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Releases: compuphase/Black-Magic-Probe-Book

Version 1.5, build 7087 - Improved tracing, CTF support and SVD support

18 Jan 20:05
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This release has improvements in trace capturing, such as more robust SWO Trace capturing and filtering on a "severity level" with the Common Trace Format. Support for SVD (System View Description) files was also expanded, with bit-range decoding for microcontroller-specific peripheral registers.

Search and filter functions now support wildcards, and bookmarks are now available in the SWO Trace viewer (BMTrace).
In the debugger front-end (BMDebug), there is a new implementation for aligning source code with disassembly, to better cope with code that was re-arranged by compiler optimizations.

The book has been adjusted to include the information on the new and expanded functions.

The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is also known as BMDA (Black Magic Debug App). It is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable version of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.

The "" is the GNU cflow utility, pre-compiled for Microsoft Windows. It is available here only for convenience.

Support for BIN and HEX files

15 Mar 15:58
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This is mostly a bug-fix release. A number of malloc() leakages were found & fixed. There was also a parsing error in the handling of SVD files, which caused a crash if a particular construct present (this was fixed too).

The Flash programmer utility (BMFlash) now supports Intel HEX and flat BIN files as wel as ELF files. Its handling of code-read protection was overhauled, and now allows for more flexibility. Currently, the code-read protection is supported for STM32 and LPC microcontroller families.

The book has been adjusted to include the information on CRP, and HEX & BIN files.

The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is also known as BMDA (Black Magic Debug App). It is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable version of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.

The "" is the GNU cflow utility, pre-compiled for Microsoft Windows. It is available here only for convenience.

Tcl scripting & semihosting support

18 Jan 14:03
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In the book, the paragraph on semihosting (in the chapter on run-time tracing) has been expanded, and moved to a separate section. There is also a new chapter on Tcl scripting.
The archives for the binaries also contains the PDF for the book.

Tcl scripting was added to the BMFlash and BMSerial utilities. In the case of BMFlash, it allows you to run an initial self-test procedure immediately after upload, or provide post-upload operations such as print a label with the serial number. In BMSerial, scripting allows you to write protocol decoders for serial input, or auto-respond to various inputs. This is described in detail in the book.

The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is also known as BMA (Black Magic App) or BMDA. It is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable version of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.

The "" is the GNU cflow utility, pre-compiled for Microsoft Windows. It is available here only for convenience.

Book update for firmware 1.9, software update 1.2.6856

14 Dec 09:26
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The book was updated for the upcoming release 1.9 of the firmware for the Black Magic Probe.
The archives for the binaries also contains the PDF for the book.

Firmware 1.9 no longer sends a handshake on toggling DTR, like releases 1.8 and before did. The utilities that talked to the BMP directly (via GDB-RSP), depended on this handshake, and therefore no longer worked. This release fixes this.

All GUI utilities now have integrated help. Also added is that the GUI utilities monitor USB insertion & removal events, so that they can detect that you plug in a BMP while the program was already running (or that you remove the BMP while the program is still running).

A serial monitor/terminal was added to the set of utilities, not just because the BMP happens to have a TTL-level UART, but also because the BMP translates RTT to serial, and optionally translates SWO tracing to serial.

The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is also known as BMA (Black Magic App) or BMPA. It is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable version of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.

The "" is the GNU cflow utility, pre-compiled for Microsoft Windows. It is available here only for convenience.

Release Version 1.1.6776 of the software

13 Oct 09:45
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This releases fixes bugs that were found since the release 1.1. In the book, the section on profiling is expanded with tips on calltree analysis.
The archives for the binaries also contains the PDF for the book.

The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is now called BMA (Black Magic App) or BMPA. This utility is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable version of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.

The "" is the GNU cflow utility, pre-compiled for Microsoft Windows. It is available here only for convenience.

Release Version 1.1 of the software

22 Sep 15:01
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New features are:

  • A code profiler utility was added, which demonstrates and uses the CoreSight feature to sample the PC at a set frequency.
  • Auto-completion for the "help" and "info" commands in BMDebug (GDB front-end).
  • Detection of Black Magic Probe version 2.3 (hardware version 6).

The archives for the binaries also contains the PDF for the book.

The "" file is the "Black Magic Hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project, built for Windows. This application is now called BMA (Black Magic App) or BMPA. This utility is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable versions of this utility for Windows is available here only for convenience.

Version 1.0 of the software

20 Apr 08:50
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New features are:

  • C++ name demangling to BMDebug and BMTrace.
  • Assembly & registers view (and step by instruction) in BMDebug.

The archives for the binaries also contains the PDF for the book.

The files "blackmagic-hosted*" are the "hosted" firmware software from the blackmagic project. This utility is useful for troubleshooting, but not otherwisely needed to use the Black Magic Probe or the software. The executable versions of this utility (for Windows and for Linux) are available here only for convenience.

Release 0.10 of the guide and all utilities.

03 Mar 10:51
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The book includes comments on doing calculations on the GDB command line (use GDB as a calculator), and on altering execution flow.

All GUI utilities now allow a fractional value for the font size (e.g. 16.4). In Linux, increasing or decreasing the font size with a few tenths of a pixel may result in sharper text.

The BMDebug front-end now has a view for local variables; it also allows you to select the display format (dec/hex/octal/binary) for integers.
The formatting of the GDB help texts has also been improved.

The BMFlash "programmer" tool now has a progress bar to show how it proceeds in downloading the code to the micro-controller. It can also (optionally) print the time that the process took.

Plus the usual minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Release 0.9 of the guide and all utilities.

13 Dec 15:19
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In the book, there is a section on logging successful uploads, with the firmware checksum and RCS "ident" strings; plus a section on trouble-shooting TRACESWO.
The "info svd" command was added for peripheral and register documentation.
Clean-up/refactor code of the utilities.
Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Release 0.8 of the guide and all utilities.

19 Sep 11:09
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Expanded the "troubleshooting" chapter in the book.
Support for DWARF 5 is added. Various improvements in the BMDebug front-end for GDB to better support the changes in the GDB 10+ "machine interface".