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Python Codes

csxavier edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Python Codes

Generate Complex Password using Python

Now generate complex password just by running the Enter the length of password to be generated and you are good to go.

Extract Data from Google Cloud Big Query

you can Extract Data from Google Cloud Big Query using

Count Vowels in a Word

Count Vowels in a Word input by user. accepts word(s) and gives count of vowels

Temperature Conversion

Convert Temp from Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit to any of the Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit Enter Below Parameters : Temp: fromScale : K or C or F (case in-sensitive) toScale : K or C or F (case in-sensitive) accepts word(s) and gives count of vowels


Generate Factorial of any no. Factorial of n = n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 1 E.g. -> Factorial of 5 = 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120 Keep Enter-ing values until you say "bye" (case-insensitive) on
