "port", ShortName: "p", Usage: "Set Port", Value: 9111, Required: false},
    			Name:      "cmdln",
    			ShortName: "cl",
    			Usage:     "use command line",
    			Action: func() { log.Println("ran clients cmdline") },
    			Flags: []mycli.CLIFlag{
    				&mycli.Int64Flg{Variable: &t5, Name: "port", ShortName: "p", Usage: "Set Port", Value: 9111, Required: false},
  • Global and Command Flags

       cli := mycli.NewCli(nil, nil)
       cli.Flgs = []mycli.CLIFlag{
          &mycli.StringFlg{Variable: &overrideLogDir, Name: "log_dir", ShortName: "ld", Usage: "override logging directory"},
  • Custom Flag types

    • toml
  • Default Flag types

    • bool
    • float64
    • int64
    • string
    • uint64
    • toml
  • Help

     $ main -h
       main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
       -debug, -d
             flag set to debug (default false)
       -debugLevel, -dbglvl  int
             set debug level (default 0)
       -config, -c  string
             config file path
       -proxyhttp  string
           HTTP_PROXY  (as environment var)
             Sets http_proxy for network connections
       -proxyhttps  string
           HTTPS_PROXY (as environment var)
             Sets https_proxy for network connections
       -noproxy  string
           NO_PROXY    (as environment var)
             Sets no_proxy for network connections
       -log_dir, -ld  string
             override logging directory
       update:    (check for updates)
       serve:     (start server)
           -port, -p  int
               Set port (default 8081)
       client:    (use as a client)
         Sub Commands:
           config :  use config file
             -port, -p  int
                Set Port (default 9111)
           cmdln :   use command line
            -port, -p  int
                Set Port (default 9111)
  • Flag Attributes

    • required flag

      &mycli.Int64Flg{Variable: &t4, Name: "port", ShortName: "p", Usage: "Set Port", Value: 9111, Required: true},
    • option values, limit to set of valid options

      &mycli.StringFlg{Variable: &capture, Name: "capture", ShortName: "cap", Usage: "Used to test string", Options: []string{"hello", "bye"}},
  • Bash Autocompletion

    use the included bash_autocomplete script along with bash-completion v2+

    Typically you will perform the following to set this up
    - Name of executable i.e. mytest
    - Copy bash_autocomplete to /etc/bash_completion.d/ using the name of the executable 
       i.e. /etc/bash_completion.d/mytest
    - chmod 777 for all to use i.e. chmod 777 /etc/bash_completion.d/mytest

Order of precedence on FLAG values

    1. commandline (highest priority)
    1. environment
    1. config file
    1. defaults (lowest priority)

Testing using example

    1. go run main.go -c config.toml server
    1. go run main.go -c config.toml client
    1. go run main.go -c config.toml weserve cmdln
    1. go run main.go -c config.toml weserve config

Warning on Reuse of Variables across Commands

  • When a variable is reused on different commands a warning is displayed
    • this will help inform you that the value could be overridden unexpectedly DISABLE by setting in your declaration
    • cli.DisableFlagValidation = true