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Mongoose Schema Plugin for Auto Increment Field

Quick Guide

Create a Mongoose Schema that will add auto increment field:

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    username: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
}, {
    timestamps: true,

Then, apply the plugin to the Schema, and create a Mongoose Model:

UserSchema.plugin(AutoIncrementPlugin, {
    model_name: 'User',
const User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)

You must specify the name of a model when applying the plugin.

After that, auto-increasing id field will be created:

await new User({ username: '1' }).save()
const user = await User.findOne({ username: '1' })
console.log(    // 1


There are several options for the plugin:

UserSchema.plugin(AutoIncrementPlugin, {
    model_name: 'User',
    field: 'my_id',
    id_model: 'MyId',
  • field: The name of an auto-increment field (Default: id)
  • id_model: The name of a model that saves current count (Default: model_name + 'Id')