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This repository contains some exercise developed in C++ during my CS Fundamentals course at University of Naples Federico II.


The repository is composed by the following exercises:

  • Impiegati con File: the exercise consists in found the mean salary between some employees and the ones with a salary higher that the average. View assignment file for details;
  • Matrice NxM con File: the exercise consists in sorting an array according to the length of the strings of which it is composed. View assignment file for details;
  • Matrice Quadrata con File: the exercise consists in transform a matrix from a file. View assignment file for details;
  • Matrici con File: the exercise consists in found equal rows and columns between two matrices. View assignment file for details;
  • Nomi con File: the exercise consists in count and print male and female names without repetitions. View assignment file for details;
  • Palindromi con File: the exercise consists in identify palindromes within the file and count their occurrences. View assignment file for details;
  • Pari e Dispari con File: the exercise consists in identify odd and even numbers from a sequence and find the maximum and minimum of them. View assignment file for details;
  • Sequenza di interi con File: the exercise consists in find a sequence of integers within the file and count its occurrences. View assignment file for details.
  • Vettore di record con File: the exercise consists in print a vector of records from file sorted alphabetically without repetition. View assignment file for details.


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