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Releases: dagster-io/dagster

1.7.12 (core)/ 0.23.12 (libraries)

28 Jun 19:25
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  • [ui] fixes behavior issues with jobs and asset pages introduced in 1.7.11

1.7.11 (core)/ 0.23.11 (libraries)

27 Jun 20:44
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  • [ui] Improved performance for loading assets that are part of big asset graphs.
  • [ui] Improved performance for loading job backfills that have thousands of partitions
  • [ui] The code location page can now be filtered by status
  • [agent] K8s and ECS agent main loop writes a sentinel file that can be used for liveness checks.
  • [agent][experimental] ECS CloudFormation template with private IP addresses using NAT Gateways, security groups, IAM role separation, tighter permissions requirements, and improved documentation.
  • Ephemeral asset jobs are now supported in run status sensors (thanks @the4thamigo-uk)!


  • In AssetsDefinition construction, enforce single key per output name
  • Fixed a bug where freshness checks on assets with both observations and materializations would incorrectly miss a materialization if there’s no observation with dagster/last_updated_timestamp.
  • Fixed a bug with anomaly detection freshness checks where “not enough records” result would cause the sensor to crash loop.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause errors in the Asset Daemon if an asset using AutoMaterializeRule.skip_on_not_all_parents_updated_since_cron() rule gained a new dependency with a different PartitionsDefinition.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue that caused the backfill page not to be scrollable.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where filtering by partition on the Runs page wouldn’t work if fetching all of your partitions timed out.
  • [dagster-dlt] Fixed bug with dlt integration in which partitioned assets would change the file name when using the filesystem destination.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where an erroring code location would cause multiple toast popups.
  • Allow a string to be provided for source_key_prefix arg of load_assets_from_modules. (thanks @drjlin)!
  • Added a missing debug level log message when loading partitions with polars (thanks Daniel Gafni)!
  • Set postgres timeout via statement, which improves storage-layer compatibility with Amazon RDS (thanks @james lewis)!
  • In DBT integration, quote the table identifiers to handle cases where table names require quotes due to special characters. (thanks @alex launi)!
  • remove deprecated param usage in dagster-wandb integration (thanks @chris histe)!
  • Add missing QUEUED state to DatabricksRunLifeCycleState (thanks @gabor ratky)!
  • Fixed a bug with dbt-cloud integration subsetting implementation (thanks @ivan tsarev)!

Breaking Changes

  • [dagster-airflow] load_assets_from_airflow_dag no longer allows multiple tasks to materialize the same asset.


  • Added type-hinting to backfills example
  • Added syntax highlighting to some examples (thanks @Niko)!
  • Fixed broken link (thanks @federico caselli)!

Dagster Plus

  • The dagster-cloud ci init CLI will now use the --deployment argument as the base deployment when creating a branch deployment. This base deployment will be used for Change Tracking.
  • The BigQuery dbt insights wrapper dbt_with_bigquery_insights now respects CLI arguments for profile configuration and also selects location / dataset from the profile when available.
  • [experimental feature] Fixes a recent regression where the UI errored upon attempting to create an insights metric alert.

1.7.10 (core)/ 0.23.10 (libraries)

13 Jun 19:52
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  • Performance improvements when rendering the asset graph while runs are in progress.
  • A new API build_freshness_checks_for_dbt_assets which allows users to parameterize freshness checks entirely within dbt. Check out the API docs for more:
  • Asset search results now display compute and storage kind icons.
  • Asset jobs where the underlying assets have multiple backfill policies will no longer fail at definition time. Instead, the backfill policy for the job will use the minimum max_partitions_per_run from the job’s constituent assets.
  • [dagstermill] asset_tags can now be specified when building dagstermill assets
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Custom asset tags can be applied to Sling assets via the DagsterSlingTranslator
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] dlt assets now automatically have dagster/storage_kind tags attached


  • tags passed to outs in graph_multi_asset now get correctly propagated to the resulting assets.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue in the where when multiple runs were started at the same time to materialize the same asset, the most recent one was not always shown as in progress in the asset graph in the Dagster UI.
  • The “newly updated” auto-materialize rule will now respond to either new observations or materializations for observable assets.
  • build_metadata_bounds_checks now no longer errors when targeting metadata keys that have special characters.


Dagster Plus

  • [experimental] The backfill daemon can now store logs and display them in the UI for increased visibility into the daemon’s behavior. Please contact Dagster Labs if you are interested in piloting this experimental feature.
  • Added a --read-only flag to the dagster-cloud ci branch-deployment CLI command, which returns the current branch deployment name for the current code repository branch without update the status of the branch deployment.

1.7.9 (core) / 0.23.9 (libraries)

06 Jun 21:19
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  • Dagster will now display a “storage kind” tag on assets in the UI, similar to the existing compute kind. To set storage kind for an asset, set its dagster/storage_kind tag.
  • You can now set retry policy on dbt assets, to enable coarse-grained retries with delay and jitter. For fine-grained partial retries, we still recommend invoking dbt retry within a try/except block to avoid unnecessary, duplicate work.
  • AssetExecutionContext now exposes a has_partition_key_range property.
  • The owners, metadata, tags, and deps properties on AssetSpec are no longer Optional. The AssetSpec constructor still accepts None values, which are coerced to empty collections of the relevant type.
  • The docker_executor and k8s_job_executor now consider at most 1000 events at a time when loading events from the current run to determine which steps should be launched. This value can be tuned by setting the DAGSTER_EXECUTOR_POP_EVENTS_LIMIT environment variable in the run process.
  • Added a dagster/retry_on_asset_or_op_failure tag that can be added to jobs to override run retry behavior for runs of specific jobs. See the docs for more information.
  • Improved the sensor produced by build_sensor_for_freshness_checks to describe when/why it skips evaluating freshness checks.
  • A new “Runs” tab on the backfill details page allows you to see list and timeline views of the runs launched by the backfill.
  • [dagster-dbt] dbt will now attach relation identifier metadata to asset materializations to indicate where the built model is materialized to.
  • [dagster-graphql] The GraphQL Python client will now include the HTTP error code in the exception when a query fails. Thanks @yuvalgimmunai!


  • Fixed sensor logging behavior with the @multi_asset_sensor.
  • ScheduleDefinition now properly supports being passed a RunConfig object.
  • When an asset function returns a MaterializeResult, but the function has no type annotation, previously, the IO manager would still be invoked with a None value. Now, the IO manager is not invoked.
  • The AssetSpec constructor now raises an error if an invalid owner string is passed to it.
  • When using the graph_multi_asset decorator, the code_version property on AssetOuts passed in used to be ignored. Now, they no longer are.
  • [dagster-deltalake] Fixed GcsConfig import error and type error for partitioned assets (Thanks @thmswt)
  • The asset graph and asset catalog now show the materialization status of External assets (when manually reported) rather than showing “Never observed”


  • The External Assets REST APIs now have their own reference page
  • Added details, updated copy, and improved formatting to External Assets REST APIs

Dagster Plus

  • The ability to set a custom base deployment when creating a branch deployment has been enabled for all organizations.
  • When a code location fails to deploy, the Kubernetes agent now includes additional any warning messages from the underlying replicaset in the failure message to aid with troubleshooting.
  • Serverless deployments now support using a requirements.txt with hashes.
  • Fixed an issue where the dagster-cloud job launch command did not support specifying asset keys with prefixes in the --asset-key argument.
  • [catalog UI] Catalog search now allows filtering by type, i.e. group:, code location:, tag:, owner:.
  • New dagster+ accounts will now start with two default alert policies; one to alert if the default free credit budget for your plan is exceeded, and one to alert if a single run goes over 24 hours. These alerts will be sent as emails to the email with which the account was initially created.

1.7.8 (core) / 0.23.8 (libraries)

30 May 23:38
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  • Backfills created via GQL can have a custom title and description.
  • Definitions now has a get_all_asset_specs method, which allows iterating over properties of the defined assets
  • [ui] In filter dropdowns, it’s now possible to submit before all the suggestions have been loaded (thanks @bmalehorn!)
  • [ui] Performance improvements when loading the Dagster UI for asset graphs with thousands of partition keys.
  • [dagster-dbt] Dbt asset checks now emit execution duration and the number of failing rows as metadata
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Added support for partitioning in dlt assets (thanks @edsoncezar16!)
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Added ability to set custom metadata on dlt assets (thanks @edsoncezar16!)
  • [dagster-graphql] Added a terminate_runs method to the Python GraphQL Client. (thanks @baumann-t!)
  • [dagster-polars] dagster-polars IO managers now emit dagster/row_count metadata (thanks @danielgafni!)
  • [dagster-dbt] DbtCliInvocation now has a .get_error() method that can be useful when using dbt.cli(..., raise_on_error=False).


  • Fix a bug with legacy DynamicPartitionsDefinition (using partitions_fn) that caused a crash during job backfills.
  • [ui] On the asset graph, filtering to one or more code locations via the Filter dropdown now works as expected.
  • [ui] On the asset overview page, viewing an asset with no definition in a loaded code location no longer renders a clipped empty state.


  • The new build_metadata_bounds_checks API creates asset checks which verify that numeric metadata values on asset materializations fall within min or max values. See the documentation for more information.


Dagster Plus

  • Fixed an incompatibility between build_sensor_for_freshness_checks and Dagster Plus. This API should now work when used with Dagster Plus.
  • [ui] Billing / usage charts no longer appear black-on-black in Dagster’s dark mode.
  • [ui] The asset catalog is now available for teams plans.
  • [ui] Fixed a bug where the alert policy editor would misinterpret the threshold on a long-running job alert.
  • [kubernetes] Added a dagsterCloudAgent.additionalPodSpecConfig to the Kubernetes agent Helm chart allowing arbitrary pod configuration to be applied to the agent pod.
  • [ECS] Fixed an issue where the ECS agent would sometimes raise a “Too many concurrent attempts to create a new revision of the specified family” exception when using agent replicas.

1.7.7 (core) / 0.23.7 (libraries)

23 May 21:58
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  • [ui] Command clicking on nodes in the asset lineage tab will now open them in a separate tab. Same with external asset links in the asset graph.
  • Added support for setting a custom job namespace in user code deployments. (thanks @tmatthews0020!)
  • Removed warnings due to use of datetime.utcfromtimestamp (thanks @dbrtly!)
  • Custom smtp user can now be used for e-mail alerts (thanks @edsoncezar16!)
  • [dagster-dbt] Added support for dbt-core==1.8.*.
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Failed dlt pipelines are now accurately reflected on the asset materialization (thanks @edsoncezar16!)


  • Fixed spurious errors in logs due to module shadowing.
  • Fixed an issue in the Backfill Daemon where if the assets to be materialized had different BackfillPolicys, each asset would get materialized in its own run, rather than grouping assets together into single run.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Asset Daemon to lose information in its cursor about an asset if that asset’s code location was temporarily unavailable.
  • [dagster-dbt] Mitigated issues with cli length limits by only listing specific dbt tests as needed when the tests aren’t included via indirect selection, rather than listing all tests.


  • Markdoc tags can now be used in place of MDX components (thanks @nikomancy)

1.7.6 (core) / 0.23.6 (libraries)

16 May 20:36
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  • The backfill daemon now has additional logging to document the progression through each tick and why assets are and are not materialized during each evaluation of a backfill.
  • Made performance improvements in both calculating and storing data version for assets, especially for assets with a large fan-in.
  • Standardized table row count metadata output by various integrations to dagster/row_count .
  • [dagster-aws][community-contribution] Additional parameters can now be passed to the following resources: CloudwatchLogsHandler, ECRPublicClient, SecretsManagerResource, SSMResource thanks @jacob-white-simplisafe !


  • Fixed issue that could cause runs to fail if they targeted any assets which had a metadata value of type TableMetadataValue, TableSchemaMetadataValue, or TableColumnLineageMetadataValue defined.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause evaluations produced via the Auto-materialize system to not render the “skip”-type rules.
  • Backfills of asset jobs now correctly use the BackfillPolicy of the underlying assets in the job.
  • [dagster-databricks][community-contribution] databricks-sdk version bumped to 0.17.0, thanks @lamalex !
  • [helm][community-contribution] resolved incorrect comments about dagster code-server start , thanks @SanjaySiddharth !


  • Added section headings to Pipes API references, along with explanatory copy and links to relevant pages
  • Added a guide for subletting asset checks
  • Add more detailed steps to transition from serverless to hybrid
  • [community-contribution] asset selection syntax corrected, thanks @JonathanLai2004!

Dagster Plus

  • Fixed an issue where Dagster Cloud agents would wait longer than necessary when multiple code locations were timing out during a deployment.

1.7.5 (core) / 0.23.5 (libraries)

09 May 18:20
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  • The Asset > Checks tab now allows you to view plots of numeric metadata emitted by your checks.
  • The Asset > Events tab now supports infinite-scrolling, making it possible to view all historical materialization and observation events.
  • When constructing a MaterializeResult, ObserveResult, or Output, you can now include tags that will be attached to the corresponding AssetMaterialization or AssetObservation event. These tags will be rendered on these events in the UI.


  • Fixed an issue where backfills would sometimes fail if a partition definition was changed in the middle of the backfill.
  • Fixed an issue where if the code server became unavailable during the first tick of a backfill, the backfill would stall and be unable to submit runs once the code server became available.
  • Fixed an issue where the status of an external asset would not get updated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where run status sensors would sometimes fall behind in deployments with large numbers of runs.
  • The descriptions and metadata on the experimental build_last_update_freshness_checks and build_time_partition_freshness_checks APIs have been updated to be clearer.
  • The headers of tables no longer become misaligned when a scrollbar is present in some scenarios.
  • The sensor type, instigation type, and backfill status filters on their respective pages are now saved to the URL, so sharing the view or reloading the page preserve your filters.
  • Typing a % into the asset graph’s query selector no longer crashes the UI.
  • “Materializing” states on the asset graph animate properly in both light and dark themes.
  • Thanks to @lautaro79 for fixing a helm chart issue.

Breaking Changes

  • Subclasses of MetadataValue have been changed from NamedTuples to Pydantic models. NamedTuple functionality on these classes was not part of Dagster’s stable public API, but usages relying on their tuple-ness may break. For example: calling json.dumps on collections that include them.


Dagster Plus

  • Fixed an issue in the dagster-cloud CLI where the --deployment argument was ignored when the DAGSTER_CLOUD_URL environment variable was set.
  • Fixed an issue where dagster-cloud-cli package wouldn’t work unless the dagster-cloud package was installed as well.
  • A new “budget alerts” feature has launched for users on self-serve plans. This feature will alert you when you hit your credit limit.
  • The experimental asset health overview now allows you to group assets by compute kind, tag, and tag value.
  • The concurrency and locations pages in settings correctly show Dagster Plus-specific options when experimental navigation is enabled.

1.7.4 (core) / 0.23.4 (libraries)

02 May 21:03
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  • TimeWindowPartitionMapping now supports the start_offset and end_offset parameters even when the upstream PartitionsDefinition is different than the downstream PartitionsDefinition. The offset is expressed in units of downstream partitions, so TimeWindowPartitionMapping(start_offset=-1) between an hourly upstream and a daily downstream would map each downstream partition to 48 upstream partitions – those for the same and preceding day.


  • Fixed an issue where certain exceptions in the Dagster daemon would immediately retry instead of waiting for a fixed interval before retrying.
  • Fixed a bug with asset checks in complex asset graphs that include cycles in the underlying nodes.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause unnecessary failures on FIPS-enabled systems due to the use of md5 hashes in non-security-related contexts (thanks @jlloyd-widen!)
  • Removed path metadata from UPathIOManager inputs. This eliminates the creation of ASSET_OBSERVATION events for every input on every step for the default I/O manager.
  • Added support for defining owners on @graph_asset.
  • Fixed an issue where having multiple partitions definitions in a location with the same start date but differing end dates could lead to “DagsterInvalidSubsetError when trying to launch runs.


  • Fixed a few issues with broken pages as a result of the Dagster+ rename.
  • Renamed a few instances of Dagster Cloud to Dagster+.
  • Added a note about external asset + alert incompatibility to the Dagster+ alerting docs.
  • Fixed references to outdated apis in freshness checks docs.

Dagster Plus

  • When creating a Branch Deployment via GraphQL or the dagster-cloud branch-deployment CLI, you can now specify the base deployment. The base deployment will be used for comparing assets for Change Tracking. For example, to set the base deployment to a deployment named staging: dagster-cloud branch-deployment create-or-update --base-deployment-name staging .... Note that once a Branch Deployment is created, the base deployment cannot be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where agents serving many branch deployments simultaneously would sometimes raise a 413: Request Entity Too Large error when uploading a heartbeat to the Dagster Plus servers.

1.7.3 (core) / 0.23.3 (libraries)

25 Apr 20:40
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  • @graph_asset now accepts a tags argument
  • [ui] For users whose light/dark mode theme setting is set to match their system setting, the theme will update automatically when the system changes modes (e.g. based on time of day), with no page reload required.
  • [ui] We have introduced the typefaces Geist and Geist Mono as our new default fonts throughout the Dagster app, with the goal of improving legibility, consistency, and maintainability.
  • [ui] [experimental] We have begun experimenting with a new navigation structure for the Dagster UI. The change can be enabled via User Settings.
  • [ui] [experimental] Made performance improvements to the Concurrency settings page.
  • [dagster-azure] [community-contribution] ADLS2 IOManager supports custom timeout. Thanks @tomas-gajarsky!
  • [dagster-fivetran] [community-contribution] It’s now possible to specify destination ids in load_asset_defs_from_fivetran_instance. Thanks @lamalex!


  • Fixed an issue where pressing the “Reset sensor status” button in the UI would also reset the sensor’s cursor.
  • Fixed a bug that caused input loading time not to be included in the reported step duration.
  • Pydantic warnings are no longer raised when importing Dagster with Pydantic 2.0+.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause incorrect behavior when auto-materializing partitioned assets based on updates to a parent asset in a different code location.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause every tick of the auto-materialize sensor to produce an evaluation for each asset, even if nothing had changed from the previous tick.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed a bug that could raise Duplicate check specs errors with singular tests ingested as asset checks.
  • [embedded-elt] resolved an issue where subset of resources were not recognized when using source.with_resources(...)
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where a sensor that targeted an invalid set of asset keys could cause the asset catalog to fail to load.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue in which runs in the Timeline that should have been considered overlapping were not correctly grouped together, leading to visual bugs.
  • [ui] On the asset overview page, job tags no longer render poorly when an asset appears in several jobs.
  • [ui] On the asset overview page, hovering over the timestamp tags in the metadata table explains where each entry originated.
  • [ui] Right clicking the background of the asset graph now consistently shows a context menu, and the lineage view supports vertical as well as horizontal layout.


  • Sidebar navigation now appropriately handles command-click and middle-click to open links in a new tab.
  • Added a section for asset checks to the Testing guide.
  • Added a guide about Column-level lineage for assets.
  • Lots of updates to examples to reflect the new opt-in approach to I/O managers.


  • [ui] [experimental] A new Overview > Asset Health page provides visibility into failed and missing materializations, check warnings and check errors.
  • [ui] You can now share feedback with the Dagster team directly from the app. Open the Help menu in the top nav, then “Share feedback”. Bugs and feature requests are submitted directly to the Dagster team.
  • [ui] When editing a team, the list of team members is now virtualized, allowing for the UI to scale better for very large team sizes.
  • [ui] Fixed dark mode for billing components.