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This repository is created for demonstrating how to build and deploy a typical fullstack project in the docker environment.


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DockerApp Demo


This repository is created for demonstrating how to build and deploy a typical fullstack project in the docker environment.

In this demon, we will setup two environments for two typical applications. Each environment contains a front-end application, back-end service (A REST API server), and a database server

  • The first environment contains the following three components:
    • Front-end application: implemented using Angular framework
    • Backend REST API server: implemented using SpringBoot 2
    • Database server: implemented using MySQL 8.x
  • The second environment contains the following three components:
    • Front-end application: implemented using Angular framework
    • Backend REST API server: implemented using SpringMVC that is deployed on Tomcat
    • Database server: implemented using MySQL 8.x

The following diagrams illustrate the two environments.

Environment 1: Angular-SpringBoot-MySQL

Figure.1 - Angular-SpringBoot-MySQL Environment


Environment 2: Angular-SpringMVC/Tomcat-MySQL

Figure.2 - Angular-SpringMVC/Tomcat-MySQL Environment

The Application

  • Front-end application: implemented using Angular framework
  • Backend REST API application #1: implemented using SpringBoot 2
  • Backend REST API application #2: implemented using SpringMVC that is deployed on Tomcat
  • Database server: implemented using MySQL 8.x

Free download from GitHub:

GIT clone/pull:

The Frontend Application

  • Developed using Angular Framework
  • Implemented a simple CRUD functions
  • Communicates to the backend REST API server

Frontend App - SpringBoot

Figure.3 - The Frontend Application

The Back-end Application - SpringBoot

  • Developed using SpringBoot Framework
  • Expose a set of CRUD functions to front-end App
  • Can be tested using Postman

Backend App - SpringBoot

Figure.4 - The Backend Application (SpringBoot version) tested with Postman

The Back-end Application - SpringMVC

  • Developed using SpringMVC Framework
  • Need to be deployed to App Server, e.g., Tomcat
  • Expose a set of CRUD functions (functionalities are exact the same as in the SpringBoot version) to frontend App
  • Can be tested using Postman

Backend App - SpringMVC

Figure.5 - The Backend Application (SpringMVC version) tested with Postman

The Database Server

  • Use MySQL in this example.
  • Can be replaced by any other relational database.

Build and Run the Application Locally

In this section, we will describe how to build and run the application locally, i.e., without deploying docker environment.

You will need to have the following software installed locally.

  • MySQL v8.x
  • Maven
  • JDK 8
  • Node.js
  • Angular
  • Postman (optional)

Setup and Deploy to the Database Server Locally

Before deploying on Docker, let’s see how to run the application locally.

Let setup and start the database first. First you need start the MySQL database engine.

In this example, the local host is running Windows O/S (hosting O/S)

Step 1: Get a clone copy from Github (using git clone or git pull command):

C:> docker clone DockerApp

Step 2: Before running the local database setup script, you will need to set the “MYSQL_HOME” environment variable to point to the MySQL DB installation directory, for example:

C:> SET MYSQL_HOME=C:\mysql-8.0.18-winx64

Step 3: Run local database setup under the “local” directory. The local setup script uses the MySQL “root” account, so you will have to input the password for the “root” account.

C:> cd DockerApp\local
C:> setup_mysql_local.bat

Step 4: Now you can verify the database setup using the commands shown below.

Local Database SEtup

Figure.6 - Verify local MySQL database setup


Please note that the password specified in the local setup script is “appPassw0rd”. Feel free to change it as you wish.

The scripts for setting up MySQL database are shown below.

MySQL local setup script

Figure.7 - MySQL local setup script

Build & Start the Backend REST Server (SpringBoot) Locally

Next, we will build and start the backend REST API server – SpringBoot.

Assume you have already get a local copy of the application in the previous step. Run the following script under the “local” folder to build and run the backend REST server of SpringBoot version.

C:> cd DockerApp\local
C:> build_and_run_springboot_locally.bat

The "build_and_run_springboot_locally.bat" script consists of three steps (the script is shown below):

  1. Setup the environment variables for connecting to the database server
  2. Build the server using “maven package” command
  3. Start the SpringBoot application which embedded a Tomcat server.
@REM Step 1: Setup the environment variables for connecting to the database server
set DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=localhost
set DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb

@REM Step 2: Build the server using maven package command
cd "../DockerApp-Backend (SpringBoots)"
@REM mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package
call mvn package

@REM Step 3: Start the SpringBoot application which embedded a Tomcat server.
java -jar target/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Script.1 - build_and_run_springboot_locally.bat


After the backend REST API server starts, you can verify using Postman with the following REST operation:

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/products

Verify Springboot Server Locally

Figure.8 - Verify Springboot Server Locally

Build & Run the Frontend Application Locally

Next, we will build and start the Frontend Application.

Assume you have already get a local copy of the application in the previous step.

In order to build and run the frontend application, you need to have node.js (npm) and Angular installed.

Run the following script under the “local” folder to build and run the Frontend Application.

C:> cd DockerApp\local
C:> run_frontend_app.bat

The "run_frontend_app.bat" script consists of two steps (the script is shown below):

  1. Download the required modules/libraries (using npm install command)
  2. Start the Frontend Application (in development mode) (using ng serve command)
@echo off

@REM Step 1: Download the required modules/libraries

echo +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
echo ^|              Download the required modules/libraries               ^|
echo +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

cd ../DockerApp-Frontend
call npm install

@REM Step 2: Start the Frontend Application (in development mode)

echo +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
echo ^|        Start the Frontend Application (in development mode)        ^|
echo +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

start ng serve
cd ../local
Script.2 - run_frontend_app.bat


After the Frontend application starts, you can verify by addressing the following URL via the browser.


You should be able to see three products that we inserted into the database during the database setup step. Frontend App - SpringBoot

Figure.9 - The Frontend Application (connecting to SpringBoot server) run locally

Build & Start the Backend REST Server (SpringMVC/Tomcat) Locally

Alternatively, we can replace the backend REST API server – SpringBoot version with the SpringMVC/Tomcat version. The purpose of having two versions is to demonstrate the docker setup for a typical usage of a Tomcat server.

Although Tomcat server is included in the docker images, running the application locally requires you have a Tomcat server pre-installed.

Before build and run the Springmvc/Tomcat backend application, we need to set up the Tomcat and Maven for:

  • Connectivity to MySQL database (in Tomcat)
  • maven deployment to Tomcat (in both Tomcat and Maven)

To set up the connectivity to MySQL database for Tomcat server, do the following two tasks:

  • Add the following fragment to the <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/context.xml:
    … …
    <Resource name="jdbc/dockerappdb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
          maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000"
          username="root" password="" driverClassName="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
  • Setup the Tomcat admin access: in the <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/tomcat-users.xml, make the following changes:
<tomcat-users … >
    … …
    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-gui,manager-script"/>
    … …

To enable maven deployment to Tomcat: in the <MAVEN_HOME>/conf/settings.xml add the following fragment (besides adding “tomcat” manager access in the previous step):

<settings … >
  … …
    … …
  … …

Please start your tomcat server, if you haven’t done so. Assume your local tomcat server listens at the port 8080.

Also assume you have already get a local copy of the application in the previous step.

Run the following script under the “local” folder to build and run the backend REST server of SpringMVC/Tomcat version.

C:> cd DockerApp\local
C:> build_and_run_springmvc_tomcat_locally.bat

The “build_and_run_springboot_locally.bat” script execute the build and deployment using a single maven command “mvn package tomcat7:deploy”. The script is shown below:

@echo off

@REM Step 1: Build and Deploy DockerApp-Backend (SpringMVC)

cd "../DockerApp-Backend (SpringMVC)"
@REM mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package tomcat7:deploy
call mvn package tomcat7:deploy

cd ../local
Script.3 - build_and_run_springmvc_tomcat_locally.bat


After the backend REST API server starts, you can verify using Postman with the following REST operation:


Verify Tomcat Server Locally

Figure.10 - Verify Tomcat Server Locally

Point the Frontend App to connect to local SpringMVC/Tomcat

If you run the SpingMVC/Tomcat version as the backend REST API server, you need to revise the API url in Frontend App to make it connect to this backend REST API server. Revise the DockerApp-Frontend\src\environments\environment.ts as below:

… …
export const environment = {
  production: false,
  apiURL: 'http://localhost:8080/docker_app_backend'
… …

Then run the following script under the “local” folder to build and run the Frontend Application. You should be able to verify by accessing the same URL of the frontend application.

C:> cd DockerApp\local
C:> run_frontend_app.bat

Build and Deploy the Application to the Docker Environment

Next we will describe how to build and deploy this application to a Docker Environment.

The diagram below illustrates the docker images that will be used or created in this process.

Docker Images

Figure.11 - Docker Images

<CourseDockerID> will be provided in the class

We will assume the hosting machine runs a Windows 10 OS, with an Ubuntu VM running on it (we call it hosting VM). Our docker containers will be deployed on this hosting VM.

The base image

We will need a docker container for building applications:

  • Need Git for checking out source code from GitHub
  • Need Maven for building backend applications
  • Need Node.js for building the frontend application

So we choose the following two images to meet these needs:

  • <CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven: this image will be used as the base image for backend applications (both Git and Maven) and the database (Git). We will build this image ourselves.
  • node:latest: this image will be used as the base image for building the frontend application (npm and ng)

The base image - <CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven

The base image, <CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven, is built on the official “ubuntu:latest” image, with adding git and maven.

Below is the dockerfile, docker/ubuntu-git-maven.dockerfile, for building this image. The docker/ script contains the command for building the image and uploading/pushing to DockerHub. In later steps, we will not build the image every time, but download it directly from GitHub.

FROM ubuntu:latest
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive 
RUN apt-get update 
RUN apt-get install -y git
RUN apt-get install -y maven
Script.4 - ubuntu-git-maven.dockerfile
docker image build --tag <CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven 
       -f ubuntu-git-maven.dockerfile .
docker image push <CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven
Script.5 -

Building the database image

The dockerfile (docker/mysql.dockerfile) is used for creating the MySQL database server. It consists of two steps:

Step 1: Use “<CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven” as the base image, and download the application from GitHub as “build1” image

  • Run “git clone” command to download the application to /home/DockerApp

Step 2: Use the “mysql:latest” as the base image, and create the MySQL DB Server using the schema from "build1“ as “runtime” image.

  • Copy "/home/DockerApp/database/schema.sql“ from build1 image to “/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d” on runtime image. This entrypoint file, which creates the database schema, will run each time when a container is created from the image and run for the first time.

  • Setup the default value of the following environment variables that are required by the “mysql:latest” image (these environment variables could be overwritten when a container is create from this image. In our example, we leave them as defined here):

    • MYSQL_DATABASE="dockerappdb"
    • MYSQL_USER="appuser"
    • MYSQL_PASSWORD="appPassw0rd"
# This is the dockerfile that is used to create MySQL DB server

# Stage 1: Download the application from GitHub

FROM <CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven as build1

RUN cd /home && \
    git clone DockerApp

# Stage 2: Create the MySQL DB Server using the schema from "build1"

FROM mysql:latest as runtime
ARG src1="/home/DockerApp/database/schema.sql"
ARG target1=/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
COPY --from=build1 ${src1} ${target1}
    MYSQL_DATABASE="dockerappdb" \
    MYSQL_USER="appuser" \
    MYSQL_PASSWORD="appPassw0rd" \
Script.6 - mysql.dockerfile


The following command will create the image named “dockerapp-db”, which is the step 1.2 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

docker image build --tag dockerapp-db -f mysql.dockerfile .

Building the Backend REST server (SpringBoot) image

The dockerfile (docker/springboot.dockerfile) is used for creating the Backend REST server (SpringBoot version). It consists of two steps:

Step 1: Use “<CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven” as the base image, and download the application from GitHub and build the executable package using Maven as “build1” image

  • Run “git clone” command to download the application to /home/DockerApp
  • Set the environment variables for connecting the database server that are used by the maven build to run test cases. This step can be skipped if maven build command skips the test (with -Dmaven.test.skip option) in the next sub-step. In order to run the test cases during the build, the database server container needs to be up running. This sub-step is currently commented out.
    • ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PORT=3306 \         DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \         DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD=appPassw0rd
  • Run “mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package” (or “mvn package” to run test cases, which requires connecting to the backend database)

Step 2: Use the “ubuntu:latest” as the base image to create the Backend REST Server (SpringBoot version) using the target package built in "build1“ as “runtime” image

  • Install openjdk-8-jdk

  • Copy the following to files from “build1” image to the “/home” directory of the “runtime” image:

    • /home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringBoots)/target/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar**: this is the target package built using “mvn package” command in the stage 1
    • /home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringBoots)/src/main/resources/**: this is optional. We add this step to demonstrate the scenario where there is a need in the runtime environment to provide a specific required SpringBoot.
  • Set runtime environment variables that are required by the SpringBoot application. These environment variables are used in the file. This decouple the environment specific information from the application’s source code.

    • ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PORT=3306 \         DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \         DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD=appPassw0rd

      Script.7 -
  • Set the entrypoint in order for the container to run the following command at the start-up.

    • java –jar /home/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.config.location=/home/

    Alternatively, we could just run the following command without specifying a dedicated file. We use a provided “” file to demonstrate to let the application use an external configuration file in the docker environment.

    • java –jar /home/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Expose port 8080 for REST API operations.

# This is the dockerfile that is used to create the REST Server
# for running the DockerApp Backend (SpringBoot)

# Stage 1: Compile and Build the SpringBoot backend application

FROM davidgao2008/ubuntu-git-maven as build1

RUN cd home && \
    git clone DockerApp
# Set working directory
WORKDIR "/home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringBoots)"

# The environment variables for connecting to the database server that are required 
# when the maven build runs the test cases. In order to run the test cases during
# the build, the database server container needs to be up running. You also need to 
# specify the "--network dockerapp-network" option in the "docker image build" command.
# Also dont forget to set the following two environment variables on the hosting VM 
# before running the msyql database server container:
# *    export DB_USER=appuser
# *    export DB_PASSWORD=appPassw0rd
#ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \
#    DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \
#    DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \
#RUN mvn package

RUN mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package

# Stage 2: Prepare the target image

FROM ubuntu:latest as runtime
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive 
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
ARG src1="/home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringBoots)/target/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
ARG target1=/home/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
ARG src2="/home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringBoots)/src/main/resources/"
ARG target2=/home/
COPY --from=build1 ${src1} ${target1}
COPY --from=build1 ${src2} ${target2}
ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \
    DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \
#    DOCKERAPP_DB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/dockerappdb
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/home/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar", "--spring.config.location=/home/"]
#ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/home/docker_app_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
Script.8 - springboot.dockerfile


The following command will create the image named “dockerapp-springboot”, which is the step 1.1 of the “docker/” script.

sudo docker image build --tag dockerapp-springboot -f sprintboot.dockerfile .

Building the Backend REST server (SpringMVC/Tomcat) image

The dockerfile (docker/tomcat.dockerfile) is used for creating the Backend REST server (SpringMVC/Tomcat version). It consists of two steps:

Step 1: Use “<CourseDockerID>/ubuntu-git-maven” as the base image, and download the application from GitHub and build the deployable package using Maven as “build1” image. This step is the same as in the Backend REST Server (SpringBoot) image build process (springboot.dockerfile)

  • Run “git clone” command to download the application to /home/DockerApp

  • Set the environment variables for connecting the database server that are used by the maven build to run test cases. This step can be skipped if maven build command skips the test (with -Dmaven.test.skip option) in the next sub-step. In order to run the test cases during the build, the database server container needs to be up running. This sub-step is currently commented out.

    • ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PORT=3306 \         DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \         DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD=appPassw0rd
  • Run “mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package” (or “mvn package” to run test cases, which requires connecting to the backend database).

Step 2: Use the “tomcat:9.0.56-jdk8-openjdk-bullseye” as the base image to create the Backend REST Server (SpringMVC/Tomcat version) using the target package built in "build1“ as “runtime” image.

  • Copy the following to files from “build1” image to the “runtime” image:
    • Source: /home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringMVC)/target/docker_app_backend.war
      Target: /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/docker_app_backend.war
      This is the target deployable WAR file built using “mvn package” command in the stage 1
    • Source: /home/DockerApp/environments/tomcat/context.xml
      Target: /usr/local/tomcat/conf/context.xml
      This is the Tomcat configuration file that contains the JNDI settings for the backend application to connect to the database server.
    • Source: /home/DockerApp/environments/tomcat/
      Target: /usr/local/tomcat/bin/
      This is the Tomcat environment setup script which is called when Tomcat server starts up. This file passes the runtime environment variables that are setup in the next sub-step that are used by the context.xml that is copied in the previous sub-step. Please see the next slide for more details on how Tomcat server’s environment information is setup.
  • Set runtime environment variables that are required by the SpringMVC application.
    • ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PORT=3306 \         DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \         DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \         DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD=appPassw0rd \         DOCKERAPP_DB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/dockerappdb
  • Expose port 8080 for REST API operations.

In order to make the database connection information configurable and pass to the application, a few steps have been taken:

  • The database connection information is specified via the docker OS environment variable. This is done using ENV commands in the dockerfile.
  • Then they are passed to Tomcat as the JVM properties. This is done using the <TOMCAT_HOME>/bin/
  • The JNDI entry configured in the <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/context.xml refernces these JVM properties.
  • SpringMVC application accesses the database using JNDI entry.

The context.xml and files are provided under the environments/tomcat folder in the GitHub repository.

Please see the next slide that illustrate how database connectivity information is setup for the docker image creation.

Environment Parameters and Configuration for SpringMVC backend application running on Tomcat server

Figure.12 - Environment Parameters and Configuration for SpringMVC backend application running on Tomcat server


# This is the dockerfile that is used to create the REST Server
# for running the DockerApp Backend (SpringMVC/Tomcat)

# Stage 1: Compile and Build the SpringMVC/Tomcat backend application

FROM davidgao2008/ubuntu-git-maven as build1

RUN cd home && \
    git clone DockerApp
# Set working directory
WORKDIR "/home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringMVC)"

# The environment variables for connecting to the database server that are required 
# when the maven build runs the test cases. In order to run the test cases during
# the build, the database server container needs to be up running. You also need to 
# specify the "--network dockerapp-network" option in the "docker image build" command.
# Also dont forget to set the following two environment variables on the hosting VM 
# before running the msyql database server container:
# *    export DB_USER=appuser
# *    export DB_PASSWORD=appPassw0rd
#ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \
#    DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \
#    DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \
#RUN mvn package
RUN mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package

# Stage 2: Prepare the target image

FROM tomcat:9.0.56-jdk8-openjdk-bullseye as runtime
ARG src1="/home/DockerApp/DockerApp-Backend (SpringMVC)/target/docker_app_backend.war"
ARG target1=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
ARG src2="/home/DockerApp/environments/tomcat/context.xml"
ARG target2=/usr/local/tomcat/conf/
ARG src3="/home/DockerApp/environments/tomcat/"
ARG target3=/usr/local/tomcat/bin/
COPY --from=build1 ${src1} ${target1}
COPY --from=build1 ${src2} ${target2}
COPY --from=build1 ${src3} ${target3}
ENV DOCKERAPP_DB_HOST=dockerapp-db \
    DOCKERAPP_DB_NAME=dockerappdb \
    DOCKERAPP_DB_USER=appuser \
Script.9 - tomcat.dockerfile


The following command will create the image named “dockerapp-tomcat”, which is the step 1.1 of the “docker/” script.

sudo docker image build --tag dockerapp-tomcat -f tomcat.dockerfile .

Building the Frontend Web Server (connecting to SpringBoot) image

The dockerfile (docker/nginx_springboot.dockerfile) is used for creating the Frontend web server (for connecting SpringBoot backend REST server). It consists of two steps:

Step 1: Use “node:latest” as the base image, and download the application from GitHub and build the production deployable package using Maven as “build1” image.

  • Defines two docker arguments (apiUrlHost and apiUrlPort) that can be passed when creating the docker image.
  • Defines two environments (API_URL_HOST and API_URL_PORT) that takes the above two docker arguments and are used to configure the environment that required by the Frontend Anguar application to connect the backend REST server.
  • Run “git clone” command to download the application to /usr/local/app/DockerApp
  • Set up the that is used for building the target production deployable package. This is done by running the environments/frontend/ which creates/overwrites /usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend/src/environments/, which contains the environment variables that is passed in the previous steps and is packaged in the build process.
echo "export const environment = {
   apiURL: 'http://${API_URL_HOST}:${API_URL_PORT}',
   production: true,
};" > /usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend/src/environments/
Script.10 -


  • Install required modules/dependencies using “npm install” command.
  • Generate the production build of the frontend application using “npm run build --prod” command.

Step 2: Use the “nginx:latest” as the base image to create the Frontend Web Server and deploy the target package built in "build1“ as “runtime” image.

  • Copy all files under “/usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend/dist/DockerApp-Frontend/” directory in the “build1” image to the “/usr/share/nginx/html” directory of the “runtime” image. This is the generated deployment package built in the previous step.
  • Copy “/usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/nginx/nginx.conf” file from the “build1” image to the “/etc/nginx/nginx.conf” of the “runtime” image. This file contains (static) configuration of Nginx server.
  • Expose port 80

The following command will create the image named “dockerapp-nginx”, which is the step 1.3 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

sudo docker image build --tag dockerapp-nginx --build-arg \
     apiUrlHost=$HOSTING_SERVER_NAME --build-arg \
     apiUrlPort=$APP_SERVER_PORT -f nginx_springboot.dockerfile .
# This is the dockerfile that is used to create the Frontend Server (Nginx)
# for running the DockerApp Frontend App (Angular) to connect the 
# SpringBoot backend REST Server

# Stage 1: Compile and Build angular codebase

# Use official node image as the base image
FROM node:latest as build
ARG apiUrlHost
ARG apiUrlPort
ENV API_URL_HOST=${apiUrlHost} \
# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /usr/local/app
RUN git clone DockerApp
WORKDIR /usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend
ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

# Create the before the build
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/frontend/
RUN /usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/frontend/

# Install all the dependencies
RUN npm install

# Generate the build of the application
RUN npm run build --prod

# Stage 2: Serve app with nginx server

# Use official nginx image as the base image
FROM nginx:latest
ARG src1="/usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend/dist/DockerApp-Frontend/"
ARG src2="/usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/nginx/nginx.conf"
# Copy the build output to replace the default nginx contents.
COPY --from=build ${src1} /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY --from=build ${src2} /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Script.11 - nginx_springboot.dockerfile

Building the Frontend Web Server (for SpringMVC/Tomcat) image

The docker image for the frontend application as part of the SpringMVC/Tomcat version is very similar to the SpringBoot version. The only two differences are:

  • The dockerfile name is: docker/nginx_tomcat.dockerfile
  • The dockerfile uses “environments/frontend/” to create/overwrite file. It specifies a different URL of the REST API, which is the only difference from the Frontend application’s point of view.
# This is the dockerfile that is used to create the Frontend Server (Nginx)
# for running the DockerApp Frontend App (Angular) to connect the 
# SpringMVC/Tomcat backend REST Server

# Stage 1: Compile and Build angular codebase

# Use official node image as the base image
FROM node:latest as build
ARG apiUrlHost
ARG apiUrlPort
ENV API_URL_HOST=${apiUrlHost} \
# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /usr/local/app
RUN git clone DockerApp
WORKDIR /usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend
ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

# Create the environment.ts before the build
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/frontend/
RUN /usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/frontend/

# Install all the dependencies
RUN npm install

# Generate the build of the application
RUN npm run build --prod

# Stage 2: Serve app with nginx server

# Use official nginx image as the base image
FROM nginx:latest
ARG src1="/usr/local/app/DockerApp/DockerApp-Frontend/dist/DockerApp-Frontend/"
ARG src2="/usr/local/app/DockerApp/environments/nginx/nginx.conf"
# Copy the build output to replace the default nginx contents.
COPY --from=build ${src1} /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY --from=build ${src2} /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Script.12 - nginx_tomcat.dockerfile

Create docker network

We need to create a docker network for the Backend REST server to communicate to the database server without any network configuration at the hosting VM level.

The following command create a docker network named “dockerapp-network”. This is included in the step 2 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

docker network create --driver bridge --label project=dockerapp \
    --label module=web_app --attachable --scope local \
    --subnet --ip-range dockerapp-network

Create docker containers

Create the Database Server container

The following command create a container named “dockerapp-db” for the database server using the image “dockerapp-db” create in the previous step. This is included in the step 3 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

docker run --rm --name dockerapp-db --network dockerapp-network \

We could map the port 3306 from the docker container to the same port on hosting VM, so we can access the MySQL DB in the hosting VM and the hosting OS (the VM runs on the hosting OS, docker containers run on the hosting VM).

docker run --rm --name dockerapp-db --network dockerapp-network \
   -p 3306:3306 \

In the above command, we specify the database user and password for the backend applications to access the database through $DB_USER and $DB_PASSWORD. These are environment variables must be specified prior to create the images and containers. These are included in the step 0 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

Create the Backend REST server (SpringBoot) container

The following command create a container named “dockerapp-restserver” for the database server using the image “dockerapp-springboot” create in the previous step. This is included in the step 4 of the build script “docker/”.

docker run --rm --name dockerapp-restserver --network dockerapp-network \
    -e DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD -d dockerapp-springboot

In the above command, we map the docker container port 8080 to $APP_SERVER_PORT (for exposing REST API, also used by the frontend container), and specify the database user and password for the application to access the database through $DB_USER and $DB_PASSWORD. These are environment variables must be specified prior to create the images and containers. These are included in the step 0 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

Create the Backend REST server (SpringMVC/Tomcat) container

The following command create a container named “dockerapp-tomcat” for the database server using the image “dockerapp-tomcat” create in the previous step. This is included in the step 4 of the build script “docker/”.

docker run --rm --name dockerapp-tomcat --network dockerapp-network \
    -e DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD -d dockerapp-tomcat

In the above command, we map the docker container port 8080 to $APP_SERVER_PORT (for exposing REST API, also used by the frontend container), and specify the database user and password for the application to access the database through $DB_USER and $DB_PASSWORD. These are environment variables must be specified prior to create the images and containers. These are included in the step 0 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

Create the Frontend Web Server container

The following command create a container named “dockerapp-nginx” for the database server using the image “dockerapp-nginx” create in the previous step. This is included in the step 4 of the build scripts “docker/” and “docker/”.

docker run --rm --name dockerapp-nginx -p 19090:80 -d dockerapp-nginx

In the above command, we expose the docker container port 80 to the port 19090 on hosting VM, so we can access the application using the http://localhost:19090 on the hosting VM and http://:19090 on the hosting OS (please note that the VM runs on the hosting OS, docker containers run on the hosting VM, <hosting-ip-address> is the IP address of the VM on the hosting OS’ network).

Docker Compose

We also prepared four docker compose files that will create and run all three containers and a docker network as a service.

  • docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql.yml: will create and run all three containers and a docker network as a service for the Nginx-SpringBoot-MySQL version. It does not create images. So it expects all images are previously created.
  • docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql.yml: will create and run all three containers and a docker network as a service for the Nginx-SpringMVC/Tomcat-MySQL version. It does not create images. So it expects all images are previously created.
  • docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql_with_image_build.yml: will create and run all three containers and a docker network as a service for the Nginx-SpringBoot-MySQL version. It will create all required images per specified dockerfile in the docker compose YMAL file.
  • docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql_with_image_build.yml: will create and run all three containers and a docker network as a service for the Nginx-SpringMVC/Tomcat-MySQL version. It will create all required images per specified dockerfile in the docker compose YMAL file.

Docker Compose – without images build

To run the docker compose without image build, use the following commands for both versions respectively.

docker compose –f docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql.yml up
docker compose –f docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql.yml up

The following screenshot shows the result. Run "docker compose up" for the docker-compose files without image building

Figure.13 - Run "docker compose up" for the docker-compose files without image building


The following are the two docker compose files for both Springboot and SpringMVC/Tomcat versions. It specifies the image names that expects the images need to be built prior to the docker compose command runs.

version: "3.7"
    driver: bridge
      project: "dockerapp"
      module: "web_app"
    attachable: true
    image: "dockerapp-db"
      - dockerapp-network
      MYSQL_USER: appuser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - "3306:3306"
      replicas: 1
    image: "dockerapp-nginx"
      - "19090:80"
      replicas: 1
  dockerapp-restserver :
    image: "dockerapp-springboot"
      - dockerapp-network
      - "18080:8080"
      DOCKERAPP_DB_USER: appuser
      DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - dockerapp-db
    restart: on-failure
      replicas: 1
Script.13 - docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql.yml


version: "3.7"
    driver: bridge
      project: "dockerapp"
      module: "web_app"
    attachable: true
    image: "dockerapp-db"
      - dockerapp-network
      MYSQL_USER: appuser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - "3306:3306"
      replicas: 1
    image: "dockerapp-nginx"
      - "19090:80"
      replicas: 1
  dockerapp-restserver :
    image: "dockerapp-tomcat"
      - dockerapp-network
      - "18080:8080"
      DOCKERAPP_DB_USER: appuser
      DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - dockerapp-db
    restart: on-failure
      replicas: 1
Script.14 - docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql.yml

Docker Compose – with images build

To run the docker compose with image build, use the following commands for both versions respectively.

docker compose --env-file env.txt \
  –f docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql_with_image_build.yml up
docker compose --env-file env.txt \
  –f docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql_with_image_build.yml up

The following screenshot shows the result. Run "docker compose up" for the docker-compose files with image building

Figure.14 - Run "docker compose up" for the docker-compose files with image building


The following are the docker compose files for both SpringBoot and SpringMVC/Tomcat versions. It specifies the dockerfiles. It will build the images as part of the docker compose up command.

version: "3.7"
    driver: bridge
      project: "dockerapp"
      module: "web_app"
    attachable: true
    # image: "dockerapp-db"
      context: .
      dockerfile: mysql.dockerfile
      - dockerapp-network
      MYSQL_USER: appuser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - "3306:3306"
      replicas: 1
    # image: "dockerapp-nginx"
      context: .
      dockerfile: nginx_springboot.dockerfile
        apiUrlHost: ${HOSTING_SERVER_NAME}
        apiUrlPort: ${APP_SERVER_PORT}
      - "19090:80"
      replicas: 1
  dockerapp-restserver :
    # image: "dockerapp-springboot"
      context: .
      dockerfile: springboot.dockerfile
      - dockerapp-network
      - "18080:8080"
      DOCKERAPP_DB_USER: appuser
      DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - dockerapp-db
    restart: on-failure
      replicas: 1
Script.15 - docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql_with_image_build.yml


version: "3.7"
    driver: bridge
      project: "dockerapp"
      module: "web_app"
    attachable: true
    # image: "dockerapp-db"
      context: .
      dockerfile: mysql.dockerfile
      - dockerapp-network
      MYSQL_USER: appuser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - "3306:3306"
      replicas: 1
    # image: "dockerapp-nginx"
      context: .
      dockerfile: nginx_tomcat.dockerfile
        apiUrlHost: ${HOSTING_SERVER_NAME}
        apiUrlPort: ${APP_SERVER_PORT}
      - "19090:80"
      replicas: 1
  dockerapp-restserver :
    # image: "dockerapp-tomcat"
      context: .
      dockerfile: tomcat.dockerfile
      - dockerapp-network
      - "18080:8080"
      DOCKERAPP_DB_USER: appuser
      DOCKERAPP_DB_PASSWORD: appPassw0rd
      - dockerapp-db
    restart: on-failure
      replicas: 1
Script.16 - docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql_with_image_build.yml


It specifies the two build-args to take the value from two environment variables. The environment variables are stored in the env.txt, and is passed to the docker compose command through the --env-files option.

Below is the content of the env.txt file.

Script.17 - env.txt

Docker Compose – Check the status

You can use the following command to check the service status.

docker compose –f <docker-compose-file-name.yml> ps

Figure.15 - Run "docker compose ps" to check the status of services

Docker Compose – stop/remove services

You can use the following command to stop and remove the service

docker compose –f <docker-compose-file-name.yml> down

Run "docker compose stop" to stop and remove services

Figure.16 - Run "docker compose stop" to stop and remove services

Docker Compose Utility

We also created a utility script to help running the docker compose command: Below are usage:

./ [springboot|tomcat] [build|no-build] [up|down|ps]

The first and second arguments indicate which docker compose file will be used:

  • springboot build: docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql_with_image_build.ym

  • springboot no-build: docker-compose_angular_springboot_mysql.yml

  • tomcat build: docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql_with_image_build.yml

  • tomcat non-build: docker-compose_angular_tomcat_mysql.yml

  • The third argument specifies the docker-compose commands: up, down or ps

Below is the content of the

usage() {
    echo "Invalid arguments!"
    echo .
    echo "Usage: "
    echo "   ./ [springboot|tomcat] [build|no-build] [up|down|ps] "
    echo .
if [[ "$1" == "springboot" ]]
    if [[ "$2" == "build" ]]
    elif [[ "$2" == "no-build" ]]
        # exit 1
elif [[ "$1" == "tomcat" ]]
    if [[ "$2" == "build" ]]
    elif [[ "$2" == "no-build" ]]
        exit 1
    exit 1
if [[ "$3" != "up" && "$3" != "down" && "$3" != "ps" ]]; then
    exit 1
docker compose --env-file env.txt -f $composeFile $3 &
Script.18 -